chapter 2

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Lovely pov

I woke up with a knock on my door "Dinner is ready." I groaned. "Yes I'm coming." I yawned,strenched and took a shower with my favorite strawberry and honey soap.

I dried myself and wore my favorite pjamas and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I went downstairs ans found mom setting the dinner table so I helped in silence but a comfortable one.

"Mom how was your day?" I broke the silence. "It was great and you saved me" she chuckled. "How was yours?" my thoughts went straight to the shedevil I met and how she made me react.

"It would have been good if i didn't bump into a shedevil who also broke my phone." I hissed

"Come down young lady, I believe that was my boss because she asked me to give you this, at first I was confused but now i understand." Mom glared at me a bit before walking and getting her purse.


I looked at my mom in disbelief. My mind was wondering what in the world does that shedevil want?

"Here it is. Isn't it sweet of her?" My mom grinned while handing me the new phone. I grabbed the box and stared... no glared at it as if it was the one who killed my dad.

"Mom you know am straight , I have a boyfriend and I don't accept gifts from strangers." I applied on my plastic fake smile and talked sweetly at my mom before handing her the box back.

" No one named Lovely is straight and you know I don't like Eros and if you didn't know he also has a gay vibe in him." Here we go again. She keeps ranting about me and Eros not meant to be.

Urgh I hate this

"Mom i don't want to talk about this again please." I whined as she placed the phone on the table and pointed at it. "You take it or not but just know I ain't keeping it." With that she went to get the food from the kitchen.

I unwrapped the boxing and found an iphone 13 pro max. I gasped in shock before I found a note it read:

I hope you liked it babygirl.>3 I blushed slightly but I couldn't take it.

"Oh has he ever made you blush like that?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my mom again who was placing down the food on the table "Yes and more, but am not taking it. I can buy my own phone." I
wrapped it back as I found it and handed it to my mom who was annoyed.

"What are you saying? That phone is expensive and she bought it just for you so am not giving it back to her." She slightly yelled and glared at me before saying something under her breath.

"Mom can you please take it to her? I don't want to see her again. She's a devil." I pleaded with puppy eyes. She shook her head 'no' and sighed deeply with closed eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at me on more time before walking up the stairs to her room leaving no room for argument

"No I'm not, your taking it back , that's final and eat your food." She smirked
''I hate you mom" I sighed. "I love you too honey." she grinded before shutting her room's door with a 'thud'

Well fuck me


Just great

ate my food in silence until mom broke it with her yell "I know she will take good care of you." I groaned while placing my fork down . "Mom I have a boyfriend and am definetily not gay." I yelled back.

"Yet" She yelled as I stood up taking the dishes in the sink. I didn't answer her back because I knew it wouldn't change her mind.

What just happened

I walked in my bedroom and through myself on the bed. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with my covers being pulled away. " Lovely wake upppp" Jade yelled. I knew she was angry so I immediately sat up.

"Why didn't you answer my calls, I thought something happened to you with your fake ass boyfriend." Oh did i tell you she he hates Eros like he is some sort of plague.

"I had a long day yesterday." I yawned "Did you finally break up? Thank God." Jade grinned. "No it isn't that. It's something else" I stretched "Then tell me aren't I your best friend?" she fake pouted while crossing her arms like a kid......a fucking four year kid.

"Yes you are." I sighed. "Okay listen, I bumped into someone who broke my phone so I couldn't contact you" I frowned remembering my beautiful
phone. "End of discussion." I got off the bed and she glared at me but I looked awayI "There is more you are not telling me Love." She frowned while looking at me dead in the eyes.

Love was my nickname and she knew that would break any strong chain I had built up and it didn't take long before I told her everything.

"I bumped into a hot lady and she made me hot and horny . I don't but I'm not gay so i went to Eros's office to help me but she interrupted us and looked pissed." I said in one breath. Jade looked at me with wide eyes and her mouth like of a fish.

"So what did she tell that made you horny?" I gave her a look really and she looked dead serious asking me that but i gave in."Umm...she said am gonna make you gay for me , fuck you senseless until you cry out in pleasure and beg me to stop until I ran away from her in a husky voice. " I felt my lower part getting warm remebering how she whispered into my ear.

"OMG that's so hot, she's totally into you"she yelled. "And what surprised me mom came home saying she bought me a phone iphone 13 pro max." I showed her the phone.

"Wait is she your mom's boss? and was she hot?" I won't deny but she was hot but so fucking arrogant and rude "Yes and yes ." Jade looked like she had seen a ghost. "You said she was hot maybe your gay for her." My eyes widened and I half shouted. " I have a boyfriend and I'm straight even though she is hot."

I can't be gay.

"Let's make a bet I get 100 dollars if you date or kiss her but if you don't I pay.

Her eyes twinkled with mischievous. "Deal?" She took out her hand. I looked at her hand then eyes I knew I'm gonna win because I'm not gay but at the back of my mind I knew i may lose but I shrugged it off.

"Deal" I smirked


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