Chapter 35

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"Oh Danny," Maddie hugged the ghost boy tight. They had woken Jack and Maddie after getting in their own reunion. Jack hugged them both tight, "We were scared we weren't going to get you back son."

Danny happily relished in their affection, "I missed you guys so much." He transformed in their hug, his clothes not necessarily fitting him right anymore.

Maddie smiled, "Look how much you've grown. We'll have to get you some new clothes." Danny smiled, "Yeah, not a lot of places to get new clothes in the ghost zone." Jack laughed and patted him on the back. He looked at the kids, "How did you guys get the portal working?"

Dash shook his head, "We didn't. He came through by himself."

Both his parents paused and looked at Danny. Danny laughed and waved them to follow him back down to the lab. They both marveled at the suit standing there. Danny laughed as they went to inspect the suit.

"Who built this?" Maddie asked, really examining the suit.

Danny smiled bigger, "Me," he said proudly at his parent's astonished faces. He laughed and hit a few buttons on his wristwatch. The suit moved to compact down to a small case. He came over and picked it up, sitting in one of the lab chairs. "It took Vlad and I a while to manage a working portal but when we did, we were sent to many places that weren't Earth, most not hospitable to us so I developed this suit that would care for us in those environments. I based most of it off the suit astronauts wear in space."

"This isn't even the same kid," Jazz commented in awe.

"Danny, that's incredible," Maddy smiled, "Where did you learn all of this?"

"A few people actually," Danny hummed, "If I wanted to get back, I had to learn so I could help. I learned ghost tech from Vlad, regular tech from Technus, and organic studies from Frostbite. It took a lot of time but we finally managed working portals. A lot of testing from Dani and me and here I am. I think I can get the Fenton portal running," he looked at it, "I need to so I can get Dani and Vlad out and return this world to how it was."

His parents just looked astonished, "Right. First thing in the morning then," Jack nodded.

Danny blinked, "Why not-", Maddy put her hand on his face, "Because you look tired and need rest." Danny sighed and nodded.

She smiled and looked at the kids, "Take him to bed, see you kids in the morning," she kissed Danny's cheek and took Jack upstairs.

Dash smiled and swooped up Danny from the chair, making Danny laugh, "C'mon baby boy, time for bed." Danny happily snuggled up to him. The girls followed up after.


"That's amazing," Danny smiled, eating breakfast and programming the portal.

Jazz had been telling him about her accomplishments in college so far and about how she got a book published on her family and their ghost technologies. She beamed, "Thank you."

Danny looked up when he heard feet running down the stairs. He smiled when he saw Valerie. He got up and took the incoming bear hug. "Don't ever do that again!" She hugged him tightly.

"Not planning on it," he laughed.

She smiled and looked at him "Well you certainly grew up," she laughed at his height now.

He laughed, "The same could be said for you." Valerie had cut her hair short with the right side of her head shaved. Her outfit had transitioned to an off-the-shoulder yellow top and red shorts.

She smiled, "I know. My curves came in, thanks for noticing."

Danny blushed instantly, "I didn't mean it like that."

She laughed, "Relax, I know. You're about as straight as a wet noodle. I'm just messing with you."

He scratched his cheek, "You definitely haven't changed."

She booped his nose, "Neither have you."

He rubbed his face and looked around, "So who's going to spill where Tucker is?" He paused at the angry faces of his boyfriend and best friend. "Did something happen?" He asked.

Jazz sighed, "He said some mean stuff and blew them off for a girl last night," she said. He blinked, "Tucker? A girl? Mean?" He frowned at the last part.

"I texted him that you were back," Sam huffed, "No answer. The usual with him lately."

Danny frowned and sat back down, "Boy things have sure changed huh?"

Dash rolled his chair over and pulled him over into his lap, "Some things have yeah," he kissed his cheek, "Some things have stayed the same though, waiting for you to come home."

Danny smiled softly and kissed him, "Sorry I took so long."

"You're worth the wait," Dash smiled.

Sam and Valerie rolled their eyes and made gagging faces at each other. Danny laughed at them and hopped back into his own chair to get back to work.

He started humming a tune that made the three look at him in surprise. "You will remember my name," Danny bobbed his head as he sang a little. He paused when he saw his friend's faces. "Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

"Why do I feel the urge to chant your name?" Valerie shook her head.

Danny put his hands over his mouth, "Oh I'm so sorry. Ember's been teaching me how to do her wail and I got the hang of it but I'm still figuring it out," he laughed.

Sam smiled, "Is she okay?" He smiled and nodded, "She's a very close friend now," he smiled.

He turned back to the computer and uploaded a bit more work then looked back to see the portal glowing to life. He smiled and got up to start piecing the portal together. Dash looked between the portal and the computer, looking his work over to see how he got the portal up so quickly.

Danny transformed and flew up to get all the coils and wires hooked on. Valerie came over to look at his work as well and whistled, "Want a job, Fenton?"

Danny laughed, "Might take you up on that Val," He landed back on the ground and went back to the computers to put in a few more commands.

"Okay," he looked at the buzzing portal ready to come to life, "So Vlads gone through some Fenton rehabilitation so he shouldn't pull anything stupid but still keep an eye on him," he said to the rest who nodded. He nodded then paused when he saw the on-and-off switch inside the portal, "In retrospect, we probably should have put that on the outside this time," he sighed. "I'll go in," he nodded.

Sam caught his arm, "You'll lose your powers," She said. He sighed and nodded in an it's okay way. She shook her head, "Suit me up, I'll do it."

He looked at her quickly, "Sam, that could make you like me. Or worse."

She tossed around the idea in her head, "I think I'm okay with that. I can handle it."

Danny rubbed his neck lightly and looked at Dash who shrugged, "She seems pretty confident about this."

Sam nodded and grabbed a suit, "Plus best case, nothing could happen to me and Dani can come home."

Valerie hummed, "Worst case, you could die fully."

That made Sam pause just for a second but she shook her head, "They deserve to come home and if I can help, I'm going to."

Danny came over as she stepped up to the portal, "I can't talk you out of this? We can get a really big stick."

Sam gave him a deadpan look, "The portal would eat a stick up in seconds before it could even start up fully. I'm doing this Danny. You support me?" Danny sighed and nodded. "Good," she nodded and went in. She looked around and took a breath before hitting the button. She looked around as the panels lit up around her, the portal starting up.


Love you ghosties 👻👻👻👻👻❤️❤️❤️

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