Chapter 48

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"I need to speak to the doctor examining my son this instant," Maddie said to the nurse at the front desk. They had been there for the better part of an hour and had heard nothing. Jack was trying his best to keep the kids calm. Dash was walking a rut in the floor, as was his usual when anything was wrong with Danny.

"Ma'am," The nurse sighed exasperatedly then straightened up, looking behind her, "Mister Masters."

Vlad stopped by Maddie's side, "You heard the woman, let us talk to them," He said in a mildly demanding tone.

The nurse looked conflicted and got up, "I'll see what I can do," she went down the hall.

Maddie sighed, "Thanks, Vlad. I know this isn't how things are done, I'm just worried what they might see."

Vlad put a hand on her shoulder, "As am I. Tell me what you know," he looked at her. She nodded.


Danny creaked open his eyes and blinked slowly in the dim light of the room. He looked around and groaned. He was hooked up to many machines and fluids. Honestly, he had seen these rooms too many times in his life now. Couldn't he get a break?

He sat up when a wave of nausea hit him. He looked around and grabbed a pale that was on the nightstand, releasing the contents of his stomach. Apparently not.

He sighed and rubbed his face after he put the pale down. A nurse came in and smiled, "Good evening Mister Fenton. Are you feeling alright?"

Danny nodded and pushed his hair out of his face, "What happened?" He asked.

She smiled softly, "According to your friends, you fell unconscious. You're mother and Mister Masters are talking to Dr. Bell but then she will be in to see you and speak about your condition okay?"

Danny nodded and she left. Dr. Bell. That was the doctor he saw all those years ago. She seemed nice at least. Hopefully, he didn't show too much while he was out.

After what felt like an agonizingly long period, Dr. Bell came in with Maddie and Vlad. "Danny," Dr. Bell smiled, "Are we feeling okay?"

Danny nodded slowly, looking between Maddie's and Vlad's face. Both looked completely and utterly shocked. "What's going on? Is something wrong with me?"

"Well-" Dr. Bell started but Maddie put her hand up.

"Wait. This is a conversation Dash needs to be a part of," she said and went to retrieve him.

Dash looked confused then completely scared, "Did something happen to him?" He rushed in after her.

"Kind of," she hummed, "He's okay at the very least but you need to be a part of this conversation," she opened the door and let him in.

Dash immediately went to Danny's side, "Are you okay?"

Danny nodded, "I'm okay... for now. What's going on?" He frowned at the tree in front of him. Dash looked at them with a confused face.

Dr. Bell looked between the adults to make sure they were all set then looked at Danny, "I will start off by addressing that I am aware of your ghost half as of a few hours ago."

This made both boys tense. "I would like to say that only a few select nurses and myself are aware of this. We take patient confidentiality very seriously and we will not speak a word of this. Just to be certain though, Mister Masters team will have a word with ours to keep this secret safe. You have nothing to worry about here." That did seem to make them relax a bit.

"I will, however, use this information to conduct research on your condition," she stated.

"And what is my condition?" Danny asked with a pinch of agitation.

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