chapter 39

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Lovely POV.

Why has she come right now? It's not that I'm complaining. Is she going to try to explain what happened that day or just move on like nothing happened. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. I wanted her back in my life but I was still hurting from the pain she caused me.

I trusted her and she betrayed me.

"Let me help you stand up." Mom offered and I nodded. She helped me off the bed and  I looked at her with pleading eyes. "Do I have to go down there?" I sighed and stroked my belly with both hands.

"Yes silly," Mom chuckled and I groaned. I I sighed and bit my lip. "Mom I'm leaving for the mall tomorrow." She grabbed my hand gently and basically dragged me out of my room.

"What do you want from there?" Mom stopped just above the stairs and crossed her arms around her chest. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the railing for support as I took my first step.

My palms were sweaty and that's when I knew how nervous I was. "Mom I want to shop things for the babies , I'm going to be fine." I continued walking and she sighed. "I'm going with you and that's finale." It was my time to sigh in defeat.

I nodded and she smiled while helping me down the stairs. I could use extra help from her. A faint kick erupted in my belly and I chuckled. "Mom, one has kicked." I looked at her and she was grinning widely. "Really?" She bent down and kissed my belly.

"Yes just a faint one." We stopped in our tracks while she stroked my belly. "They are so cute already." I chuckled and nodded. "You used to be like that when your dad always bent down to kiss my belly." We continued walking down the stairs carefully until we were just steps from the living room.

"He spoiled you and wanted to give you everything before he died." Her voice became faint at the end and I sighed deeply. I know she still misses dad and it hurt knowing I can't help her from the pain."He truly loved us and I wish he didn't get murdered but there was a huge amount of money given to us that you used to finish off your college."

I nodded as my eyes looked for her and there she was. My excitement and curiosity was filled with anger.  "What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled and she stood up from the couch. She sighed loudly and I felt suffocated already.

"Lovely that is not a nice way to talk to our guests." Mom gently slapped my arm and I didn't bother looking at her.

"Can we talk?" Adelina sighed deeply. She looked stressed more like a ghost. Her face features were more sharper and everything about her seemed to have changed except her blonde hair. She had bugs under her eyes but still looked captivating.

Her face was paler than usual and I almost I mean almost felt pity for her.
"I have nothing to say to you , just fucking leave my house." I yelled and mom flinched.

"I should leave you alone , call me if you need anything." Mom whispered the last part before turning around and walking up the stairs.

"Give me only five minutes." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms around my chest. "When are you giving birth?" Adelina glanced at my belly and I glared at her. "I'm not your friend so stop acting like one." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Do you know where Jade is?" I chuckled bitterly and hurt flashed in her dark brown eyes.  I didn't care because she hurt my best friend more than that. "You are pathetic." I laughed mockingly at her.

"Look I just want to know where she is?" I smirked and walked to the door opening it for her. "Oh so now you want to go back to her after you cheat on her with some bimbo and Scarlet?" I rolled my eyes feeling a little pain in my heart.

The pain I went through ever since that night was fresh.

"It's not as it is , everything was a mistake , we were...shut up and leave my damn house." I spat with venom and she clenched her jaw tight with her fists.

"Can you at least tell me the place?" She gritted out and I rolled my eyes. I last spoke with Jade two months back when she told me she was leaving the state with her mom to start a new life. I begged her to tell me where she was going but she hang up on me.

Ever since then her phone number is switched off and so her mom's. I got hurt that I couldn't help my best friend at all instead she ran away from all of us.  " I don't know where she is but she left the state two months ago." She nodded with hurt evident in her eyes and I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm thanks." She placed her hand in her leather jacket and removed her wallet. My brows furrowed together and I glared at her. She removed a golden credit card and handed it to me. I rose one of my eye brows at her as my hands became fists.

"What is that?" I asked in disbelief. Ofcourse I knew it was a credit card but I was trying to convince myself she wasn't going to do what I was thinking.

My hands formed fists as my ears became red. "Um.. Scarlet wants you to have this so you can give her babies everything." I'm so stupid to think she had changed "I don't need her money and these babies are mine." My heart ached and I bit my lip hard.

Stupid hormones.

"She just wants you to be okay with her babies." I  looked her dead in the eyes and raised my finger to her. "Take your stupid money and tell her to leave me alone. Tell her she's so stupid to think  money will make me forget what she did to me.  I can take care of my babies alone." I yelled as the tears formed in my eyes.

My chest was now moving up and falling rapidly. All I could see was red.
"I only wanted one thing and she didn't try to give it to me." My voice cracked at the end and I wiped my wet cheeks. She walked to me and patted my shoulder which made me glare at her hand.

I was wearing a short huge dress that ended just above my thighs with no bra or underwear.

"Don't fucking touch me , you are so disgusting." I stepped back a little and she sighed loudly.

"She is finishing up something that's why she didn't have time to explain everything."I rolled my eyes as she walked out. "I don't fucking care."  I  slammed the door shut in her face without waiting for her reply. I leaned on it trying to calm down but tears  rolled down like rainfall.

"Lovely are you okay?" Mom came and hugged me tight as I cried. I sat down on the floor and I buried my face into my hands. Why did I love someone like her? "What is more important than our babies?." I sobbed loudly and she hugged me tighter.

" I loved the wrong person." I choked out feeling the lump growing in my throat. "Shh calm down, it's going to be okay." I swallowed the lump and tried to calm my breathing.

"It's not going to be okay."

I'm back.

So this book is about to end soon😭and I'm planning to end it around chapter 50 anyway thanks for reading.

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