chapter 18

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Lovely POV


"I found Desmond fucking Eros." I blurted out feeling a lump growing again but I swallowed it . We had pulled our from the kiss and I was in Scarlet's arms inhaling her scent.

"Oh.." I looked at her. I knew something was missing so I pushed it. "I can see everything in my office." She sighed looking at the sky.

"So how did you know?" How did she know before I did. This conversation was hard for me but I had to face it. The worst is I have to break up with him. I can't break up with him through text. I wish I could

I really don't know what to do. "I found them the day I came back." I gulped hard. He was cheating on me for 2 weeks. "Oh.." I turned and looked at the sky.

"He doesn't deserve you." She stroked my cheek. "Your beautiful, cute, intelligent, charming and words can't explain how amazing you are." I smiled and blushed a little. "We should get back before it rises." I didn't know time had passed that quickly. I didn't want to leave her arms yet

We stood up and dusted our clothes before walking back to the car. The drive home was silent but comfortable one. She parked in my driveway and looked at me.

"Thank you" I stretched and hugged her. I pulled away and unbuckled my seat belt. "Goodnight , drive safely." She nodded looking worried.

"Night " She kissed my cheek and I blushed . I slammed the car door shut and walked to my porch. I entered the house and leaned my back against the door ."Where have you been?" Mom came rushing downstairs and all looking worried.

"I was worried something happened to you." She cupped my face and kissed my forehead. "Umm... from work just worked a few more hours." I sighed and I didn't want her to be worried.

"Why do you look like you have been crying?" I just want to sleep the fuck away. I don't want to make her sick and worried because her daughter is heartbroken. Urg Fuck my life. I just hugged her not knowing what to say. "Can we stay like this for a minute?" I buried my face into her neck.

We hugged for a few minutes before she whispered into my hair. "You can tell me later when feeling like." I pulled away nodding slowly and walking to my room. I laid face first into my pillow and cried.
I cried myself to sleep .

"Aaah faster." Eros moaned as Desmond thrusted into him. I sprung into a sitting position on my bed. I had sweat all over my body and I was breathing heavily. "It was all a dream." I repeated the words all over again as I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked through my bay window to the sky. I couldn't hate or be mad at Eros but I was mad at myself. If I didn't flirt with Scarlet I would have saved our relationship.

It's all my fault . It was all my fault

would have given him time. We would have gone to dates like how we did before Scarlet came back. I regret everything that has happened. I was planning on telling him the truth but I found him cheating on me.

I want to be mad but I can't instead my heart hurts. I grabbed my blanket into a fist and sobbed. I yelled into my pillow . Why did he have to do this to me. I loved him. He was my first love. I cried for a minutes remembering all the times we had.

He used to chase me in the rain and hugged me from behind. Why didn't he tell me he was gay? I wiped my tears and flung my legs to the floor. My head was hurting so much so I stood up and walked to my bathroom.

(Self harm )

I looked through the cabinets to get some pain killers but my eyes landed on a razorblade. I grabbed it thinking if I should. Wasn't I enough? What did I do wrong ? Why me ? I loved you and I still do but you crashed me and am all alone.

I placed the razor blade onto my wrist and stared at myself through the mirror. Tears were rolling down my puffy eyes. I walked to my shower and sat down on the cold floor. I feel like a piece of my heart is ripped out of my chest and something is constantly stabbing my heart. It's so painful.

"It hurts so much... but why does it hurt this much?" I cried out. I loved him too much but he simply gave it away. I pressed the tip of the blade deep into my skin and sighed in content as blood rolled down my wrist to the floor . I used my other hand to turn on the shower.

It may seem as a mistake but this pain is making me forget everything for a moment.
No one can fix me. I pressed harder again into my skin to the green vein and cut. Everything went silent in my head and I could here the water drops.

I stayed in the bathroom for like fifteen minutes. I looked down to the floor where my wrist was and it was a pool of my blood with water. I almost forgot I had work.

(Self harm)

I stood up with my wet clothes that clung onto my body and got out of the shower. I turned it off and walked to the cabinets again. I wrapped my deep cuts with a bandage and changed my wet clothes. I still had to go to work even though I wanted to cuddle with my stuffed toys. I wore a blue hoodie , black leggings with my white canvas shoes.

I straightened my hair and applied a little make up to cover my puffy blood shot eyes

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I straightened my hair and applied a little make up to cover my puffy blood shot eyes. I grabbed my essentials and walked out of my bedroom. I couldn't wait for this shitty day to end.

Eros POV

Why did we meet? Why did I give up? I would have fought for our relationship then. I have been cheating on Lovely ever since he came back. Desmond was my highschool crush and I left my hometown before we could date.

We used to hook up but when I left my hometown we lost contact. I haven't told Lovely that am gay. I wanted to turn myself straight because my family members are so damn religious.

I was turning back straight but when he came back everything shuttered. We have been having sex thrice a week and I don't care about anything else or Lovely. In fact I used her to turn myself straight but he's back. I plan to break up with Lovely today.

I heard she's fucking our boss what are whore! I heard she seduced the boss to be her secretary. She acts all cute but she's a slut. Three fucking years of torture pretending to love her. Yes I was pretending. I didn't love her or will I ever. She is so dump to think I liked her.

I rolled my eyes and continued my work.


So a little POV of Eros. Hmm...
Tysm guys for the 2.96k reads. I really appreciate it.

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