Chapter 50

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How long had it been? Four days? Five maybe? Dash wasn't sure due to the dim lighting of this room. They had tossed him into a windowless room a few days ago when he escaped his cage.

He had seen the sky go red from the window of the warehouse, had heard the march of the skeleton army, and feared for his boyfriend's state. He worried Danny would not have priority to take care of himself and their baby while under control. He remembered the time Danny had fallen under Freakshow's control for the first time. He was tired and hungry when things settled down.

With that knowledge in mind, Dash escaped his prison. He only made it to the front door, however, before being overwhelmed by ghosts guarding the place. Once made aware of the situation, Skulker aided his escape. He was unaware if Skulker made it out or not. He hoped so.

Dash sighed and slid down the wall. They were feeding him just enough to keep him alive, he felt weak. On day one of being in this square prison, he had banged on the door as hard as he could, and tried to break down a wall, anything that would aid his escape but... nothing worked. In random fits of hysteria, he would try once more to bring down the door. He almost managed one day. They had reinforced the door after that.

He looked up quickly when he heard yelling and banging coming from outside the door. He shot up when he heard a horse then Sam, "We found them! Dash?" She called hopefully.

Dash ran to the door and banged on it, "Sam! I'm in here! Let me out please!"

A rush of happiness flooded his system at the sound of the door unlocking. Sam smiled in relief when she saw him and hugged him, "Thank goodness you're okay."

Dash hugged her, "I'm glad you're still yourself. Freakshow said he was going after you last I saw him," he pulled back and blinked at the visor sunglasses she had on. The lens was a light green color.

She smiled and tapped her glasses, "We found a way around that thanks to Vlad," she pulled him out of the room.

Fright Knight and Ember were rounding up all the ghosts they knocked out. They were both adorned with these glasses as well. They had modified a version for the knight so he could actually wear them.

"Glad to see you're alright," Ember smiled then hummed, "They haven't been feeding you right," she observed.

Dash looked down at himself with a small frown but chose to ignore it. He didn't look that bad, did he?

"You just look tired and weak is all," Sam put a hand on his shoulder.

Dash hummed, "How did you guys find me?"

"Skulker found us late last night," Sam said, checking out the window to check the perimeter a bit. 'So he did make it out'. That was good at least.

"And Danny?" He looked at her. All of their faces seemed to drop—even the masked knight. Sam looked out the window again. Dash frowned and walked over to where she was looking. His eyes widened at the sight of the town in the distance. Smoke billowed from multiple angles, skeleton ghosts flooding out from every side.

Fright Knight clanged his massive sword on the ground, a growl coming from him, "When I find the man responsible for turning my king into a dictator, there will be hell to pay!"

"He's spread his army all over the world," Ember hummed, "We're hoping with the finished glasses, we can turn the tide in this war and get some ghosts back on our side," she watched Sam pull out several pairs of glasses and put them on the ghosts. "We're not sure if these work to negate the control of the crystal yet though," they watched closely.

The Lunch Lady blinked a few times, "What? What happened?"

They all looked elated that it worked, one by one. "You guys figured out a solution fast," Dash smiled.

A Dash Of Hope (Dash X Danny)Where stories live. Discover now