chapter 44

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Lovely's POV

I shook my head as tears followed down my eyes again. "Yo-u d-on't understand, you are too full of yourself to understand that everything isn't about sex and money ." Our eyes met and she seemed to soften because her hand let go my neck making me take in huge deep breaths.

"I don't need need your money , I want you , I want you to be there for our kids, I want you to be there for me. Is it that hard to unders-tand Scarlet?" I started hiccuping and she took me in her hands hugging me tight.

I stiffened a little and she kissed my hair.

I-" She couldn't form words and I cried more. Just understand this for once. "Scarlet, sto-p this , I don't need this life , I wan-t a life withou-t lies , I want to be ha-ppy, I want thi-ngs to go ba-ck to how they wer-e." My hands formed fists at the sides of her torso as I hiccupped more.

My eyes were hurting from all the crying and my voice was hoarse.
"Calm down baby , I'm sorry." She whispered softly before running her hand through my hair. My breathing was becoming uneven and it was hard for me to keep my eyes open.

"I'm tried of this " I choked in between and she kissed my hair. "You don't deserve me baby." I opened my mouth to say something but my body had given in. I smelled in her intoxicating scent one more time before I passed out.

Scarlet POV

I fucked up.

Why didn't I see she's hurting? Of course you wouldn't because of your arrogant self. I rolled my eyes at my conscious self but I knew it was true. I hurt my baby. I had to do anything to make it up to her. I carried her from the ground and walked up the stairs to our room.

Her hand seemed to have lost weight from how light she was. I looked down to her face and she was still beautiful like before. Her eyes were closed but red and puffy from all the crying , her cheeks had a slight blush , the nose was red at the tip and her lips were red and dry.

"Why can't you hate me?" I whispered to her before laying her down the covers. Her  forehead had some sweat and the baby hairs were sticking there. She's always cute but I was making her depressed.

I took out her phone from the nightstand and texted her mom. I looked through her messages to know how she texts  but nothing helped so I just texted. The old woman must be going crazy right now.

'I'm with a friend, don't look for me.'  I sent it before I also took out my phone. I dialed my doctor's number and she immediately picked. "What's wrong ma'am?" I walked out of the room , closing the door behind me.

"Come in early in the morning , I need you to check something." I hang up the phone because I didn't have time to whore out with her. I dialed Adelina's number and she picked immediately. "Wha-t's up Sca-rlet?" She stuttered and I knew she was drunk.

"Where are you?" I walked to my garage not before grabbing one pair of key from the bowl. "I don't kno-w but I'm fine." I rolled my eyes before I got into my red Lamborghini. I didn't like this color so much but I had to save her lazy ass.

She became lazy ever since her girlfriend left her. Whatever her name is. Why can't she just man up a little. I roared the car into life before pressing the button  to open up my garage and driving off. "Don't co-me here, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes again before asking her again.

"Where are you?" She hang up on me and I ran a hand through my hair. Her cars had a gps tracker but she has a lot of cars so I didn't know where she is  right now. I called her again while slowing down the speed.

She picked up and I scolded her "Stop being a dick and tell me..." A girly voice interrupted me and my brows furrowed. "Who are you?" I heard Adelina in the background stuttering about Jade something, yeah her ex girlfriend Jade.

"You don't need to know me but we are right now at Red." I hummed before hanging up. Red was just a small bar just at the end of the town and it wouldn't take me long to reach there.

(A few minutes later)

I pulled up and there she was standing near a little framed girl. "She's um...dr-drunk." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Adelina from the girl's shoulder. I nodded and helped Adelina who smelled like shit.  I felt the girl's eyes on my back but I shrugged it off.

I placed Adelina in the back of my car before turning around and mouthing out something I rarely do. "Thank you." The girl bit her lip before getting something from her bag.

I got in my car but she knocked on my window, I turned around and rose one of my eyebrows at her. "Um..this is my number, you can call me when you need something know what I mean." I know I'm hot and all but I don't want girls throwing themselves at my feet.

"I don't fuck whores." With that I roared the car to life and driving away making her fall down. I'm going to have this car sanitized thoroughly. "Why the fuck did you get drunk?" I looked at her through the rear view-mirror and she rolled her eyes. "Do you have water?" She sat up while massaging her temples.

"No" I spat before focusing back on the road. "Drive me home and I'm leaving the country tomorrow. I'm going to take care of the businesses in Italy instead." My brows furrowed together before I spoke.

"Why the hurry? Did you find her?" I looked at her through the rear view-mirror again and she glared at me. "No and I need to take my mind off her."I nodded and continued to drive in silence. "Did you and Lovely talk?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Yeah kinda and I fucked up." She chuckled a little and I glared at her. "I knew you were going to and does she know the truth about what happened that day?" I nodded and chuckled bitterly.

"She doesn't believe anything that comes out of my mouth." I sighed while drumming my fingers against the steering. "I wouldn't too because you are a control freak." I glared at her as she laughed out loud like she wasn't stuttering a while ago.

"Hmm... shut up or I'll throw you out of my car right now." She shut up and I continued driving. "But what are you going to do?" I shook my head and sighed.

"I don't know but I'm giving our relationship a week if we aren't back then I'm letting her go." I ran a hand through my hair my hair as I gripped the steering with my other hand tightly.

"Oh I'm sorry bro," I rolled my eyes at her. I don't know how many times she has apologized and I'm sick of it. "It's fine and we were drugged." She hummed as the guard opened the gate to her mansion.

We drove in complete silence the rest of the drive. I pulled up and she got out. "I'll call you when something is wrong and good luck with it."

I nodded before driving away from her. I hope everything goes as planned.

No early smut for you.

Merry Christmas to you all and early longer update.

1315 words.

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