chapter 48

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Scarlet POV

Though it hurt so much to see her cry because of me , I had to tell her the truth. The truth about my past.....and mostly how I felt to her.  I couldn't see her live a life with me full of lies. From the first time I met her, I saw my world light up magically , everything was in unicorns and rainbows but also because of me I had to ruin it.

It's my fault for everything that happened and I think it's enough for her. ( A/n it's your fault ofcourse *eye roll*)She's been too strong for the world and me . She deserves to be selfish and move on with her life alone and no one should try to think about saying a 'no' about it

She's been through a lot and my little lamb deserves to go out in the fields, run around freely as well as try out new pastures to eat.

She's so precious for the world and I hope our kids just grow up to be like her, beautiful,smart , kind and so pure. It will make me smile wherever I will be though I won't be looking after them even though they are my blood and my only heirs of everything I own.

"O-okay!" I stammered a bit feeling a tight squeeze from my heart. The tension that was thick around us a while a go lightened up as the wind wailed up strong as I gazed into her red teary puffy eyes. These eyes I have grown to fear, they just make me realize how bad of a father and a man I am.

I had never regretted anything I ever did in my past  until today. I wish I showed her what it feels like to be happy,cared for and mostly loved. She's deserves more than anything in this world cause she's been through a lot. "Really?" Her voice was strained and I could tell it hurt her to voice out.

Her eyes found my searching for lies again but for once in my life I was honest to her and I could see the happiness shine bright again. It was as if the life inside her was set free. "Yes Lovely, you deserve so many things more than this, I'm so stupid that I never showed you want you deserve when I got the chance but I hope someone will show you out what you missed because you are so pure and white."

My hands ran to her cheeks and wiped off her tears as I forced a smile out for her so that it would make her calm for her and my little angels inside her. My heart rapidly pounded against my chest in so much pain. This pain was more than that of a gun shot or a sprain. It was as if my heart was stabbed with a hot knife cause everytime it pounded I could feel my breath get lost somewhere.

I bit my inside cheek as I tried to bare the pain. She nodded her head and I stared at her bewildered that she was listening to the words that came out of my mouth. "Do you wanna go back to your mom now or tomorrow morning?" My voice was strained as I waited for her response.

My breath hitched hoping maybe she would at least rethink..."Now" Her voice was strong and it beat me up to my thoughts so I smiled back at her. She's a very strong person and I'm glad she's the mother of my angels. "Let's first get you some clothes that will warm you up and the keys for the car." She nodded seemingly persuade and I led her back to the house.

Lovely POV

(10 minutes later...)

We were on the road back to my mom's place as my head hurt so much and my eyes too but I kept them open as I stared out the window of the car to the road. I was happy that I'm let free and I know the truth about her and what she did to me. It hurt but truth hurts to be it.

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