Chapter 41

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Dash blinked softly. He sat up when his eyes met the halls of the school. He looked around and jumped up when he saw Danny on the floor a bit away. "Danny? Baby?" he shook him.

Danny groaned and looked up at him then around. He blinked more awake, "Are we at the school?" He sat up.

Dash nodded, "Weren't we just in the Ghost Zone? How did we even get here?"

Danny looked around and pointed at the sphere, "That. It's what brought us here. I don't think we're home though," he got up with Dash's help. "It's a time orb. It can take you anywhere in the past or future," Danny picked it up.

They both paused as they heard fast paced footsteps. Danny grabbed Dash's hand and turned them invisible. "Ahh!" Danny from the past yelled and ran down the hall. "Ahh!" Dash from the past yelled and ran after him, holding papers.

"That's it fen-ton, run! But I'm taking this D I got on our spelling test out on your hide!" He yelled and chased Danny past them into another hall.

Dash rubbed his face, "Wow I really didn't need to see this." He looked up again when past Danny started running in the opposite direction with now Kwan after him. Past Danny ran and jumped intangible through the floor so Dash and Kwan would knock into each other.

"So that's how you go away," he laughed. "We didn't make school easy for you did we?"

Danny laughed, "Not a bit," he said as he fiddled with the orb. "Don't linger on it. It's in the past," he bumped him so he'd stop feeling guilty.

He blinked when the scene changed again but this time it was Dash and Paulina talking in the cafeteria. Paulina was talking quickly and excitedly, "And when I came to, Invisobil was there asking if I was alright. Apparently, a ghost was in my body for days. Of course, she picked me. I'm perfect. Anyway, Invisobil saved me again! I know we're destined to be together," she sighed dreamily.

"That's so cool," Dash said in a giddy tone. Present Dash covered his face and looked away. "Imagine a kid like us goin' out there and kicking butt every day! Must be so cool to be him," he sighed with Paulina.

Present Dash looked at Danny and groaned at the massive grin on his face. Danny turned to him slowly. Dash rubbed his face, "Get it out of your system," he waved.

Danny shook his arm, "You were my fanboy?" He giggled and flew up to meet where Dash's face was turned away. He grinned big, "That is amazing."

Dash stared at him and then blushed. He looked at his smile, now set with a pair of fangs. He blushed more, "You're so cute."

Danny blushed then smiled and kissed him, "You really like my fangs, don't you?" Dash opened his mouth, but Danny covered it, "I know that's not why you said that. I can still tell."

Dash wrapped his arms around his hips and pulled him close, "I do like them. They're pretty hot. Not gonna lie," he smiled as Danny rested his arms on Dash's shoulders. "Now, let's get out of here. I can't stand the past," he looked over at his past self tormenting Danny.

"Well first we have to figure out.." Danny trailed off as the scene changed around them again. He groaned instantly when the haunted house materialized around them.

Dash sighed, "It got worse. Way worse." Danny cringed at the dirty pair of underwear on the podium, "You're telling me."

Dash heaved another sigh and patted Danny's rear, "Turn intangible baby. I can't watch this."

Danny laughed but did as he was told anyway. Dash walked them through a wall to a different part of the school. "What do you think? Can we get back?"

"Well," Danny fiddled with the orb. He blinked when it started glowing, "Maybe. Oh," he smiled when the scene changed to Clockworks Lair. "Oh," he said when he saw Clockwork holding another time orb. Clockwork took the orb from Danny. "You knew that was gonna happen?"

A Dash Of Hope (Dash X Danny)Where stories live. Discover now