chapter 45

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Lovely's POV

"Open your mouth." Scarlet held out a spoon of ice cream while nearing it to my mouth.

Scarlet offered to feed me and I happily obliged. Her rings on her fingers shimmered out and they looked freaking expensive.

She was in a black t-shirt and grey sweats. Her hair was in a man bun as usual showing off her neck tattoos and her sliver long necklace.

"Stop staring and eat." She chuckled a little while shaking her head. A huge blush crept slowly to my cheeks and I looked down in embarrassing.

"Sorry love but you are so cute." She put her index finger to make me look at her.

"You can stare at me all day but right now you have to eat something for our cupcakes." She picked me up and sat me on the counter top making her shirt ride to my upper thighs showing off my panties.

A throaty growl slipped from her lips and I tried pulling the shirt down but she stopped me. I looked up and her eyes were darker than usual making me gulp hard. I was still embarrassed that she caught me staring.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and she dropped her hands from my wrists to my waist while a spread my legs so that she can fit in between. She pulled me so that I pressed my belly on her body pressed while she made me look up to her.

My breath hitched as her breath fanned above my lips. My blue orbs melted into her black orbs and my hands formed fists.

Her eyes flickered to my lips and I did the same. I saw her lean and I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth before letting go making it wet and moistened. She squeezed my ass making me part my lips letting out a gasp.

"Don't be love." She leaned in and slowly pressed a kiss on the left corner of my lip making me frown a little.

She lingered there for a moment before pulling back. My eyes were already closed and I was using my feeling sense.

Her lips transferred to the right corner doing the same thing. I opened my eyes and stared into her black orbs.

She ran a tougue over her bottom lip and I leaned in too. My breath hitched as my hands gripped the edge of the countertop.

"You don't deserve me." She whispered before pulling away. What does she mean by that? Her body left mine and I frowned.

She got the ice cream that was in a bowl and it was already melted.

She cursed under her breath and I chuckled. She looked at me and I smiled at her. "What was that?"

"Nothing." She glanced at me one more time and I grinned widely making her smile showing me her pearly whites.

Her smile was beautiful making my stomach do flips.

"You should smile more." I whispered and she sighed deeply making her smile disappear. "Only for you love."

I blushed deep red and I averted my eyes to anywhere but her. She chuckled and I felt her body retreating away from mine.

I couldn't help but look at her ass that was round and tempting to touch. Her hips swayed a long with it and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

A huge throb was growing down there so I squeezed my thighs together. My panties dampened immediately and I cursed under my stupid hormones.

I gripped the edge of the countertop tightly feeling the need to touch myself. My knuckles turned white as I tried to stop myself from the temptation. I let go of the edge before my hand settled on my upper thigh.

I rubbed circles and I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel if I rub them on my clit. A warm sensation formed down there as lust consumed me more.

I increased my pace and my heart raced. My eyes were focused on my thumb that was rubbing circles. She won't know unless I tell her.

I can have a quickie. My legs spread a part and cool air hit me hard. I sniffed a moan as I bit my lip nearing my hand to my panties.

I let out shaky breaths as I closed my eyes and slipped my wet panties to the side running a light slit to my wet core.

"Mmh.." My mouth formed an O letting moans slip out. My middle finger was coated with my thick warm juices and it turned me on more. It wasn't runny but thick.

I pulled apart my lips as imagining her tougue fucking me deep making my senses go wild. The chilly air hit my core and I gripped the edge of the countertop with my other hand.

I heard a growl near me and I tensed up snapping my eyes open. My hands left my core as my eyes met hers. My chest was rising and falling as my eyes widened in shock. "What did I fucking tell you?" Her voice was husky and deep making me drip more.

She leaned in and breathed in the crook of my neck while one of her hand squeezed my thigh. Her breath fanned my skin making me shudder.

The hair at the back of my head raised as she left wet swirls on my neck while squeezing my ass with the other. I bit my lip hard as sweat formed on my forehead and goosebumps rising on my skin.

The magic of her tougue on my neck and how her large cold hands squeezed my ass sent me over the edge as my body became hot. "I-i was touching myself." I whispered and she smirked on my neck.

My eyes closed as she sucked my pulse making me shiver. "Good girl, why were you doing that without my permission?" She whispered in my ear as her cold hand because of the ice cream went to my upper inner thigh so close to my lips making me shut my thighs while moaning.

Her cold hand melted against my hot skin as my eyes rolled at the back of my head. "Tell me bellissimo." I gasped loudly as her cold finger flickered my clit making my legs open wide again.

"You are so beautiful, look at how your body responds to me." She slapped my thigh making vibrations hit my core in waves. I took in a sharp breath as my hands slowly entangled in her hair tugging it a few times.

"Thank you daddy." I moaned in her neck as she ran a slit at from my entrance to my clit. I moaned loudly as I arched my back making my stomach tie knots "You are so wet for me." Her hand left my ass and tugged my hair making me look up at the ceiling.

"I-i..." I couldn't form words as white spots appeared in my vision. She continued rubbing circles on my clit and I squirted against her fingers.

She flickered my clit and I moaned loudly. My eyes rolled at the back of my head as she increased her pace on my clit.

"Oh fuck" I moaned loudly as my organsm neared more. I dug my nails into her shoulder making her wince a little.

She entered her fingers in me and I moaned softly as my walls stretched out. My warm juices dripping down to her fingers making them move easily in me. She didn't wait for me to adjust before she started stroking me deep.

My mind went blank ...

My eyes snapped open as I start up immediately. Sweat twinkled down my forehead as my chest rose and fell. Yeah it's a dream. I freaking had a wet dream on the person I hate the most right now and I'm definitely not wet.

Sorry for the late update but here it is. I'm going to take a long time without updating , I need to get my shit together.

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