Chapter 25

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Dash walked around the halls looking around, Danny had usually found him by now. He diverted when he saw Sam and Tucker, "Hey, have you guys seen-"

"FENTON!" Someone screamed. Danny came skidding around the corner followed by a hot paced Valerie with a coffee covered shirt. Danny saw them and ran around behind Dash. Valerie stomped over.

Though every time she would go around one side Danny would go the other. "You can't hide behind your boyfriend all day!" She growled.

"Come on Val, it was an accident!" Danny said but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh.

"Do you know how much this cost!?" She yelled.

"More than you can afford?" He quipped.

She yelled in anger and pushed Dash aside, tackling him to the ground. "I am going to tear you apart limb from limb," she growled.

He smirked, "Nice and slow right?"

She glared at him, "Don't push my buttons, you know I could kick your ass around the block."

Danny laughed, "I do know that," he calmed, "I'm sorry."

She scoffed and let him go, "You better be," she got up and started down the hall, "You owe me a new shirt!" She called.

"Top of my list!" Danny called back and sat up, smirking when he heard her laugh.

Sam and Tucker were laughing purely at Dash's face. "What the hell just happened?" He finally said.

"That's Danny and Val's friendship. They're weird," Tucker laughed.

"You do realize she still wants you dead right?" Sam asked when he got up.

"No, she wants Phantom dead so all I have to do is make sure they don't cross paths then we'll be peachy," he smiled.

Sam shook her head, "You're playing with fire."

Danny shrugged, "Haven't gotten burnt yet," he giggled.

Dash smiled and took his hand, "You wanna fill me in?"

Danny smiled back and nodded, "It all started with Cujo.." Danny started as they walked down the hall. Sam and Tucker smiled in their direction.

"I still say he's playing a dangerous game," she said.

Tucker nodded, "But he knows that, I mean, you said the same thing about Dash, and look at them. He's turned out to be one of the best things for Danny. As long as she doesn't know it's him then I think they'll be okay as friends," Tucker countered.

Sam raised a brow at him and smiled, "Alright smarty pants, let's go to class," she dragged him along.


"I know," Danny laughed as he and Valerie walked down the hall. Valerie laughed with him. That is until she was pulled away by Paulina and Star. "What now you're hanging out with the loser too?" Paulina screeched.

"Yeah, that's like so not cool Val," Star went on.

Kwan pushed Danny roughly, "Why don't you hang out with your own losers instead of taking our people!" He yelled.

Danny put his hands on his hips, "It's not my fault they like me better. Not all of them are Kwan bots that have no will of their own," he smirked.

Kwan growled and advanced on him. "Danny run!" Valerie yelled. 'Oh please I got this' he thought but stopped when Jazz's word from that morning rang in his head 'You need to try harder to keep a low profile, people are starting to notice'.

He sighed before running in the opposite direction as Kwan ran after him yelling; "FENTON!" 'Think! Where's Dash during free period?! Workout! Gym!' He diverted his path to the gym. He pushed the doors open roughly as the hotheaded jock ran after him.

Dash looked up when the doors were opened. He stood from the machine instantly when he saw Danny running. He grew angry when he saw who was chasing him. Danny saw him and ran behind him. Kwan skidded to a stop when he came face to face with Dash's steel face, arms crossed. Dash simply shook his head. Kwan laughed nervously and backed up, "I'm just gonna go," he pointed at the door. Dash nodded and he ran back out.

Dash looked back at Danny, "Hey you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked but Danny was just looking at him with a dazed look and a hung mouth. After all, all Dash had on was his pants.

Dash smirked and waved a hand in front of his face, "Earth to Danny."

Danny jumped back into reality and looked at him, "Huh?"

Dash continued to smirk, "What's wrong Danny? Having a hard time concentrating?" He moved closer.

Danny blushed, "I uh..... um... I.." He stumbled before looking away, "Stop!"

"Why?" Dash laughed.

"Because I can't function properly!" He yelled.

Dash laughed and sat back on the bench of the machine, "So what happened?"

It was Danny's turn to smirk, "I opened my mouth," he said simply.

Dash laughed a little, "That's never good," that got a glare from Danny. He laughed, "Just kidding baby boy. Tell me what happened." Danny blushed at the name but explained nonetheless. Dash sighed when he was done, "What am I going to do with you?"

Danny laughed and shrugged, "What would I do without you? Seems like two impossible situations." Dash laughed and pulled him down into a kiss. Danny smiled and kissed back wholeheartedly.

He let go and laughed at Danny's beaming face, "Stay out of trouble okay?"

Danny shrugged, "I'll think about it," which earned a laugh and an eye roll.

Dash got back on his machine, "Bye trouble, love you."

Danny laughed as he skipped to the door, "Bye teddy bear, love you too," he called and went out the door.

"Oh for the love of-" Danny got out.

"Beware! For I am the Box ghost!" The Box ghost interrupted, flying straight at him. He quickly transformed and flew out of the way, sending the box ghost straight into the wall. He laughed until a box was thrown at him. "Tremble in fear from uh.." the box ghost looked at the label on the boxes, "Oh yeah uh the Nutcracker!" The boxes fell off and Danny had a tutu on. He turned a dark shade of red when the gym occupants came out at the commotion and laughed at the sight of him. Dash put a hand over his mouth but couldn't help but laugh.

Danny growled and ripped the outfit off, "You are so going to pay for that one," he glowered. The Box ghost shrieked before a plasma ray hit him. "Let's just get rid of you," Danny held up the thermos and sucked him up.

Danny landed, jocks still laughing. He put his hands on his hips, "Yeah yeah, you know I could just let him go again," he tempted and pointed the thermos at them. They shook their heads quickly and ran back into the gym.

Dash laughed, "What I thought you looked cute."

Danny blushed harder, "Shut up," he crossed his arms.

Dash laughed again and walked over, "You love me," he tipped his chin up so he was looking at him.

Danny smiled, "I do," he said before Dash kissed him softly.

Danny's eyes opened wide when he heard the hum of a gun. He pushed Dash out of the way right before he got shot through a wall.

"Danny!" Dash sat up. He froze when Valerie clad in her ghost hunting armor.

She glared down at Dash, "Don't you have a boyfriend?" She hissed. "He'll sure be angry to hear about your cheating ass!" She growled and went after Danny with her giant bazooka.

Danny groaned and rubbed his head as the guys fled out of the gym. He looked up to see Valerie coming through the hole his body made. "Mackin' on someone else's boyfriend Phantom? This time, you're finished!"

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