chapter 40

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(A/n I haven't edited this story so I hope you don't mind my errors and feel free to show me the mistakes. Thank you."

Lovely's POV

(The next day ...)

"Hey , wake up ." Someone tugged my warm  sheets wrapped around me making me groan. "A few more minutes." I snuggled more into my pillow and pulled my covers over my head again while smiling in satisfaction.

"Get up lazy ass." Mom removed the covers off my head and I turned around laying on my back facing the ceiling.

Mom sighed and I opened my eyes. I blinked a couple of times trying to adjust from the sun rays coming from the window. I removed my sweaty hair from my face sighing in frustration. I tied in in a messy bun last night but I wake up with it all over my face.

This is torture. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair to make it more presentable. "You look like you had a nightmare. More like wet dream. I nodded yawning while stretching my limps out. "Eww gross." Mom fanned her  face with a disgusted look with a small smile on her lips.

"That's how every humans breath smells like in the morning." I chuckled and mom shook her head. "We have to go shopping so go get ready." I nodded before mumbling a 'thanks'.

I got out of bed and stretched more before walking to the bathroom.  I heard my bedroom door close and I sighed deeply. I looked at myself through the mirror and I had bags under my eyes.

There was a pimple on my left cheek and it was annoying. I wanted to poke it but I wasn't in the mood to use makeup today to hide it.

I grabbed the tooth paste with my toothbrush too. I put the toothpaste on my brush while sighing. Everything I do things I did with her hurts my heart more. She used to hug me from behind while I brushed my teeth.

That one month I spent with her, I was happy. Happier than ever. There was a time where I wanted all her attention and she didn't deny it from me. I was happy with her and I had planned my future with her.

I really miss her a lot. I miss her body on me. I hormones are everyway and it isn't helping me.  I love her so much to hate her. I really want to know why she did cheat on me when I showed her I love her.

I can't forget her even if it's been six months. Six months of pain, sadness , regret ,anger and craving. My anger turned into longing , longing for her to tell me why she did that.

Why she hurt me and didn't bother to explain to me?

Why she treats me like I'm not carrying her kids?

Why she doesn't care about me?

She was the drug I was addicted too. Even if she hurts me , I still crave and long for her. She dangerous but I need her.

I shook my head before continuing getting ready (Thirty minutes later....)

We were on the road to the mall and I was feeling a little dizzy.  Mom was driving while humming to some song I have never heard of and I was playing Loop on my phone. I didn't bother changing my phone number because I was hopping she would call me.

I'm stupid

I rolled my eyes and continued playing my game. It didn't take long before we pulled up in the parking lot of the mall. I turned off my phone and got out of the car.  I grabbed my purse too before slamming the door shut.

I sighed deeply as I stared at the cars parked. The loud silence was destroyed with the sound of the car roaring into life. "You okay ?" I turned around feeling someone tapping my shoulder lightly.

"Yes , I'm fine mom." I smiled and she stared at me for a minute before nodding. Her worry on her face vanished quickly when I smiled brightly at her. "Let's go finish this mom , I'm already hungry." I smiled and she nodded before dragging me into the mall .

(Three hours later....)

"You take this to the car ,wait for me inside, I forgot to buy the napkins." I grabbed the five bags from her before sighing in pain. My feet were sore and my headache was getting worse. My back hurt like I was hammered there.

"Yes take care." She nodded before squeezing my hand and walking back to the mall. "When will this end?" I groaned loudly before making my way to the parking lot.  I was just a steps away before I heard a car coming to my way with full force.

I turned around with eyes wide open, I couldn't run or yell because I was glued to one place. Everything happened very fast and the moment I registered everything again , my butt was on the ground with my head. The bags and clothes were splattered everyway. My heart raced when I thought about my babies.

"Bitch are you stupid? Do you want to fucking  die? Just go throw yourself off the cliff instead of shedding your blood in the middle of the damn road." I ignored the rants and the insults as I tried to sit up.

"My bab-ies" I choked on my tears as I sat up ignoring the pain in my back.I don't want to lose my babies now. I love them so much. They are the light that are going to shine in my darkness.

" You are heartless that you don't care about the child in you ." A familiar  warm liquid rolled down my cheeks as I started hyperventilating because I was happy. I cried tears of joy because my babies were not hurt. "Get your ass off the damn road bitch ,you are path-"

A sound of a bullet shot through the whole parking lot  leaving a sound of something hitting the ground with force. I rubbed my belly as I trembled visibly. I sighed and wiped my tears but they just couldn't stop.

I turned my direction to where something hitting the surface came from and I was surprised.  Blood shot through his ears and mouth as his eyes were open still looking at me but not blinking .
His limp body was hanging off the car door as his head was licking out with blood.

I gasped and looked away from the terrifying sight.   My breath was in puffs as I sobbed. I'm going to jail because no one is here except me. My bit my lip hard as I tried to control my breathing. It didn't take long before someone walked  taking slow and elegant steps to me.

I felt him scoot down to me  because I could tell he was a man from the shoes. I felt him put a finger on my chin lifting my face to face him but my hair was covering my face. His finger on my chin was soft yet hard which caused sparks throughout my jaw

The sparks I missed but this was with someone else not her.

"Look at me baby girl."


Thanks for reading <333

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