Chapter 1

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The art is not mine!

"Dammit Dash! Let me go!" Danny huffed, the brute grasping his shirt, and slamming him against the lockers.

"Shut it Fentonio! You can run off with your goth girlfriend later!" He yelled back, denying the jealous feeling welling up inside him. Danny blushed furiously, "She's not my girlfriend," he said. Dash didn't know why but seeing the boy blush over someone made him impossibly angrier- though he had no reason to be angry in the first place- and grasp him tighter.

Danny struggled more, trying to ease Dash's hold so he could slip to freedom. He huffed and looked up at Dash, completely annoyed, "Why me?! What is it about me that makes you pick on me the most? Even after I helped you?" He asked.

Dash growled and put a hand over his mouth, "Don't talk about that out loud", he hissed quietly. Though, when he thought about it for a second, 'why do I pick on him the most?' He looked at Danny, the way his black hair cascaded over his eyes so perfectly and effortlessly, his eyes blue as crystals that looked up at him curiously, the way his cheeks turned rosy when he was worked up whether that be angry or happy, or even the way his smile lit up the room.

'Maybe it's just because he's so damned cute ...wait what?' Dash's thoughts came to a complete crash, and he felt the heat rise to his cheeks then looked away, "You're a nerd. Why wouldn't I pick on you?" Dash grumbled lowly.

Danny looked at him, completely stunned. 'Is Dash blushing?' He thought. "Dash.." Danny had said without even thinking about it. It surprised him how soft it sounded. To a boy who nearly singlehandedly made his school life one of torment. Thinking back though, he guessed it wasn't too outlandish for this tone of voice with their recent history.

Dash looked at him in surprise. The way he said his name, why did it lure him like a siren? Before he could think any more on the subject, he heard footsteps heading their way.

"Dash! Where are you, man?" Kwan called from around the corner. No way was he going to let Kwan see him in this way. His friend had always seemed like the nicer of the two but Dash knew the truth.

He let go and pointed at Danny, "We're not through Fenton", he said and ran to where his friend was beckoning for him.

Danny was seemingly frozen against the lockers, 'Did that just happen?' He thought dumbly which was quickly followed by, 'Dash blushed!' Came more wildly. 'In all my years with him, I have never seen him blush unless he was embarrassed. What does he have to be embarrassed for though?' Danny thought, his thoughts scrabbled like a tornado had spun them. His phone rang, causing him to snap back to reality.

"Hello?" He answered, shaking himself back to reality.

"Danny? Where are you?" Jazz's voice came through the speaker, more than a little panicked.

Danny ignored the tone however, Jazz always overreacted. "Leaving school. Trying to find Tucker and Sam", he said, walking out the front doors.

He spotted Tucker, "Whatever it is, it'll have to wait a few minutes, I have something very important to do," he said with a big smile. Today was the day.

"No! Danny don't! Tucker and Sam-," Jazz called but Danny had already hung up. He ran over but the smile soon left him. Tucker and Sam were locked at the lips. Danny gasped, causing the two to break apart. Danny turned invisible and backed away silently. Heartbreak was the only thing he was feeling at that moment like someone had just pierced a needle through his heart.

Sam looked around quickly, "We shouldn't be this close to the door," She sighed.

Tucker hummed but nodded, "I saw Dash heading his way though. We have a few minutes at least," He grinned.

She gave him a disapproving look, "We should really tell Danny. I mean he's our best friend and we're lying to him".

"But he likes you too", Tucker pointed out. Danny's eyes filled with tears as the words left his best friend's mouth. His best friend who, just the other night, he had spilled his heart and soul out to about his love for Sam. How long had this been going on? Was he just pretending to play along the whole time? Not once did he even hint that this was going on.

"I know, but he deserves to know,'' Sam sighed. Danny's hand flew to his mouth, 'She knew?' He thought. He felt like the earth opening up and swallowing him might have been a better option to listening to this. He felt betrayed on every account.

Tucker snaked his arms around Sam's waist, "C'mon, we'll tell him later. Let's go somewhere and have fun," he smiled. Sam sighed and nodded, leaving hand in hand. Danny turned visible and sank to the ground, shattered. He brought his knees to his chest and cried silently into his arms. He couldn't even begin to care if people saw him.

Dash walked out of school, Kwan had been preoccupied with talking to Paulina and Star. Their conversations could not possibly be any more dull lately. His attention turned to Danny curled up with his face in his arms. He was shaking lightly and that caused something to spark through him. Unsure of what it was though, he opted to ignore it for now. "What's up Fenterd? Did your little girlfriend break up with you?" He sneered, irritation shooting through him at the word.

Danny looked up at Dash, tears running down his face, "Go away Dash", he said weakly and put his head back down, having no strength to even listen to the bully.

Dash froze, "What's wrong Fenton?" He asked, genuine worry showing through.

"Why do you care?" Danny mumbled. Dash shrugged, he knew he couldn't see him but the motion came second nature."I don't know. Just being nice I guess," he said softly, rubbing his neck.

Danny looked up at him, cheeks streaked by tears and eyes curious, "You've never bothered to be nice before, why now?" Danny asked but sighed and got up. Deciding it didn't matter anyway, "Never mind, I don't care. I just want to go home", he said then picked his bag up and headed off school grounds.

Dash frowned to himself. The anger swelling in him was almost unbearable. The more he thought about someone hurting Danny so bad he was reduced to tears made him hot with rage. He closed his eyes and got up, deciding against dwelling on things too hard and just going home.

Hey guys! So this is Chapter 1 Revamped. I will continue to rewrite the chapters within the next few weeks then hopefully get back on track with where I left things very soon! That's all for now, good night my ghosties!

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