chapter 38

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"Every-thing has happe-ned as you wa-nt it , plea-se spare my family." The old lady shivered visibly while stuttering a little. I grabbed a  cigarette from my pocket and lighted it up pressing it between my lips.

I breathed out in a puff and sighed in satisfaction. I couldn't  wait for them to crumble down and beg me to spare their lives. I promised myself  to make sure they pay for what they did to me. If they think everything is fine , they are wrong , this is nothing to the pain  I went through.

"Hmm, you did a good job and I'm stunned that you didn't come out dead." The bitch near me chuckled and leaned on the car. I looked her and smirked. "Yah I'm stunned too , we should give her a prize."

I removed my eyes from the girl beside me to the trembling granny. Haha I like to see them trembling because of me. "Please let me go and my family , I won't speak anything , I promise." I smirked and nodded. She sighed out deeply and looked at her feet closing her eyes for a second.

I removed the cigarette from my lips and threw it down stepping on it before I breathed out in her hair. "See you there." I used my fast reflexes , removed the gun from my pocket and  aimed  it straight at her head shooting her out cold without blinking.

Her body fell cold on the concrete floor and I wiped my face to remove her splattered stupid old brain cells. "I hate you." I ignored the 5'7 foot girl and sighed. It didn't take long before the girl I hate with all my life came out crying looking broken as ever. I smiled mischievously and continued eyeing her movements.

"He is awake , why are you still wanting to hurt her?" I removed my eyes from her and glared at the girl beside me. "Everything went as you planned , everyone believes he is dead , why don't you stop this.." I gritted my teeth and grabbed her by the throat shutting her up.

"You know nothing so mind your business, I have to take my revenge on her before you leave the country with her or else I will make sure I rant you out to her."

She nodded and I sneered at her. "Useless bitch." I mumbled under my breath before entering the car and driving away. I couldn't wait to see them shade tears and beg me to spare their lives but right now I just wanted to go meet him. I missed him so much.


Lovely's POV

Days became nights , nights became weeks and weeks became months until it was six months later.

Six months later after that day. The day that opened my eyes. That day I last saw her beautiful face. I can't help but miss Scarlet. She was my light and happiness but everything became dark after that day.  The next day I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I went to the doctor a few months ago to get the gender of the baby but it came out that I'm carrying triplets. Two girls and a boy.

I love them so much even though their dad cheat on me. My mom thought I'm carrying Eros's babies but I said no and still I haven't told her the father. Mom is always there everytime I get complications or mood swings and I'm really grateful.

I plan to move out after I give birth to my own house because I can't help but feel a burden to my mom. She's getting old too and she needs to live her life well without me making her worried.

I opened my eyes and looked through my bay window to the sky. I was just from taking my mid-day nap because my back was hurting . My bump looks like for a nine month but actually six. My face is chubby but still has sharp features and i gained some weight.

Who wouldn't get fat when you have three aliens feeding on you inside your womb. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't find her that day. Would we be still together? Would she still love me the way I am ?

"What I'm I thinking?" I mumbled to myself rubbing my bump . She didn't love me in the first place. If she did, she wouldn't have cheat on me.

*Knock knock* "Lovely are you awake? Lovely," I closed my eyes and sighed. I opened them and tried sitting up but my back hurt like a bitch.

"Yes mom, come in." I yelled and plopped down using my elbows. Mom came in and gasped loudly seeing my position. She ran to me and smack me lightly on the arm. "Young lady , don't hurt my grandkids , I know they are already complaining."

She chuckled and I smiled a little while she helped me sit up. "Thanks mom." I leaned on the head board and sighed feeling tired already. Yes I am still lazy. "You know you are about to give birth , when is your boyfriend coming to visit you?"

I rolled my eyes and breathed out loudly. "Mom I don't know , he is in the military." I haven't told mom that I like girls and she thinks the father of the babies is a man. She sat at the side of my bed and smiled. "Maybe he sent someone to check on you because someone wants to talk to you downstairs."

I furrowed my brows as I thought of anyone who could visit me.  Is it Jade ? No , mom would have said it's her. "Who?" My mom chuckled and shook her head. "She didn't tell me her name but tall around 6ft , expensive clothes , you know the dark , mysterious vibe ughh she's so hard to describe."

My heart raced and  my hands formed into fists.   What if it's her?  I felt all emotions at once. I was angry and excited at the same time. What does she want? Why does she  come to meet me after six months. "Tell her to go away." I locked eyes with my mom's and she shook her head while running a hand through her hair.

"I know you're hurting but you have to talk it out someday and that's today." My mom stood up and hugged me. She squeezed the shit out of me but not enough to hurt me.  "Just go and talk , nothing will happen if you need help just yell my name." She laughed lightly at the end and I smiled hugging her back. "Thanks mom."

I don't want to see her now because I know I will cry and break down infront of her which I don't want right now.

"I should let you go before my grandchildren get uncomfortable haha." She pulled away and there were some tears at the sides of her eyes. " Why are you crying? haha" I teased and pointed at her. "Hahaha shut up." She wiped her tears and laughed loudly.

I laughed loudly but I still knew it was just calm before the storm.


I had one test today so why not update even though my throat feels like sand paper😖😷🤧

Have a nice day guys byeee

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