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After 2 years of marriage..

It was a beautiful morning. Sam wakes up and lean on the headboard. He was checking his emails. Sivaangi was sleeping beside him. Sam caressed her hair and pecked her forehead. She snuggled when his lips touch her skin. He continue his work.


My mornings turned beautiful after I marry her because she is the first person I see when I wake up every single day. Her serene face always bring bliss in my heart. Never once she forgets to give me morning kiss eventhough she is mad at me sometimes.

I woke up and was checking my emails. I saw her, she was in deep sleep. I caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. After, I took over the family business completely, she is my biggest strength. She will stay up late nights with me and we will discuss about our recent projects. She will give amazing ideas to work on the projects.

A few minutes later, she wokes up and leans to my chest. I guess that's her favourite place. She looks at me and pecked my cheeks..

Sivaangi : Good Morning Samiee..

Sam : Good Morning paapa..

Sivaangi : working ah baby??

Sam : yes, Paapa..just checking some mails because later in the evening I have to attend a conference..

Sivaangi : Samiee, I will go freshen up..

Sam : cheri paapa..

I pecked her forehead and she went. She was about to get up from the bed but suddenly sat again on the bed and hold her head..

Sam : paapa, ennachu?

Sivaangi : thale suthuthu Sam..

I went near her and hold her shoulder..

Sam : hospital polama?

Sivaangi : illa Sam..paravala..I'm fine..

Sam : are you sure?

Sivaangi : yes Sam..

She get up and went to take her towel to shower..I was concerned on her what will happen if she felt the same in washroom..

Sam : paapa, don't lock the washroom door..

Sivaangi: Samiee, I'm fine da..

Sam : paapa, plss..

Sivaangi : okay, I won't lock Samiee

She went to take her shower and I continued my work..it was a bit late..she will normally take about 15 to 20 minutes in shower...I went near to the washroom

Sam : paapa, are you okay? Yen ivolo neram??

She opened the door..

Sivaangi : Dei, Samiee face mask poten da..paaru..

She had face mask on her face and she looked totally fine..I took my shower and went down..

After our wedding, she slowly start to learn cooking. We will cook together if we are at home or our helper will cook for us. I went down to have breakfast. I saw her she was toasting bread and I hugged her from back..

Sivaangi : Samiee, Valli akka paathara poranga..

Valli akka is our helper.

Sam : do I need permission from her to hug my wife?

I kissed her cheeks..

Sivaangi : Samiee, are you going to the conference today?

Sam : yes paapa, it's later on the evening only..why??

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