Chapter 18

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"Pleaaaasssee! Come on! It'll be fuuunn!" Danny pleaded.

Dash bit his lip, "I don't know Danny, I'm not very good at it," Danny smiled

"I can teach you! Come on you can't be any worse than Tucker!" He laughed.

"I heard that!" Tucker called in offense. He wasn't sure what they were talking about from where he was, getting food, but he knew he needed to feel offended.

"You were supposed to!" He looked back at Dash with big puppy eyes. He did, in fact, know exactly how to get his way.

Dash scowled at him, Danny knew he melted under that face. "You have so much work to catch up on," he pointed out. Danny puffed out his lip, ding ding ding. He'd lost. Dash sighed and smiled, "Alright."

Danny smiled brightly, "Yay!"

Sam sat down with her tray of food as he cheered, "Oh lost to the puppy face again? What's going on?" She laughed.

He smiled at her, "Dash is going to come ice skating with us!"

She smiled, "Sweet! Are you any good?" Dash shook his head, laughing. She laughed too, "Don't worry Tucker isn't good either"

"Hey!" Tucker acted offended as he sat next to Sam, making the others laugh.

"Look the losers are back together!" Paulina yelled in a nasty tone.

"Look the clown is back from the circus!" Danny yelled back without missing a beat making people around them laugh. Paulina scowled and gave him a look that said this wasn't over before storming away.

Dash laughed and wrapped an arm around Danny, "Do you and Jazz coordinate that?"

Danny smiled, "What? Did Jazz say something similar?" He laughed. We have the same thought process. I think that's where Paulina goes after school. She runs away with the circus every night."

Sam smirked at him "I like savage Danny." Danny just grinned at her before the bell rang.


Dash laced up his skates and shook his head as he watched Danny and Sam skate like pros. "Have you ever done this before?" Dani asked him.

He nodded "I'm not very good though, you?"

She shook her head, "This is my first," she laughed as she watched Tucker walk onto the ice like a baby dear before slipping and falling on his butt. She got up and pulled Dash with her, "Let's do this." They stepped onto the ice and wobbled a bit but other than that they weren't that bad.

Danny stopped in front of Dash, "See you're not that bad. At least you can stay up," he laughed, looking at Tucker who was indeed struggling to stay up.

"You guys are like pros out there," Dash said, watching Sam spin around so quickly she was a blur.

Danny shrugged, "We've come here since we were five," he looked at Tucker, "Some of us just never got better." Dani laughed and skated around them, "Look at you, you're pretty good," Danny watched her.

She laughed, "It's not that hard," she said and skated away.

Danny grabbed Dash's hands and pulled him along, "Come on I won't let you fall." Dash smiled and let his boyfriend pull him along.

"Let's party!" Sam yelled as she turned on some music.

They skated for hours on end. Dash was getting better as the day went on with Danny's help. Before he knew it Dash was able to skate by himself without any trouble. Danny was skating along the edge of the rink when for no fathomable reason he started feeling panic and fear course through his body. He stopped when he felt his legs start to shake. Something was definitely wrong. He looked at his hands which were doing the same thing. Then his breath started to come out in puffs as he felt his body start to convulse.

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