chapter 23

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Dedicated to CSlovelivelaugh TYSM for the motivation.

Lovely POV

The first rays of sunlight lit up the room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and tried to sit up. I looked down at my waist and a hand was firmly holding me into place.

I looked back up and my head was in someone's chest. I looked up through my eye lashes and I was met with Scarlet's black orbs. "Good morning beautiful," Her voice was raspy and a little husky.

I blushed and looked down. Her hand tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear carefully. " Good morning, daddy." I bit my bottom lip sexually . Her thumb removed my bottom lip from my teeth.

"Your so naughty today." I felt her member poking my entrance because my leg was in between hers. She kissed my forehead before she slipped out of her bed.

I immediately missed her warmth and also sat up. She was wearing a big t-shirt that was riding up because of her stretching. I saw a little peek of her abs and I wanted my fingers to run up and down on them.

I crawled to her on the bed and sat on my legs. I slipped my hand under her big t-shirt and started tracing the abs. She paused her movements and I took it as a sign to continue.

I did it for a couple of minutes before I was straddled. I let out a squeak sound before I stared at Scarlet who was breathing heavily. I felt her hard on through my undies. I moaned softly still looking at her.

My hands traveled back to her torso but they were pinned above my head. I tried to wiggle but she wouldn't bug. "What are you doing to me?" Her eyes were filled with lust and love.

I activated my cute act and whispered. "Nothing daddy." She growled and I smiled innocently. Her breath was now fanning my face. She leaned in until it was a breath away ."How bad do you want it?"

My core was already glistening and dripping with my juices. I spread my legs letting her member be more in contact with my pussy. My eyes rolled back in my head and I let out a loud moan.

I looked back at her "I want it as bad as you do." Scarlet's lips turned into a mischievous smirk. Her lips brushed against mine and whispered " show me."

"Show me why you need me." My breath hitched when she softly kissed my neck and jaw. "How daddy?" Her other hand went under my big t-shirt to my nipples. "I want you to touch yourself."

She pinched my hardened nipple and I moaned loudly. She let go of my arms and removed herself from me. She left me on the bed and sat on the nearby sofa in the room. I smirked and also got off the bed.

I stood up and removed my shirt over my head slowly. I threw it down and ran a hand in my hair sexually. I sexually walked to her and sat on her lap facing her. Her lips had an amused smirk.

I placed my head in the crock of her neck and kissed her softly . I pinched one of my nipples and moaned in her ear. I ran my other hand in her hair while I was moaning. I retreated my hand from her hair to my thigh.

I rubbed circles on my thigh nearing it at my pussy. I stopped kissing her neck and trailed my hand on her chest. I clutched her t-shirt when my fingers ran a slit at my entrance to feel how wet I was. I rubbed my thumb against my clit in a circular slow motion while moaning.

Scarlet's breath was quickening a little . I increased my pace and I moaned loudly. I was so aroused and my core wanted some contact. "Dadd aahh y" I moaned loudly entering two fingers.

I squirted against them feeling my organism nearing already . I removed my head from the crook of Scarlet's neck and looked at her. I increased my pace and my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

I pulled Scarlet into a rough kiss and she gladly responded. I was moaning loudly into the kiss. Scarlet shoved her tougue into my mouth and explored every part.

I curled my fingers in me and my head jerked back. I increased my pace and my back arched with my toes curling too. "OMG..." My eyes snapped open and my movements stopped.

My heart was racing against my chest. Shit
Scarlet was glaring at the person behind me. Someone threw us a velvet and Scarlet wrapped it around me.

I removed my wet fingers from my core and wiped them on the velvet. Scarlet placed my head back into the crook of my neck . I was flushed and embarrassed.

"What do you want Adle." Scarlet growled at her. I knew she was mad so I whispered "it's okay ." She let out a huge breath and I smiled. "We have a problem." Adelina spoke seriously. I am sure it was about work.

"What's it?" What is the problem and where is Jade. "But .. just speak." Scarlet interrupted her . She rubbed her temples. What don't they want to tell me?

"Someone's stealing us." I felt anger radiating from Scarlet and I whimpered. Scarlet rubbed my back and whispered "it's fine." I sighed and nodded.
"Wait for me outside." I heard footsteps leaving and I removed my head from her crook of the neck.

"Are you okay?" Scarlet rubbed her thumb against my cheek. I leaned in to her touch and sighed. "Daddy I need you." I looked at my hands shyly. "Not now baby I got to find that asshole." I nodded feeling sad but I masked it with a yawn.

I got off her lap with the velvet around me and walked to the bed. I laid down and closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

Thank you guys . I am really motivated when you read my stories.

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