chapter 15

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Lovely POV

(Unedited and feel free to tell me where wrong)

No one would want to be in this situation. I groaned and called for help. "Help! Help! " I called for like 5 minutes.

"What's wrong wit.." My head snapped to the door. She tensed and her pupils dilated. Her eyes roamed around every curve I had. I knew my face was red as a tomato.

She slowly lifted her eyes meeting my gaze. I felt naked under her gaze and I was. I could feel my heartbeat increasing each second we spent . She was looking deep into my soul.

I felt everything in slow motion. We stared at each other for what felt like 10 minutes but only 5 seconds. I hurriedly walked into the bathroom and slammed the door with my leg.

I felt my anxiety rise and my anxiety was on it's peck. I had trouble breathing . I tried doing my breathing exercise but it wasn't working. I started to hyperventilating and tears were starting to form in my eyes.

I was suddenly hugged by Scarlet telling by her scent. "Breath in " She rubbed my back holding me tight. I obliged and breathed in. "Breath out" I breathed out and tiptoed to placedmy face into the crook of her neck.

I breathed in her scent and I didn't realize until now that she had helped me out of the bra. I wrapped my hands around her neck . She rocked .e back and forth before she broke the silence.

"Do I make you nervous?" She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear before placing her chin on my head. I bit my bottom lip and whispered" umm.. yeah." She groaned and I smiled happily knowing I have an effect on her.

"Why?" She rubbed circles on my hip which caused me to visibly shiver. "Because you make me feel things I have never felt." I whispered again feeling embarrassed that I had finally admitted.

I could feel her smirk so I unwrapped myself from her taking the nearby towel to cover myself. I turned around to leave but she pulled me back " I liked the other view better." I blushed and lowered my head.

"Consent?" She softly asked while taking a step forward. I backed up a little and looked up into her orbs with were darker than usual. I was so aroused so I nodded. "Use your words?" She rubbed her thumb against my bottom lip.

"Y-es" I shuttered. She placed her finger tip to where I was holding the towel for my dear life. She lingered it there for sometime while her eyes were flickering between my lips and eyes.

I walked out of the bathroom before she kissed my lips but she had unhooked my towel and it was down at my feet.

I walked to where my clothes where near the mirror . She placed her finger tip on my hip while drawing circles with it. I was becoming more aroused each minute that pasted.

She maintained eye contact with me through the mirror. She traveled it up to my waist. She rested her hands on my waist and pushed me onto her making her dick pock my ass .

I jerked my head backwards making it rest on her shoulder and moaned loudly. I had my eyes closed to savour the moment. She smirked at me and I wanted to crawl into a hole no one could find me.

She traveled her hands higher until it was just a hair length to make contact. "You like this?" She asked me. "No shit, Sherlock." I snapped at her.
"You don't get to snap at me?" I rolled my eyes but she pressed me harder on her dick.

I moaned loudly and I rested my hands on my breasts to massage them but I was smacked on the butt hard. I moaned in pleasure and pain. "You don't touch yourself." She bit and sucked my neck.

My nipples were hard that you could feel pain by not touching them. "Please t-ouch me!" I whimpered as I turned around to kiss her neck. I bit and sucked until I blurted out "ple-ase daddy" I was turned around quickly and she pinched my hard nipples.

I moaned , traveled my left hand and tugged her hair which caused a groan from her. She massaged my breasts while giving them a gentle yet painful squeeze.

"Aaaah m-ore" I moaned loudly but I needed her long fingers in my pussy. I was so horny that I couldn't process my words. She continued to kiss my lips and shoulders. I couldn't wait and longer. I grinded my ass against her dick.

I was turned around and held by the throat. "Tell me what you want?" I liked this rough side of hers more than the gentle. She placed her long fingers into my mouth and I sucked them while twirling my tougue around them.

She pushed them further into my throat making my gag. I spread my legs to show her my light pink throbbing pussy. She groaned and told me to jump. I jumped and wrapped my legs around her torso.

She walked to the glass window and placed my back on it. I kissed , bit and sucked her neck leaving one unfinished hickey. She roughly kissed me while entering her long two fingers in me.

She pulled them apart making air hit my inside pussy. I felt tears roll down my eyes as she pumped 'in' and 'out' my pussy. "Tell me your my whore." I was a moaning mess but I shook my head no. I hugged her making our breasts to touch.

I jerked my head against the window making also my ass look bigger.

She gripped my throat while using her other hand to pump in and out on a faster pace leaving my ass in air . Tears of pleasure where rolling out of me like rain. I grabbed her shoulders for my dear life.

I had to stop my hips from grinding against her fingers with all I had. IShe curled her fingers in me. I felt eyes roll at the back of my head and I scratched my nails at her back. My body shook with my organsm. I started to twitch and moaned " aaah I'm cominnnggg"

She withdrew her fingers before I could cum. I tried to grab her fingers to insert them again but she put them in her mouth and moaned "fuck, you taste good." She licked her fingers clean and whispered "Next time be a good girl I will give you what you want." She made eye contact with me and said " four remaining."

She unwrapped my legs around her torso making me land on my butt because my legs were jelly. She winked and walked out of the bedroom. I collapsed on the floor and cried my heart out.

I cried because of many reasons I liked it so much, am sexually on edge and I was cheating on Eros.

This isn't one of my best chapters but tell me what you think?

It's my second time writing smut, what do you think?

Please don't forget to vote and TYSM for the 1.84K reads am so happy.

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