Chapter 9

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None of the art is mine.

Danny walked into the school, still feeling completely tired from the fight with Ember the night before. But he did look forward to seeing Dash. He sighed happily. Dash had walked him home when they left and even gave him a goodnight kiss.

Danny saw Sam and Tucker and ran over. "Hey, guys. Do you know where Dash is?" He asked.

"That depends. Sam, do you have the popcorn?" Sam nodded and handed him one of the little bags of popcorn. Danny looked at them in confusion.

Sam pointed to the next hall over. "Your boyfriend is that way, " she said.

Danny looked at her skeptically before heading that way, Sam and Tucker following a little behind eating popcorn. Danny froze at the scene in front of him.

Dash was down the hall, desperately trying to shake Paulina off of him. "Paulina, stop! I don't like you!" He shouted.

"Of course you do or else you wouldn't have kissed me last night!" She yelled.

He groaned, "It meant nothing! I'm sorry, I love someone else!" He yelled back.

She gasped, "You want to be my boyfriend?!"

Dash's eyes widened, "No!" He yelled.

"Of course you do!" She squealed and snuggled close to Dash.

Danny had had enough. He walked over with a stone-hard glare and pushed Paulina away, not enough to knock her down but enough to make her stumble away. "What loser!?" She yelled at Danny who was standing in front of Dash. "Don't touch him" he growled.

"I will touch him if I want to! He's my boyfriend!" She yelled at him.

Danny clenched his fists, "No he's mine!" Danny growled, glare turning ferocious. Kwan, who was standing by the lockers behind Paulina, stepped back some. Dash looked down at Danny, shocked.

Paulina wavered and took a step back, "W-well this isn't over!" She yelled.

Danny's glare stayed stone, "Try me," he said. "I-I will!" She said then scurried off. Kwan stared at him in shock. Danny looked at him, glare still present. Kwan ran after Paulina after a second. Sam and Tucker were just laughing at them while enjoying their popcorn.

"Danny?" Dash asked after a second of Danny standing there like a warding stone.

Danny turned to him with an innocent face, "Yeah?"

Dash gaped at him "You're terrifying, you know that? Remind me never to make you angry," Danny smirked, all innocence disappearing, "Will do".

Sam and Tucker calmed down after a bit of laughing, "Dude, I don't think we've ever seen you that scary," Tucker said.

Danny smiled at him and took Dash's hand, "If people stop touching what's mine then you won't have to see it again," Danny smiled sweetly.

"That's hot" Dash slightly mumbled. Danny's face flushed at the comment. Dash laughed, "Aw you're so cute when you blush," he said. Danny snuggled his face into Dash's chest as it got increasingly redder.

"Alright lovebirds, class is about to start. Let's go," Sam said, walking by holding Tucker's hand. Danny giggled and pulled Dash along with them.

Danny stopped in the middle of the hall. "Danny?" Dash asked.

"See what you're doing to me? I'm giggling like a schoolgirl now," Danny scoffed.

"You're a cute schoolgirl though," Dash grinned.

"I will end you," Danny said, making Dash laugh, "I will let you." That made Danny blush and push him. "C'mon you or we'll be late for class," Danny said, pulling Dash with him just as the bell rang. Danny laughed "See?"

Mr. Lancer looked at them as they came in. His eyebrows raised when he saw their interlocked hands but waved them off, "Take your seats," Danny took his usual seat in the middle of Sam and Tucker.

"Dude, you have the ultimate pass with Dash," Tucker said. Danny shrugged, "I guess," he said and looked over at Dash, he was in a glaring war with Star who was comforting Paulina as she cried. He smirked a little at the sight and bumped fists with Sam who was smirking as well.


Dash walked out to the courtyard, looking for Danny. He walked a little farther until he saw a familiar black and grey suit standing near the edge of the courtyard looking around. He ran over but stopped as he got closer.

This ghost's suit was split into two pieces, was shorter, and had a white ponytail. Dash looked skeptical, "Danny?" The ghost turned around to him 'Oh shit it's a girl! That's not Danny' "You're not Danny," he accidentally said out loud.

She glared at him and flew closer to him "I am too! I'm Dani with an I! How do you know my cousin Jockstrap?" She said in a menacing tone.

"Oh yeah, you two are definitely family," he said, recognizing the deadly glare and voice. Dani glared at him a little longer before her eyes shifted to something behind Dash. She smiled brightly and flew away.

"Danny!" She yelled as she tackled her cousin in a hug. "Dani?" Danny asked as he hugged her back, "What are you doing here? And change back we don't need Valeri seeing you," He said. Dani backed up and flew behind a tree and transformed back.

She came back out but she was definitely different now. Her hair had gotten longer and she had also grown a little. Something they didn't think would happen.

Danny gaped at her, "You grew!"

She smiled, "Yeah I did! Not a lot but it's something!" She laughed.

Dash walked over to them, "Oh yeah, definitely see the resemblance now," Danny smiled at him. "Hey, I was looking for you and met your cousin," Dash said. Danny laughed, "Yeah this is Danielle or Dani for short," Danny said.

Danny gestured to Dash "Dani this Dash." Dani looked at Dash strangely as Sam and Tucker came over, "Hey mini Danny," Tucker said. "Hey.." she turned back to Dash, "Aren't you the popular guy? I thought you were with that girl," Dani asked, pointing at Paulina who was glaring hard in their direction from her lunch table.

Danny's face turned hard as he sent a deadly glare her way, a low growl coming from him as he pulled Dash closer to him. Paulina turned away immediately, nose in the air as she huffed.

Dani looked at her cousin in shock then turned to Sam and Tucker. She gestured at Danny and Dash "What's going on?"

Sam laughed "Oh, Danny and Dash are a thing now," she said and laughed more at Dani's shocked face. "And Danny's super possessive over him?" She asked. They nodded.

She smiled evilly "Oh this is going to be fun."

Comment what you think will happen. Have a nice day! Bai:)

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