Chapter 32

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Dani's eyes shot open, "Ow," she put her hands on her ears as they rang with the sound of a thousand bells. Her bleary eyes searched around her for the answers to her unasked questions, letting off a soft breath as they were all answered by the carnage around her. Islands were broken to pieces, and ectoplasm sprayed everywhere from the midst of past battles. "Danny," she croaked and looked around. She pushed herself up on wobbly knees, looking around frantically. Her eyes landed on Ember on the ground of a floating island near her, Ember's guitar hanging by its strap on the edge of said island.

Dani shook her head to clear it and flew up to the island, snatching the guitar on the way by. She looked around cautiously, painfully aware of the battles still raging on not too far from them. "Ember," she shook the ghost girl softly, taking notes of the small wounds scattered along her luminescent skin.

Ember groaned and peered an eye open at her, "Are we dead?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Haha," Dani said sarcastically and got up. "We really will be soon if we don't figure something out. Where's Danny?" She questioned herself as she looked around. Ember got up and took her guitar from the small girl, looking around as well. "There," she gasped, seeing Danny as Fenton bleeding out on a floating stone.

Dani gasped and flew down immediately. "He's lost so much blood," she said in a panicky voice, trying to put pressure on the wounds to stop the bleeding. Ember sighed, her thoughts moving to the worst, "Dani-", she paused when a shadow loomed over them. Frostbite had stopped over them and was now looking at his fallen friend in worry.

"Seems I have stumbled upon the Great One in his moment of need," he moved forward, causing the girls to tense. "Fear not young ones, Danny Phantom is a friend and I wish to help him," he said calmly.

Dani hummed and nodded, "Okay, please help him."

He nodded, "Of course," he picked Danny up carefully, "Come, I can see to all your wounds and keep you safe," he said.

Ember hummed, "As long as you've got some snow gear for us icicle."

Frostbite let off a hearty laugh, "Yes of course young Firey one," he said and led them away. Dani paused and picked up the smashed remains of hers and Danny's phones.


"You kids be careful," Maddie sighed and pulled up her hood, shutting the door to the Specter Speeder. She then looked at her husband, "Alright honey, we need to get that poison nuke before they do anything with it so let's go!" She exclaimed.

The speeder sped into the ghost zone, immediately earning gasps from the teens inside once they saw the massacre going on around them. Dash's face paled dramatically as he looked around, frantically looking for Danny. Valerie reached over and took his hand, "I'm sure he's just fine Dash, Danny's tough as nails," she smiled.

Dash smiled softly back, "You're right," he said but inside he knew something was very wrong.

Sam's eyes searched everywhere as she drove, looking for where they could have hunkered down, silently looking for Ember as well. She gasped and diverted when a dragon came flying by. "Was that a dragon?" Valerie gasped.

Sam huffed as the dragon started flying after them, seeing the amulet around its neck. "Yes and looks like it's trying to keep us company," she hit the gas.

Tucker looked back, "Wonder which ghost is possessed this time," he hummed.

Valerie blinked, "What do you mean?"

Tucker hummed, "That thing around its neck is called the Amulet of Aragon. Once on its victim, it can turn them into a dragon at first sight of rage," he explained.

Valerie shook her head, "Could you just imagine that on miss prima donna drama herself? She's always a fire breathing bitch anyway," she rolled her eyes.

Tucker snickered, "Funny you should mention-", they all gasped as the speeder shook from dragon fire. "Talk later, Escape now!" Sam yelled and punched the gas.


"Thank you," Dani smiled softly at the yeti who was tending to her wounds.

He smiled and nodded, "Of course. Is there anything else I can help you with?" He asked.

She paused and nodded, pulling out their smashed phones. She cringed as they fell apart a little, "Uhm, is there any way you can fix these?"

The yeti looked at them with calculating eyes, "I believe I can," he put his paws out for them. She smiled and handed them over, "Thank you." He nodded and took them to examine them.

Dani stood and moved her way over to Ember who was grumbling under her breath about the cold, all while clutching her jacket to herself. The yeti before her who was tending to her seemed immensely amused by this, only making her eyeliner clouded eyes squint a glare at him.

Dani giggled, "It's not that bad here."

Ember scoffed, "Those with ice powers get no opinion."

Dani laughed, "Okay, that's fair." She then moved to the cryo chamber where they were holding Danny in a small healing chamber.

She moved to Frostbite, "Is he okay?" Frostbite hummed, "Our fallen friend here took quite the injuries, I must say. However," he smiled, "They are of no match to our healing technology."

Dani relaxed significantly, "Thank you so much," she sat in a chair.

"The Great One and his comrades are always welcome amongst the Far Frozen. He is a dear friend to those of us," He smiled.

Danny creaked open his eyes softly with a groan, "Dash?"

Frostbite lit up, "Good morning sleeping beauty!"

Danny blinked awake fully at that. He rubbed his face, mindful of the oxygen mask on him, "Frostbite. Dani, oh thank goodness," he sighed in relief, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, "He brought us and Ember out here and healed us. We really thought you kicked the bucket there for a minute," she sighed.

"That makes two of us," He sighed.

"Three of us Sugar", Ember came in, "Glad you're okay."

He smiled and looked at Frostbite, "Am I doing okay?"

Frostbite let off a hearty laugh, "Of course my boy! You are here after all." He waved around to his healing lab.

Danny smiled, "Thank you. How much longer do I have to stay in here?"

He smiled, "You can come out now. I was simply giving you time to rest," he got up to help him out of the chamber. "I shall retrieve your clothes," Frostbite smiled and went that way. Danny looked down and covered himself with a blush. The girls just laughed and looked away.

Frostbite came back with his clothes, "Oh, and congratulations oh Great One."

Danny blinked as he got dressed, "On what?"

Frostbite patted his back, "On your mating my boy! I could smell it the moment I picked you up! Mating is wondrous news! In our culture, it means you're ready for the next stage in life!"

Danny stuttered and blushed darkly, "oh my god."

The girls gasped, "Really?" He blushed more, "Later! Crap, I called Dash before all that happened. I bet they're here in the ghost zone. We have to find them," he said.

Dani nodded, "A yeti is fixing our phones."

Danny nodded and moved to look out of the window up into the fluorescent green sky of the ghost zone, sighing, "Please be okay Baby."

I really appreciate the continuous support on this story and I look forward to continuing this story with you. Goodnight my ghosties! 👻👻👻

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