chapter 12

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Lovely POV

"Where have you been young lady?" I stiffened and turned around to look at my mom who had one eyebrow raised.

"U-mm from Eros's place." I rubbed the back of my head while avoiding my mom's gaze.

"But Eros doesn't have a Lamborghini." She leaned onto the wall with her arms crossed. I knew she wouldn't let this go.

"U-mm I happened to meet someone and I was drunk so she helped me and took me to her home."  I looked on the floor as I continued. "We didn't do anything." I looked back at her eyes and she was definitely smiling widely.

"Was it Scarlet?" She grinned and I just nodded to everything she said next but one caught my attention. "So you had sex?" I choked on my spit. What's wrong with this woman .

"No, mom we didn't and I have a hangover that hurts like hell." I couldn't wait to pass out on my comforter.

"Can I go to my room please." I whined hating this conversation. She grinned and nodded. "Those clothes look better on you than Eros's" I rolled my eyes while climbing up the stairs.

I walked to my room and fell flat on my bed. I took out my phone and called Jade.  It took three rings for her to pick up .

"Bitch I called you many times, I thought you were killed." She yelled through the phone. I held my phone at a distance from my ear.  "Am perfectly fine and what happened when I left." I grinned while sitting up.

"U-mm " I could tell she was blushing crazy. " Did you have sex?" I waited patiently and I heard a sigh
"Oh My God." I yelled happily. "I need I rundown right now ." I put my phone on speaker.

"Wekissedandfucked, nothing more am going to tell you." I blushed remembering me and Scarlet what if we fucked!

"Okay okay that's enough what are you doing today?" I didn't want to hear my best friend's sex positions she was fucked in. "Wait what happened between you and her." Oh Lord I thought she would not ask.

I sighed "You did have sex?" She yelled. "No, no, we didn't and like ew am not gay Jade." I wish we did fuck but I have Eros. "Your brain doesn't think that when her body presses against yours." I blushed.

"I hate you." I was flushed. "I love you too." She hung up on me after saying that. I laid again on my bed and called Eros. I called him for like fifteen times without him answering me. 'dick' I mumbled.

Sometimes I hate our relationship ,he can take days without him calling me.  I stared up my ceiling and thought about everything including Scarlet. Now that she's back what am I going to do.

I felt my lids getting heavy and I instantly closed my eyes. I slept the entire day because I was extremely tired.


Oh shit I over slept and am 20 minutes late for work. I walked into the company hurriedly. I hope I don't get fired. I rode the elevator to the 40th floor where my office was . I stepped out and adjusted my clothes.

Lovely's outfit

I just wore what I found because I was extremely late

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I just wore what I found because I was extremely late. I tucked my sweater into my skirt. I didn't have a bra nor underwear and I was super uncomfortable.

I walked into my office and found Melanie leaning onto my desk while typing something on her phone.  Oh great I cleared my throat and she snapped her head to me. "Good morning Melanie."

She told me to call her 'Melanie' when no one's around. "Morning Lovely, you look splendid today." I mumbled a thank you. "Do you need something right now." I asked wanting her to leave as soon as possible.

"Yeah I do, " She shut off her phone and looked at me. I waited for her to speak up but she was eyeing me up and down.

"Aaah your having Scarlet back." She blurted out and drowned . Oh shit   Is this day any worse. "It's my last day here." She walked to me only leaving 5 steps apart.

I wanted to ask why but it wasn't in my respective to ask that so I just nodded.  She took steps into my personal bubble and I took steps back until I hit the wall.

Fuck am trapped

I looked back at her and she was leaning in. Please don't kiss me. I looked at her with wide eyes and she stopped at my ear.

"Text me if you need something." She whispered while handing me the card.  'Ahem' someone cleared her throat and my head snapped into that direction.

It was Scarlet not looking happy at all. She was glaring at Melanie. Melanie stepped back and smirked at Scarlet. "What were you doing?" Scarlet asks through gritted teeth.

"Nah I was just saying goodbye to this bellissimo."  She leaned in again and whispered "I mean anything." She bit her lip and winked at me as walking out .

I composed my posture and looked at the card. I walked away from the wall to my chair and sat down. I could feel Scarlet's eyes on me.

I hear combat boots on the marble floor but I continue doing my thing. I was turned around and faced a pissed off Scarlet with fire in her eyes.

She took the card from my hand and tore it apart. I looked at her "Why did you do that?" I glared at her. "You're mine " She growled . I clenched my thighs together .

"You don't own me ." I spat clearly annoyed. I turned around and continued my work. I pretended she wasn't in the room and I could feel her eyes on me.

She stared at me for long 10 minutes of my life. She walked out and I sighed feeling hot and bothered.  She walked to her chair and sat down like she was the God. We made eye contact and I could myself getting well already.

I broke it and looked back at my files but she kept staring at me.

When will this be over?


Sorry I had some personal problems so I wasn't updating. I hope you like it.

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