Chapter 8

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The art is not mine. 

"This is going to work right?" Dash asked as they came to the back door of the concert center.

"Of course," Tucker waved him off.

Sam went and checked the door, "Yup it's locked. Danny if you will," Danny nodded happily and grabbed Sam's hand who grabbed Tucker's. Danny turned to Dash and held out a hand. Dash smiled and took it.

He turned intangible causing the other three to become intangible as well. "Whoa," Dash said as they walked through the door. Danny let go and they all turned tangible again.

Danny and Dash stood to watch while Sam and Tucker went into the control room to cut the power. Dash looked around and noticed Danny staring at him lovingly. He smiled slightly at him, "You're supposed to be keeping watch."

"I'm watching you," Danny replied. Dash only sighed in response, "Right."

A loud noise rang through the stadium. Ember looked up into the control room and scowled. "Go," she said to the green ghosts behind her. They nodded silently and flew through the roof.

Dash gasped as two ghosts came through the floor and grabbed them. Two more came out of the control room, carrying Sam and Tucker.

Ember walked up to the four. She looked at Dash and Danny, "Huh, guess the honeymoons over," she said. Star and Paulina came over with backstage passed on. They squealed when they saw Ember, not even paying attention to the other three.

Fans started filling the stadium "EMBER! EMBER!" They chanted.

She smiled, "That's my cue. Later dipsticks. I have to go rock my world. And when I say my world, I mean my world!" She said and walked out on stage. "Hello, Amity Park and the world! Tell me who you love!" She yelled, looking at the camera. All around the world, people watching the broadcast began chanting her name. Star and Paulina chanted backstage. Ember began to play for them, "It was late in September," she began as her flame grew even brighter and higher.

"Danny, stop her now!" Sam said. Danny shook his head, "No I won't leave you," he said, looking at Dash. "Danny you have to or else the world will be under Ember's control, forget about me!" Dash said. Danny shook his head again, "I can't. I won't"

Tucker's face showed he thought of something. "Break his heart," He mumbled. Sam looked at him with wide eyes then nodded, looking at Dash, "You have to break his heart," she said.

he looked at her like she was crazy, "You want me to do what?!" She sighed, "It's the only way to break the trance," she said. Dash sighed and looked at Danny, "I'm sorry," Danny gave a questioning look.

Dash pulled away from the ghost and moved Paulina to look at him. She looked at him funny, "What do you-" he cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. She squeaked in surprise and then melted into the kiss.

Danny looked hurt, "Dash?" His mind started to clear up as he realized what was going on in front of him, "How? H-hey! Get away from him!" He yelled. Dash pulled away from Paulina immediately with a disgusted face. Paulina looked dazed with a smile on her face. Star fumed and took her hand, dragging her into the crowd outside.

Dash turned to Danny, "Danny, I'm so sorry," Danny looked down then back up at him, "But we were-" he looked sad again, "But we weren't," Dash shook his head, "No Ember had you under a spell," he said a little sadly. Danny looked over at Ember on the stage, "Ember," he growled, eyes flashing green.

Dash rested a hand on Danny's shoulder, "Danny? Are you okay?" Danny's eyes closed then opened, the green fading. "No, I feel like my heart has been ripped out. But I know who I can take it out on!" He yelled and transformed. He crouched a little then took off into the sky, the gust of wind knocking the ghosts away. Dash smiled a little as he watched Danny.

"You will remember my name," Ember sang. Danny flew in a loop and hit Ember, sending her off the stage with a scream. She went crashing into a jumbo screen, purple sparks flying everywhere. Danny floated over the stage, "Hey no-hit wonder, mind if I jam with the band?" Ember raised a gloved hand, then peeked out of the monitor with messy hair, red bruises, and messed-up face paint. She flew out. She surfed to the stage on her guitar and stopped, hovering over the stage.

She grabbed her guitar and changed the dial to a fist. "I don't do duets!" She said and raised a glowing green fist and strummed her guitar. The wave came out in the form of a fist. It hit Danny head-on, sending him flying into the crowd with a scream.

"Danny!" Dash yelled in worry as he watched the fight. Danny landed between some kids and grabbed his head, groaning in pain. He glared at the stage and turned intangible, sinking into the ground.

Ember walked back up to the microphone. Danny phased through the floor. Right before she could sing Danny took the mic stand. Ember's eyes open in shock. She looked at Danny in anger. "Sorry, no vocals for this number, have you considered taking up mime?" He quipped. Ember jumped at him trying to knock at his feet with her guitar. Danny jumped over it and then began what looked like sword fighting with a guitar and microphone. They went back and forth, Ember screaming like a maniac.

"Ember McClain! Ember McClain!" The crowd roared. Ember got the upper hand and knocked Danny to the ground. She turned the dial to a cyclone and shot a wave at him. A small purple tornado held Danny in place on the stage.

Satisfied, Ember started moving back to the front of the stage. Danny stood up, holding the microphone close. Danny looked around. "Need to stop the chanting. Gotta break the spell." He looked to his friends. "Something as awful as Dash kissing Paulina, but what?" His gaze landed on Tucker. "That's it! Tucker sing!" He yelled and threw him the microphone. Tucker caught it and looked at him funny, "You said I stink!" Danny rubbed the back of his neck "Oh.. uh.. hehe I was just kidding. You rock! You rock out loud!" He yelled.

"You got that right!" Tucker said and ran out on stage. "Ember! You will remember! Ember! So warm and tender! You will remember my name!" Tucker sang falling to his knees. The cheering soon died out. "Ember?" Someone in the crowd asked. All around the world people were destroying their TVs.

"No!" Ember yelled and ran out to the front, "Say my name! Say my name!" She yelled as the crowd just stared at her. She fell to her knees, "Say my name! Say it!" She screamed, flame going out and falling to the floor, eyes twitching. The vortex disappeared and Danny flew over to her with the Fenton Thermos.

"The only thing we're saying is goodbye!" He said as he sucked her into the thermos, her scream echoing. Her ghost minions vanished as she did. Danny closed the Thermus then looked at Tucker, "o-okay, you can stop now," he said and flew off. Tucker stopped singing and looked around. Everyone in the crowd was holding their ears. They let go and cheered when they realized the sound was gone.

Danny landed backstage and hugged Sam. She then rushed out to get her boyfriend. Danny walked shyly over to Dash, not looking at him. Danny was shocked when he was pulled into a hug. He looked up as Dash let go, "I'm glad you're okay," Dash said, blushing. Danny smiled shyly, "So now you know," he said.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret," Dash smiled. Danny looked at him in confusion then in realization, "O-oh yeah, t-that's what I was talking about," he said nervously. Dash stared at him, "Wait, was all of that true? Do you love me?" He asked. Danny looked away, bright green.

Dash smiled and leaned down closer to Danny, "I have a secret too," Danny looked at him with a questioning gaze. "I love you too," Dash finished then pressed his own lips to Danny's.

Danny squeaked in surprise then slowly closed his eyes, kissing back. Dash wrapped his arms around Danny's waist while Danny wrapped his arms around Dash's neck.

"What? I wasn't that bad-" Tucker stopped mid-sentence, his and Sam's mouths agape as they turned the corner to see Danny and Dash.

Dash pulled back for air, looking down at Danny who was also catching his breath. They both smiled, "Be my boyfriend?" Dash asked. Danny smiled brightly and nodded, eagerly kissing Dash again who laughed a little and kissed back.

"Finally," Sam said as she walked out of the building with Tucker.

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