Chapter 2

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Danny moped into his house, feeling ironically like death. He walked straight upstairs, dropped his bag in a chair, and flopped on his bed. The second his face hit the blanket, he could feel the sting of tears starting up again. A knock came from his door, making him quickly wipe his eyes. He really didn't feel like talking to his parents about this. "Danny?" Came Jazz's voice. Danny relaxed at his sister's voice. She was a safe space for him. He only grunted in response though.

"I'm coming in," she said then opened the door. "Oh Danny," she came over and sat on the bed by him. "What do you need right now?" She asked. This was a question he was quite fond of. Jazz had changed her approach towards him in the last few months. She always let him tell her what he needed from her and respected his choices and boundaries even if all he said was to go away. She would then circle back in a few hours to see if that had changed.

He sat up and wiped harshly at his eyes, "Comfort", he sniffed softly.

"I'm here for you baby brother", she scooted closer and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and the second he was secure, he was sobbing in her embrace. Jazz's whole heart could have shattered at that moment just listening to the pained cries of her brother. Sam and Tucker were her friends too but this made her so mad she didn't think she could spare them a glance without some form of anger.

She rubbed his back and held him close until she could feel his breathing calm down. "I'm so sorry you had to find out this way", she said softly.

Danny took in a few shaky breaths, "Is that what you were trying to warn me about?"

Jazz nodded softly, "Yeah. I saw them when I was heading to my car. I was so shocked when I did. I tried to call you as soon as I could. It's like they were trying to get caught, right by the main doors and everything," she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Did you confront them?"

Danny shook his head miserably. "I turned invisible before they could even see me," he said, feeling like a coward. "I heard them talking about how they need to tell me! So how long has this been going on?" He fumed, more tears falling down his cheeks. He soon deflated though, "I told Tucker the other night about my feelings for her. There were so many opportunities to tell me. Something. Anything. But no. Turns out she knows too. Don't know if he told her or if I'm just that damn obvious but..." he trailed off. His whole world just felt rocked.

Jazz rubbed his shoulder, "I should have called you sooner. I was just in shock," she said apologetically.

Danny shook his head, "Even if you did I wouldn't have been able to answer it. I was a little preoccupied at that moment," he rolled his eyes. At her questioning gaze, he simply said, "Dash".

Jazz rolled her eyes, "He's always been zeroed in on you the most. Maybe he's got a thing for you," she teased, "You know how they say if girls are mean to you, they like you?" She laughed. Danny's mind came to a skidding halt. The memory of Dash blushing came back to his mind and made his eyes widen. He turned his alarmed face to Jazz, which also alarmed her, "Kidding! I'm kidding! He'll leave you alone eventually. Are you feeling any better?"

Danny nodded, "Talking helped. Thanks Jazz," he hugged her again. "I think I just need some time to myself now." Jazz squeezed him one more time before letting go, "Alright, you know I'm just down the hall if you need me," she got up.

He gave a warm-hearted 'mhm' and smiled. She nodded and walked to the door, "Love you, little brother," she said before shutting the door behind her.

Danny sighed and fell back on his bed. His mind became tangled once again by the many thoughts of his friends and what they were keeping from him. 'Maybe he's got a thing for you' Jazz's voice punched through his thoughts. Suddenly all he could see was Dash's blushing face. Next thing he knew, his face was the shade of a tomato and he was throwing it back into a pillow.

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