chapter 20

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Lovely POV

I took this chance and studied her outfit. She looked hot no.. nice. Remember you promised to stay away from her.
Scarlet's outfit

I could see her black bra and every curve on her body

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I could see her black bra and every curve on her body. How can I stay away from her. Everything about her is perfect. She's hot, caring , amazing , rich and good in bed .

I ruined everything, I mean everything.  I don't know what she does to make me feel good. I can feel myself getting wet. I cleared my throat to get her attention. "Umm... Hi?" I nervously said.

She was interrupted with the door making a squeak sound. My head snapped into the direction and it was Eros. We locked eyes but something flushed in his eyes before he broke it.

Was it disgust?

What did I do?

He walked into my mini office where me and Scarlet were. Scarlet looked calm , very calm. She still had her eyes on me and I looked down at my feet. " called for me?" Eros stuttered nervously.

Eros never stutters or become nervous. I chuckled inwardly knowing Scarlet had a strong effect on him. "Yes and your fired." My eyes snapped to Scarlet's eyes which now held no emotion.

Her gaze was intense and I visibly shivered. "What?" Eros said in more of a question. I hope it isn't me that made him get fired. Even though he hurt me , I still care about him.

"Did I stutter?" Scarlet replied coldly and I didn't want to be near this conversation at all. "Is it because of her? Your slut." I froze and looked at Eros. Tears were starting to brim in my eyes but I swallowed them.

"Your a whore, you know?" This isn't the Eros I fell in love with. This Eros's eyes held hate than the last time. I looked down at my feet looking embarrassed. So he knew I was cheating on him , that's why he also cheated.

It's all my fault. I wish I could go back in time and never accepted to take the files to mom. I wouldn't have met Scarlet. I hate myself. Tears fell down my cheeks.

"Shut up." Scarlet's voice was colder than last time. I wiped my tears and looked back at Eros. "So you actually sold yourself to her?"  The lamp was growing in my throat.

"How much did she offer?" He crossed his arms.

"I didn't " my voice cracked at the end. He laughed like a crazy person. " Oh you didn't , then how you explain working here?" I opened my words to say something but nothing came out . I sobbed in return.

"Your a whore acting all cute but a snake inside." He walked to me and I backed up against the wall. "You only wanted my money and guess what I didn't love you at all." He sneered at my face .

"I fucking loved you and I didn't want your money." I shouted by it only came out as a whisper.  Hot tears were rolling down my cheeks but I wiped them with the sleeves of Scarlet's hoodie.

My heart was hurting so much. He didn't really love me everything was all a act but why? "Why didn't you love me?" The lump was squeezing my throat and I used the wall for support.

"You are so clingy and ugly." He continued "Your the ugliest person I have ever seen, look at the fab your having." I started hyperventilating while shaking my head 'no'. "You  are literally a moving pig ."  "Shut your mouth before I freaking burst your head." I looked back at Scarlet with glassy eyes.

She had a gun pointed at Eros's head with no emotion in her eyes. I gasped. Eros looked back at Scarlet and visibly shivered a bit before he masked it. He stepped away from me and walked to the door. "I have one more thing to say, she only loves you for your money."

Scarlet clicked as the safety turned off of the gun still aiming at Eros's head. When did she even have a gun? Where did she get it from? She tilted her head right to left daring for Eros to speak but her eyes were on me.

I can't help but notice how hot she looked. "Then I will give her everything I own." My eyes widened, Is she crazy? " Mark my words, she's a slu...aahh" I gasped looking down at the floor. Eros was moaning in pain.

I walked to Scarlet and cupped her face. "Scarlet give me the gun." I whispered while rubbing my thumb in circles. She calmed down and gave me the gun. I placed the gun on the desk and tiptoed to give her a hug. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

I inhaled her scent and she placed her head in the crook of my neck. I am not going to feel any guilty
or cry for someone who clearly didn't love me. I have Mom, Jade and mostly Scarlet. I sighed and hugged her tighter.

We pulled away and stared at each other. I smiled at her genuinely. She tried to smile but completely looked like a freak. I bursted out in laughter, I clenched my stomach feeling the pain . "Bitch what are you laughing at?" Eros yelled out at me still sitting on his butt.

I caught my breath and looked up at Scarlet who was clearly amused. "You looked like haha a hahaha complete freak hahaa while smiling." She shrugged and got her phone.

She dialed a number and it rung 2 times before it was picked up. "Come in here." She hung up after saying that. I rubbed my eyes feeling sleepy and they really hurt . I heard a knock and there came in Desmond.

Desmond bowed at Scarlet and picked up Eros who was in agony . Scarlet shot his ankle so it might take time to heal. He helped Eros out of the office and it was just the two of us.

I turned around and faced Scarlet who was smirking.  I turned to walk around the desk to my chair but Scarlet pulled me closer to her making me wrap my hands around her torso. Her hoodie had ridden up so she used that opportunity to touch my hip with her cold hands.

I shivered visibly and tried to pull away but she held me tight.

Am so dead on this chapter

(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻

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