Chapter 37

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2 and a half years ago

Every day felt like a fight. A fight for shelter, a fight for territory, a fight for life. At least for those who were still half alive.

Danny had learned very quickly, that going Fenton was probably going to be few and far between. Without his powers, he couldn't protect himself or Dani.

They had taken refuge with Frostbite for some time who had welcomed them with open arms. Danny was very thankful that he at least had some allies in the Ghost Zone. Unlike a lot of the enemies he had made over the years. It hadn't really clicked just how many ghosts inhabited their world until they were all forced back into the ghost zone at once. Now it was absolutely brimming with specters all fighting for their own space to exist.

For a while, they denied Vlad's help but after a few saves from Aragon's Kingdom and the Carnivorous Canyon, they begrudgingly accepted his help and took him back to the Realm of the Far Frozen for shelter with Frostbite. Now he was working the yeti technology to attempt to build a portal home.

Danny sighed, resting on an icy cliffside and watching Vlad work from a distance. He still didn't trust him and wanted to keep an eye on him. Vlad himself had told him, he didn't need to trust him but to trust in his own want to get out of this place. That still didn't put his mind at ease though, so here he was.

Danny looked up when Ember stopped by him. She looked out into the snowy void of the realm, bundled in her own winter coat, "You seem more Sullen than usual today."

Danny shrugged, "Wish I could do more. Do that," he motioned at Vlad working, "But I'm 'not exactly the smartest of teenagers' says the old fruit loop", he gestured at Vlad.

Ember shrugged, "Then learn. You do come from a family of intelligent ghost hunters, right? I'm sure it's all in that head of yours, you just have to access it."

Danny smiled softly, "You're pretty good at this comforting thing, you know."

Ember laughed, "Just buttering you up so I can beat your ass in a sparring match." Danny laughed and got up, "Oh you're on."

Vlad gave a frustrated huff as the poorly held together makeshift portal sparked but didn't come to life. He rubbed his face and sat down to reevaluate. Just like the days before, he felt eyes burning into his skull. He whipped around to stare right back at Dani who had been watching him for the better part of an hour. "What brat?" he hissed.

Dani gave him no reaction though. She simply got up and walked over to him. "I want you to fix me," she stated.

To this, Vlad rose a brow, "Fix you? Whatever do you mean? You're stabilized, are you not?"

Dani nodded, "Yes, I am. However, I don't grow much. I've noticed that. So, fix me. I want to grow and feel normal. I was supposed to be Danny's clone, right? I should be taller. I should be Danny's age but look at me," She gestured to herself, "I'm a shrimp."

Vlad looked mildly amused by this but crossed his arms, "And why would I do this for you?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a couple things. Like you made me, and you made me incorrectly so other people had to fix me. And if you can't even fix me, then how will you ever make a successful portal home?" She smirked, hand on her hip.

Vlad scowled. Playing at his ego and dignity like that? She was definitely made by him. "Fine. But it will only be a back shelf project to the portal, got it?"

Dani grinned and nodded, "Got it."

6 months later

Danny was traveling between territories, having gone on a scavenging run, looking for any parts that may help him and Vlad get the portal running. He was travelling with Dani who was now happily growing to her proper size every day. She was babbling on about how it was to work on the project with Vlad. Danny smiled, listening to her.

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