Chapter 16

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Hey my ghosties! Sorry updating is taking so long! I just got rid of a nasty cold so hopefully I'll update more frequently! Anyway enjoy!


Dash paced rigidly up and down the waiting room, chewing his index finger absentmindedly. He stopped and looked at Sam and Tucker again, "Won't they find out he's half ghost by his DNA?" He asked, notably anxious.

Tucker shook his head exasperatedly. "Not if he's in his human form," Tucker assured. Dash nodded and went back to walking a rut into the floor.

The paramedics had rushed Danny to the hospital four hours prior to the....' accident'. They had told them that Danny had gotten to school late and had an unfortunate run-in with the ghost attacking the school. To their relief, the medics believed them. Jazz had driven Sam, Tucker, Dash, and Dani up to the hospital where they met Maddie and Jack. Danny was immediately rushed into surgery and three hours later the doctor came out to speak with family only. That left the three distressed teenagers to wait in the cold fluorescent-lit room that smelled strongly of antiseptic, distraught as to whether their friend would be okay or not.

Sam and Tucker stood and Dash stopped again when the family came through the door again. They paled when they saw the downcast and miserable looks on all of them. Dash's lip quivered slightly, "Don't tell me..."

Jazz gave him a minuscule smile, "They managed to close up the wound but there were a few complications.."

All three stepped forward some, "Like..?" Sam egged on.

"He's...he's.." Jazz's voice broke.

Dani hugged her close and looked at them, "He's in a coma and they don't think he'll wake up at all," she mumbled.

Time seemed to stop around Dash, "W-what..?" He could faintly hear Sam choking back sobs next to him as Tucker pulled her to his chest. He felt as if his world was shattering like the ground underneath him was turning to flimsy hay that he would fall through at any given moment. Is this his punishment? For finding actual happiness? Was he just not destined to be happy and in love? They didn't think he would come out of it? Then it hit him. Today might be the last he could get of Danny. He would never see his smile again, hear his laugh, laugh at how jealous he gets, or how hyperactive he turns just by looking at sugar. He may never get to be with his soul mate. Scorching tears raced down his cheeks. He covered his mouth to prevent the sobs that climbed up his throat from escaping his lips. Maddie paced over and engulfed him in a hug, holding him tight to provide any kind of comfort to the younger male. Dash hugged her back and let his tears flow freely "Danny.." he cried.

Maddie rubbed his back, "Shh shh honey he might make it out. You have to believe he will," she soothed, rubbing her own tears out of her eyes.

"What if he doesn't?" Dash murmured.

"Then do you really think Danny would want you to be miserable every day? Don't you think he would want you to smile and be happy? He would want us all to be and to think of the positives."

Dash pulled away and smiled a little, wiping away his tears, "He does always try to make people smile."

Maddie nodded, "He's always been that way."

Dash calmed and smiled, "You're right".

Jack walked over, "Do you guys want to see him?" He, Sam, and Tucker nodded.

Dani and Jazz led them down the hall, two rights, past a nurses station and another left. They stopped at room 209 and opened the door. The room was fairly large with sleek cream floors, beige walls with multiple cabinets scattered along them, a large window that lit up the room seeing that it was only a quarter til 5 pm, a TV, a door that led to the bathroom, a medium couch, a chair and a bed in the middle. Danny laid still as a statue in the middle, his chest rising and falling rhythmically as the tubes in his nose pumped air into his lungs. His arms were littered with tubes and such, all wired to machines to keep track of his heart and blood. His skin was ironically a ghostly white with the exception of the bags under his eyes that were ghastly purple. His hair was disheveled and sprawled in all directions. In retrospect, he looked like he had been to hell and back. Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Dani took the couch while Dash took the chair closest to Danny. He took Danny's hand gently into his own.

It was silent for what felt like centuries until Dani spoke up, "This is my fault.."

They all looked at her, "No Dani.." Jazz started.

"Yes. It's my fault! If I hadn't charged at Xander like I did... if I hadn't been so hot-headed... Danny might be okay," she choked on her words.

Jazz hugged her, "No Dani. He loves you and wouldn't want you to blame yourself. That ghost was stronger than anything I've seen. Even if you didn't charge at him I'm positive the results would have been the same. Danny protects first without a second thought. Even if it meant putting his life on the line."

Dani looked up at her, "You really think he doesn't blame me?"

Jazz opened her mouth but Dash beat her to it, "Of course not. Danny could never hate you." In reality, some part of him did blame Dani and her reckless actions. He wanted to lash out, he wanted to be so mad. But he promised himself he was going to be different. For Danny. He knew Danny would be upset with him if he did. He would eventually let go of the anger in him but for now, he just clung to the hope that Danny would wake up.

"Or any of us for that matter," Sam smiled.

"And boy has he tried," Tucker joked making everyone laugh. Dani smiled and cuddled into Jazz's side.

Sam stopped laughing when her phone went off. She looked at it and groaned, "My parents want me home."

"Me too," Tucker said, looking at his phone as well.

Jack peered into the room, "You kids need a ride? The Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle can get you home in a jiffy, " he said as enthusiastically as he could knowing his son was comatose maybe indefinitely. Sam and Tucker nodded.

Sam kissed Danny's forehead, "Don't listen to those doctors Danny. Be the rebel you are and wake up soon," she told him.

Tucker smiled at his girlfriend affectionately then at his best friend, "You heard the girl dude. Come back to us soon," and with that, they left with Jack.

Not long after they left Dani's stomach audibly growled in hunger causing Jazz to laugh, "How about we go get some food from the cafeteria?" Dani smiled and nodded. They got up and walked to the door. They stopped and looked at Dash, "You coming?"

He nodded slightly, "I'll be down in a second." Dani nodded and left.

Jazz smiled at him as he looked back at Danny, "You know, I did read about this theory that comatose patients can hear and feel everything around them. I'm not sure if it's true but it couldn't hurt to talk to him right?"

Dash smiled back at her, "No it wouldn't." She gave him one last smile and left.

Dash looked at Danny and smiled, "You're going to be okay. I know it. You're Danny Fenton, you always make it out okay." He squeezed Danny's hand slightly as a tear slid down his cheek, "You have to be okay....there's no way I can do anything anymore without you. I've built my world around you are my world now and you're not allowed to leave me so soon got it?" He stood up and kissed Danny's cheek, "I don't know what I'd do without you so... so just wake up soon okay?" He let go of Danny's hand, "I love you too much to lose you," he whispered.

Maddie poked her head into the room and smiled at Dash, "Come get some food dear." He nodded and followed her out. Neither seemed to notice the smile that ghosted Danny's lips or the small tear that made its way down the teen's cheek and disappeared all too quickly, returning to the monotone face of comatose.

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