Chapter 27

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Danny came back to school three days later after his wounds had mostly healed. He kept his head tilted down, eyes downcast. He felt horrible, he really did. Valerie was one of his best friends and in a way, he felt he betrayed her on the highest level. Like he had committed treason.

He stopped when he heard a locker door slam shut. He looked up and met the steely emerald eyes of said girl. Valerie glared at him and turned around, walking to her class. Danny sighed heavily and dropped his head. He jumped when an arm wrapped around him. "She'll come around," Dash smiled reassuringly.

Danny smiled weakly, "I doubt it but thank you," he got on his toes and kissed Dash's cheek.

Dash smiled sadly when he saw the broken look in his eyes. "Come on," Danny said when the bell rang. 'I have to do something' Dash thought as Danny pulled him to class.


"Val! Val! Valerie!" She finally stopped to look back at whoever was using her name like a chant. She huffed and rolled her eyes when she saw Dash running towards her. She turned sharply on her heel and kept walking, "If you think you can talk me into making up with your little ghost, you have another thing coming." She hissed.

Dash slowed to walk with her, "Why?"

"Uh, how about he ruined my life?" She rolled her eyes.

"Really? From what I've heard, from multiple sources, Cujo ruined your life. Not Danny," he pointed out.

She whipped around quickly, "It's his dog!" She yelled, making people look at them. She rolled her eyes and kept moving.

"No, it's not, it just follows him," He kept at it, not even blinking an eye at the outburst. "You assume that because he was there but did you ask him? If you did, you would know that it wasn't his fault and just how sorry he is though he tried to stop the dog. You would know just how miserable he is knowing you want nothing to do with him."

Valerie was slowing to a stop, the words sinking in. Dash stopped, "You would know how much every day killed him because you are one of his best and he couldn't tell you who he was because you hate his other side for something that wasn't his fault. Little advice, stop looking at everything from one side. And I know what you're thinking," he said at the look on her face, "Yes, part of this is because he is my world and I want to see him happy above everything else, but it's also to let you see that not everything is black and white. You probably think, 'Danny ruined everything, It's all his fault. Why would I trust anyone like him?' Things aren't always the way you think they are. I'm saying all of this because it's what's right. Now I could have been mean and said get over yourself and go talk to him but," he shrugged. "It's up to you. Just know that he's an amazing friend and would do anything for you. I have to get to class now, think it over." He started to his class.

Valerie looked after him and sighed, when did Dash Baxter get so smart? She heaved another sigh and went to class.


Danny sat on the bench outside and rubbed his face. Pop quizzes, Dash disappearing on him and the overwhelming sadness that loomed over him for days was all too much for the day. He jumped when someone suddenly sat next to him.

He looked up and immediately turned into even more of a sour mood when he saw Paulina's smirking face. "What do you want?" He hissed.

She put on the most fake smile he had ever seen, "Hey, I'm here to show you what your boyfriend actually thinks about you," she said in fake sympathy. She pulled out her pink jewel studded phone and hit play on a video. It was from a hiding spot around the corner where Dash and Valerie were in the hall, Valerie looked shocked as Dash said, "Danny ruined everything, It's all his fault. Why would I ever trust anyone like him?"

Danny's heart broke at the words but his face remained steel like. He had a hard time believing Dash would say something like that but his already bleeding heart was weak. Paulina shrugged, "You can think it's fake all you want, but it's not. Honestly, you think I can make a video like this?" She had a point, she was nowhere near smart enough for that. That only made his heart ache more.

She grinned and got up, "Later babe," she sauntered off. A small tear ran down his cheek. He got up and walked out the gate, away from the school. He transformed and flew away. Paulina smirked when she saw him go out the gate. "My work is done," she clapped off her hands.


"Hey Baxter," Valerie stopped by his lunch table and crossed her arms, "I went to talk to Fenton and couldn't find him, where is he?"

He raised a brow, "I thought he wasn't here yet because he was talking to you," He got up.

"Where would he go?" Sam got up.

"And why would he leave?" Tucker asked.

"I think I have an idea who we can ask," Valerie glared at Paulina and Star's smirking faces. She stormed over and slammed her hands on the table, "Where's Danny?" She growled.

"Like, how would we know?" Star asked in her shrill voice.

"We don't know where the losers herd. Shouldn't you have gotten that email?" Paulina rolled her eyes. "His loser heart just couldn't take hearing his boyfriend talk so badly about him," she cackled.

Dash was suddenly looming over them, "What did you do?" Star shrank a bit but Paulina just played the video. Dash paled, "" Paulina grinned widely before cackling again.

A pale fist collided with her face before anyone could blink, sending Paulina to the ground. "Whoo, I've always wanted to do that. Let's go find him," Sam said.

"MANSON," Mr. Lancer yelled across the room. "And quickly!" She pushed them all out the door.

"Where would he go?" Valerie asked.

"Let's try his house first," Tucker said.

They nodded and got into Dash's truck. Dash gripped the steering wheel, "She is such a bitch!" He hit the wheel.

Valerie scoffed, "She always has been. She targets Danny like a homing pigeon because she likes you."

Dash gagged a little and pulled up to the Fenton house. He got out and knocked on the door. Maddie opened it and pulled her hood off, "Oh hi kids. Wait, shouldn't you be at school?" She gave a scolding look. Dash mumbled an apology and went past her.

"Is Danny here?" Sam asked.

Maddie looked at Sam, "He's not at school?"

Tucker rubbed his neck, "Well he was but... It's a long story."

"He's not here," Dash said when he came downstairs. "Where could he have gone?"


Far deep amongst the floating doors of all shapes and sizes, glowing softly with the green hue that seemed to cover the zone for miles and miles, dark ridged craters floated aimlessly. A small form curled up on a smaller one could be seen. Danny had his legs pulled to himself with his legs pulled to himself. Tears slid down his cheeks silently, a shadow cast over his. The only sound that could be heard was too quiet for even a mouse to hear, "Why do I even bother?"

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