Epi 39 : LOVE ❤ 💙

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Harish texted Sam..

Harish : Macha, leaving hotel now..Will be there in 30 minutes

Sam : okay macha


It's my papa's birthday today. She is my kolanthai. I can't wait to celebrate her birthday with me. From today onwards her every birthday will be so special because we will celebrate our love anniversary together. Yes, I decide to propose her today.

I planned it so well. I want this day to be so special for her. I booked table for us in a rooftop resort. I ordered her favourite cake and inform the waiters and resort manager about my plan. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I badly wants to see her reaction. The place already look astonishing it doesn't need any extra deco.

Suddenly, I received a message from Harish

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Suddenly, I received a message from Harish..

Harish : macha, I have dropped her at the resort and ask her to take lift to the rooftop.

Sam : okay Macha..

I don't know why my heartbeats started to increase but I want to give her the best. She deserves only the best. Since, I booked a corner spot, when she comes out from the lift..she won't be able to see me. I was clutching my fingers. The lift opens. There my beautiful angel in her red dress with confused face walks out. Her eyes wander around the place. The manager greeted her in. I'm watching everything from the corner spot.

Sivaangi POV

Harish anne told me he is bringing me for a surprise after our lunch. We spend sometime in the hotel. So, it was around evening he drove to a resort. Suddenly,

Harish : Siv, you get down here and go to the rooftop restaurant..

Sivaangi: whattt?? You're not coming??

Harish : no more questions..trust me..get down and go to the rooftop..

I have no clue on what's happening. Definitely, my brother won't let me alone if he doesn't know the whole plan. I know something is awaiting for me at the rooftop but I don't know who arranged it. It could be my school friends, college friends or my family..I was quite nervous and slowly walks towards the lift. I went up to the rooftop..someone came and greet me.I think it suppose to be the manager.

Manager : Hi, welcome to the rooftop restaurant. Have a pleasant day. Can I get your name pls?

Sivaangi : Hi, thank you..I'm Sivaangi..

Suddenly, the manager signalled something to the waiter. She brought a blindfold.

Waiter : Hi Ms Sivaangi, with your permission we would like to blindfold you. Pls don't worry your loved one is here. We will bring you there.

Sivaangi: can I know who is it pls?

Waiter : Sorry Ms, we couldn't disclose it. Kindly, allow me to blindfold and guide you.

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