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( A/n So I hope you don't get confused but this is the sequel for this book but it still stands in this book they won't have a happy ending so feel free to stay or leave but this sequel connects to book 2 so it won't be confusing at the start.....)

Lovely POV

My eyes were locked with hers as the headlights flickered to my frame . Everything slowed down very fast and it felt it was only her and me against the world.

I had a strong urge to go and stop her from leaving and tell her everything is fine and will be fine but I couldn't.......I just couldn't. Nothing was fine in our lives at all and we had to fix them so we can be happy.

  The burning sensation in my throat came back again as my eyes burnt with warm tears trying to escape from them. I blinked them away as I bit the inside of my cheek hard as the pain in my heart increased also.

There was a strong cloud of pain in her eyes but she didn't shed a tear. I couldn't but roam my eyes away from hers to her plump lips that were locked with mine a while ago. It was just so amazing and beautiful I couldn't help but wish that every memory in our lives was like that.

She turned around her Lamborghini and less than a minute her handsome face was out of my sight forever. My hands formed fists at my sides as the lump grew in my throat quickly making me inhale deeply from my mouth. I bent down as my knees gave up .

It was like my body shut down completely when she drove away and I couldn't do anything about it.  Tears rolled down my cheeks like rain realizing the effect she had on me was so strong. It was like my heart was ripped out of my chest.  The pain was so unbearable that I tasted blood in my mouth from biting hard my inside cheek.

Cries of agony and pain escaped my lips as I deeply inhaled from them because I couldn't from my nose. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly turning me around to face them. I instantly recognized them from their motherly scent and it was my mom.

"Shhhhhh, Love it's going to be fine, be strong for the babies." I cried in the crook of her neck as I shook my head muffling the sounds of my cries in her neck. My vision was glassy with my tears as my eyes hurt so much.

I knew nothing was going to be fine. 

"M-mom M-mom it- it's o-ver between us" I stammered trying to tell my mother what happened but I think she already knows not from how broken I was.

"Shhhh I know dear, Let's inside."  I nodded and we walked hand in hand into the house I have grown up in. Everything was still the same but it felt like I had spent years without coming here.

Mom said something to me but I couldn't hear it because my mind was nowhere here. Different thoughts were running wild inside my head.

How will I tell my mom that she was the one who killed dad?

How I'm I going to face my mom?

How will I tell I'm my kids what their dad was like?

How will I raise my kids?

What I'm I going to do with my life now?

I couldn't help but clutch my head to stop the thoughts but they didn't go away. Instead it throbbed so hard making everything  around me start moving and it didn't take long before my body hit the ground closing my eyes in the process but the last person I thought about was her nonetheless before my senses completely shut down it's like I heard her voice yelling out to me...

Yes her voice....


Did she come back?

Did she come back for us?

For  our family?

Little did I know it's was just an hallucination......

She was long dead gone before I knew.....


I had this draft in my phone so I thought I could post it..... anyways I'm sorry about the way the book ended....🤷

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