chapter one

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Lovely POV

"Urg.." I groaned while looking up  for my phone from the nightstand. It's so damn loud. I badly wanted to throw it out of the window so it won't interrupt my nap ever again. I had taken a nap because me and my boyfriend had been in a drive last night speaking about our future together.

Isn't it cute?

I looked at the screen and it was my mom so I picked up."Mom you okay?" I tried so hard to hide the sarcasm.  "Yes I'm okay but can you bring me the file I left on my bed to me because I really need it for my presentation." Oh amazing! So amazing ( Note the sarcasm...)I couldn't say no to my mom so I got out of bed with some sleep still in my eyes.  I yawned to the extent I felt my jaw wanting to fall off.

"Okay be there in 20." I hang up the phone before getting ready . So here's a story about me... I'm Lovely Alden, 27 ,I have a boyfriend Eros and I plan to get married to him soon so I'm straight as a ruler. I live with my mom and she works at a Company named Parker Enterprises and so does my love.

I may sound cliche but I love him so much and my life is his and his is mine so no one can separate us

We are meant to be.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower, did my skin routine, got dressed in a mid thigh light pink dress that hugged my curves well. I won't say I'm curvy but I have something to show off. I wore my shoes before grabbing my essentials plus the damn file and closing the front door.

I threw the keys in the flower pot near the door before checking my phone and I realized I had twelve minutes left so I got in my car that was just packed in our driveway before roaring it into life and driving off to the place.

I pulled up to a  forty story building and  it was fucking beautiful looked luxurious.  I walked inside and inside was bigger than the outer part of it. It had white and golden themes which made it to stand out more luxurious. I bet the owner is freaking rich. I snapped out of my daze when someone bumped into my shoulder and didn't bother to apologize.

What's wrong with the people here?

I shook my head to calm myself down before hurrying to the receptionist for the direction and which she immediately gave to me.

How sweet.

I thanked her and made my way to the elevator. The elevator was glassy so you had an amazing view of the city and ofcourse where you were coming from. I didn't bother to look down because of my fear for heights before turned around to admire the view. The view was so breathtaking. I couldn't help but smile.

[rinnngg] My phone snapped me out of my  thoughts. I took out my phone and immediately picked up because it was my love. "Hey love," I smiled brightly. "Hey baby" Eros said in a husky voice I couldn't help but blush .

"Where are you? I miss you." I rolled my eyes before I chuckled into the phone.  "Stop being dramatic, you were with me 3 hours ago." The elevator dinged so I turned around to get still smiling brightly .  I stepped out of the elevator but before I could hear his response , I crashed into a hard  wall and fell on my butt .

Damn that hurt. I shut my eyes in pain from the force that sent me down.

"You should watch where you are going because your little butt will get hurt."  A deep yet husky voice was coming from the person who just knocked me off my feet. I won't lie their voice was so smooth in my eyes and I wanted them to keep on going. It was just sweet but it couldn't help but send chills down  my spin.

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