Chapter 5

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Please enjoy!
The art belongs to its awesome creator, not me.

Mr. Lancer looked strangely at Danny and Dash as they walked into the class together. He hummed, "Tardiness is not a quality one should make a habit of boys. Mind explaining why we're late?"

"I helped him to the nurse," Dash said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, motioning to Danny holding an ice pack to his face.

Mr. Lancer blinked in surprise and nodded, "Alright. Commendable for helping your fellow classmate Mister Baxter. Please take your seats," he waved them on. Dash waved a hand in front of him. Danny smiled and went ahead to his seat, Dash following behind to his.

Danny blinked when Sam and Tucker both gave him weird looks, "What?"

"Dash just bailed you out. Why?" Tucker asked, watching Dash who was obviously ignoring their conversation.

Danny shrugged, "He saved me from Kwan, took me to the nurse says he doesn't want to be a bully anymore."

Tucker stared at him, "You're talking about Dash right?" He asked.

He nodded and blushed a little "That's what he told me. We're going to try and be friends," he said with a hopeful smile.

Sam smiled back just as positively, "That's awesome. Right, Tucker?" She asked, giving him a look that said 'Support him or I will murder you' making Tucker nod quickly.

"Dash? Friends with you? Ha! Yeah right!" Star laughed behind Danny. He just rolled his eyes and decided to pay attention to the lesson.


"You want to what!?" Paulina screeched, standing from her spot at the lunch table, fists clenched.

Dash rolled his eyes at the dramatics, "I want to be friends with Fenton. I don't even understand why we bully him anymore. I mean he's actually really nice and has saved our asses on multiple occasions!" He retorted.

Paulina fumed, "You think I would lower myself to talk to just anyone?" She scoffed. "Not happening. You've been hit too many times at practice if you think we're going to do any of that!"

"Well, I'm tired of being a bully! This could be better for us if you try!" He yelled back, catching everyone in the cafeteria's attention.

Paulina stared at him, "All for one loser? You'd turn you're back on us for him?" She hissed.

Dash blushed a little, "Yes if you make me choose. But if that's how it has to be then forget about your good old friend Dash," he said and walked out of the room.

Paulina let out a frustrated noise and stomped her foot, "You are not getting the last word!" She said and went after him.

She followed him until she saw him talking to Danny. She backed up around the corner and gaped. What she didn't expect to see was Dash blushing like a schoolboy with a goofy smile as he talked to Danny who was giggling like they were the only ones around. The whole scene made her sick with hatred and jealousy. She kicked the wall out of frustration, tears building in her eyes, and stormed back to the cafeteria.


Danny was putting books in his locker when he heard yelling coming from the cafeteria. From the sounds of it, it seemed like a go-eat outside day. He looked down the hall just in time to see Dash storming from the cafeteria looking pissed. Dash was grumbling and looked hurt, to be honest. It made Danny worry a bit. He knew their friendship wouldn't go over well. He didn't want him to feel cast out. "Dash," Danny said, catching his attention before he stormed past him, "Are you okay?"

Dash found himself frozen in place, just really taking in the genuine concern for him on Danny's face. No one had ever looked so caring towards him before. He took entirely too long to register the question, "O-oh yeah. I-I'm fine" he stumbled over his words, blushing fiercely.

Danny laughed, blushing a little. He couldn't help it. This was a side of Dash he had never seen before. He serioused himself a bit, "Did something happen in the cafeteria?" He tilted his head slightly.

Dash inwardly cooed at him, "Ah, just had an argument with Paulina. Nothing major," he waved it off. Danny hummed, "It's okay if it is. I'll listen if you want to talk. You don't have to right now though. As long as you're okay," he then turned red when he realized what he said.

"I-I mean..." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Dash laughed, truly amazed it took him this long to notice how kind he was, "Thanks."

Danny blushed and looked away, smiling. He looked back at Dash slightly, "Hey, do you maybe wanna have lunch with m- us! Us. Sam, T-Tucker a-and I," Danny stumbled over his words.

Dash smiled, "I would love to." He said then walked to the cafeteria with Danny.


Sam smiled as she listened to her favorite nerd ramble on about technology. She couldn't even begin to understand half of what he was talking about but he was happy and that's all that mattered.

"But it's really cool-" Tucker stopped dead sentence when he saw Danny walking over with Dash.

"Hey guys, do you mind if Dash sits with us?" Danny smiled.

Tucker stared with his mouth open until Sam nudged him hard with her elbow. "Not at all," she said, putting on the best smile she could manage.

Danny smiled and sat down, followed by Dash. "Um hey," Dash waved slightly.

"Hi," Tucker said rudely which earned a kick from Sam.

Dash sighed, "Look, I don't expect you to like me after everything I've done to you." They both looked a little shocked. "All I can ask for is a chance to and then maybe we can try to be friends?" Dash smiled slightly. Danny looked at his friends, waiting for their answer as well.

Sam smiled, "I think everyone deserves a chance."

Tucker seemed a little more reluctant, "I don't trust you, but if Danny wants to let you in then I'll try," he said, smiling a little at the end.

Dash smiled at them, "Thank you guys so much!" Danny smiled at them until he saw Star marching her way over to them. She stopped in front of Dash and glared at him, who glared right back, "I assume you're over here because she's upset?"

She glanced around at Danny, Sam, and Tucker in disgust then back at Dash, ignoring the question, "You're really choosing them over us?" She asked, the disdain evident in her voice.

Dash's glare intensified, "I wouldn't have to if you guys wouldn't make me. Aren't you tired of being mean?"

She glared at Danny, "Loser is infectious, isn't it? You've infected him and taken him away from us."

"Hey. Knock it off," Dash huffed, "Leave him out of this. I'm choosing to make friends who will accept me for myself. You should too," he said in a final tone.

Star fumed, "Well don't expect us to come chasing after you like lost puppies!" She all but whispered and stormed off.

"Wouldn't want you to anyway," he mumbled and turned back to the three, who had shock written all over their faces. "What?" Dash asked.

"Dude, did you just give up your popularity to be friends with us?" Tucker asked, shocked.

"If being popular means I'm surrounded by people who only like me for my money and are never there for me, then I don't want to be popular anymore," Dash shrugged. Sam and Tucker smiled. Dash smiled back, "So what was so cool when I came over?" He asked Tucker who immediately brightened and started talking about a new PDA.

Danny rested his cheek on his hand, elbow on the table, and smiled as he watched his friends interact.

His ghost sense was suddenly triggered. "Oh no," he mumbled and looked around. He looked confused when he didn't see anything. That is until outside he heard...


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