Chapter 17

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Hey, my little ghosties! Chapter 17! Really hope you like it! Enjoy:)


Dash sat back in the chair and sighed, staring at the homework on the table in the hospital room. It was too hard to think lately for this. His phone started ringing, making him groan. He fished it out of his pocket and answered without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?"

"Dash? Honey, when are you coming home?" His mom's voice filtered through.

He rubbed his face, "I don't know Mom. Later I guess."

He heard his mom sigh, "Honey I know he's your friend but you're up there every day, isn't that a bit excessive?" Dash bit his lip, he hadn't exactly told his parents about his newfound sexuality. "Dash?" How mom asked.

"What's going on son?" He heard his dad ask.

This made him groan, "Am I on speaker Mom?" He sighed.

"I'm cooking, I had to," Was her response.

"You aren't answering the question son," they said over each other.

Dash chewed his lip, Danny told his parents.... he took a breath, "Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you." They hummed for him to continue. He swallowed hard before continuing, "I'm...I'm bisexual." The silence on the other line was deafening.

He opened his mouth to speak when his dad spoke up, "Same rule as your sister, no boys in your room." Dash laughed out of pure relief.

"Dash, do you like this boy?" His mom asked.

Dash smiled, "I don't just like him, I love him. He's....he's my boyfriend," he managed.

"Ah," he could practically hear his mom smiling, "That's why you've been there every day. How long has it been?"

Dash's smile faded, "Two weeks. Mom he's a huge part of my life now. I...I..don't know what I'd do if he didn't wake up," he whined.

"You have to hope he will soon," his dad told him.

"Stay positive for him sweetie," came his mom.

He smiled, "Okay guys."

"Be home in half an hour," his dad demanded.

"Okay, Dad. Love you guys," He laughed softly.

"Love you too sweetie," his mom said before the line went dead.

Dash stuck his phone in his pocket and looked at Danny, "They know now, that I'm completely head over heels in love with the boy I used to bully," he laughed a little. "Sounds weird when I say it out loud." His smile dropped, "I should have been there. I should have...I could have..." he let out a frustrated sigh, "I would have only gotten in the way". He leaned forward and laid his head on the bed, "Please wake up baby boy, I miss you," he felt a tear slide down his cheek.

He was startled by a knock at the door, "Mister Baxter? I'm sorry but visiting hours are over," came a petite young nurse.

Dash sat up and nodded, "Okay thank you." She smiled sweetly and nodded before she took her leave. Dash pushed some hair from Danny's face gently and smiled at him, "Wake up soon Sleeping Beauty," he cooed and pecked Danny's lips. He gave him one last smile before leaving the room. Danny's hand twitched slightly toward were dash left before falling lifeless again.


Dash mindlessly doodled on his paper, paying nowhere close to enough attention to the lesson. "Psst" he heard, snapping out of his space adventure. He looked up at Sam. She gave him a meaningful look, "You okay?" She whispered. He nodded a little. She looked at his paper and smiled. He looked down and saw Danny's face doodled all over the paper. He smiled slightly and jumped when the bell rang. Sam stood "C'mon space case, let's go to lunch" he smiled and got up, following her out.

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