chapter 33

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Everything around disappeared and my mind only focused on her. No no no it's all a dream. My heart was racing and my legs felt jelly. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I took slow steps near her. The lump was forming quickly in my throat.

My heart was cracking into pieces as I turned off the shower. "J-ade" I sat down at the cold tiles that were coated with Jàde's blood mixed with water. "Ja-de." I swallowed the lump in my throat but it quickly formed again.

"Ja-de stop this or else I'm not your best friend anymore." I grabbed her cold body and pulled it to my lap and shook her furiously. "Wake up Jade." I yelled at her and  waited.

Jàde's  lips were blue from the coldness and her face was pale. Her white shirt she was wearing clung onto her left side because of the blood. Jàde's wrist had a deep cut and her thighs had scars on them.

"Jade wh-y did you do th-is?" My voice cracked as I stroked hers.

"It's all my fault please wake up." I sobbed loudly. I shook her again but she was still the same. "I am very selfish , you can do anything to me please wake up."

I grabbed my purse with my shaky blood coated hands and dialed 911.

" Please don't leave me." I hugged her body tightly and rocked back and forth. It's all my fault. I sobbed and stroked her hair with my other hand. " This is 911  how may we help you?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened my mouth to say something.

No words came out until I cleared my throat.

" My frie-nd has a deep cut on her wrist an-d she - is-n't wa-k..." I sobbed at the end not wanting to say it.  My body started shaking and my breathing became heavy. "Calm down and tell me what's happening." The woman at the end of the line tried to calm me down.

"Sh-e's los-ing a lot of bl-ood please come s-ave her." I took puffs of air in between but it was all in  vain. "Where are you?" I did my breathing exercise and tried to control my breathing.

"Kristiansand at HLT in room 5" I took a deep breath afterwards. "Hang in there , we are coming in 10 but listen to me ." I nodded and placed down the phone on Jade's chest. "Get a cloth and tie her wrist to stop the bleeding."

I grabbed my purse and got my handkerchief. I grabbed her deep cut wrist that was filled with blood. Her palm and fingers were coated with blood too but one finger caught my eye. It had a ring. "Tie it tightly." I folded it neatly before tying it around her wrist.

"Don't hung up the phone and tell me when they arrive." I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. "Why did you?" I spoke to myself trying to take my mind off the fact that my best is about to die.

It didn't take long before the paramedics barged in. They took Jade from my lap and helped me up too. "Please save her." I begged not wanting to lose  another special person again.

They nodded and placed Jade on the stretcher before placing an oxygen mask on her nose. I loved my best friend and I didn't want to loose her.

I don't understand who did this to her. Jade was never suicidal. Jade is energetic , bright , kind hearted and happy. This isn't the Jade I have always known. What made her do this?

I realized the paramedics were leaving the room so  I grabbed my things and got her phone too that was at her nightstand. I ran out of the room and followed them out the hotel.

𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑨𝑩𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 [18+]✔︎ ⚢︎Where stories live. Discover now