chapter 47

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Lovely's POV

"I-i" I froze when those words left her mouth. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. My head was spinning around but I couldn't feel the pain . My eyes were focused on her.

Her stare was blank but there was a slight smirk on the left corner her lips. I broke the stare blinking a couple of times to take in everything.

She killed my dad?

No she can't do something like that and still make me pregnant unless she planned no

"He was a good friend of mine." I felt like she was mocking me one way or the other. My eyes snapped back at hers. Why is she joking around when she knows ...oh yeah...she doesn't know anything about me except my identity.

"Stop joking Scarlet." I whispered before biting my lip as the lump grew in my throat. Her stare was blank and her body language was off. Her eyes held fire and were narrowed, her lips held a devilishly smirk, her jaw was clenched making her look scary.

I waited for minutes hoping she would tell me she was joking but she didn't. My eyes were glassy and I was sniffing in my sobs while shaking. I bit my lip before I raised my hand to slap her but she stopped the impact.

"Why did you kill him?" I yelled in her face as I tried to leave her grasp but she pulled me to her rock hard chest, turning me around and pinning me on the door. I gasped loudly at the sudden impact. Scarlet pinned my arms above my head making me strangle a bit before giving up.

"What did he-" Scarlet wrapped her hand around my neck swiftly jerking it head to make me look at her. Her grip was tight not allowing me to form words. I bit my lip and her eyes darkened.

She leaned down to me until her breath fanned just above my lips. I gulped as I ran a tougue on my dry lips. She broke our stare and looked at my lips for more than a second before looking back at me. Her stare was hard and bit my tougue to speak something I would regret.

The closeness of our bodies made me feel hot all over a sudden. Sweat formed on my forehead as I breathed out in puffs. She sucked in a sharp breath before inhaling my scent from the crook of my neck. My hands gripped the sides of her body pulling her more to me. She growled near my ear and my heart raced uncontrollably.

"Why did you kil-l my dad Sca-rlet?" I choked out and I felt her tense up. She titled my head to the side and my breath hitched when I felt her lips make contact with my skin. My eyes closed as my hands formed fists.

She brushed her lips on my skin leaving sparks. I almost let out a whine. "You done?" She whispered before unwrapping her hand from my neck to my hair tugging it roughly. My hands left the sides of her shirt to her wrist that was in my scalp.

I let out breathy moans and I didn't know if it was from pleasure or pain. "What did you do to my dad?" I whispered out and she let out a deep sigh.

"I killed him." Scarlet whispered and my breath hitched as I stared into her eyes. Her hands left my body and I shook my head in disbelief. "You killed my dad?" I bit my lip as I let out shaky breaths.

She didn't reply instead stared at me blankly.

"Why?" I spoke out before I could stop myself. Hot tears were running down my cheeks and it was becoming hard to breathe. "He had my debt and he had to pay for it in one way or the other." Her voice was deep with some sadness but no regret.

Is everything about money?

"What do you mean?" My head was spinning but I wanted the truth from her. "It was a deal either he gives me my money or I take his life in return." I clenched my jaw hard as my palms became fists.

My nails dug into my skin and I could feel them breaking but it was nothing compared to what I was feeling. "Did you plan all this?" She glanced at me blankly and I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Second turned into minutes and neither of us broke the stare. I knew she wasn't going to tell me the truth and I was just wasting my time.

I nodded before wiping my cheeks. I pushed her back before brushing past her but she grabbed my wrist. "Get your hands off me." I whispered through gritted teeth. I couldn't cry because my eyes hurt like a bitch plus my head was hurting so much.

I was tired of her games , everything about her is confusing and whenever you try to understand her she hurts you more. I'm tired of this. "Don't go!" I stiffened and my eyes became glassy again.

"Please!" She whispered again and I turned around to look at her. Her eyes were full of sadness and hurt flashed in them for a brief second. "Did you plan to meet me that day?" My voice cracked up and she broke the stare.

"Please tell me?" I begged her and she took a step forward. "Yes" I let out breathy sobs as I covered my mouth with my hand. My eyes hurt but I couldn't stop them from running down my cheeks.

She raised her hand wiping away the tears that had fallen again on my cheeks.

"I-i didn't know I would fall in love with you." She stuttered a little and I  shook my head as my heart raced. She loves me?   What if she's lying to me again? I didn't know if I should believe in her.

"You don't love me Scarlet, these are all games to you." I spat with venom and she ran a hand through her hair making it messy. She sighed before mumbling something under her breath.

"I do love you Lovely."

(A/n this is cliche anyways continue....)

My breath hitched and I badly wanted to whisper out I love you too but I couldn't.
I wanted to believe in her words so much but NO. I need time....I need time to think about everything.  I love her but we need time apart.

"I'm sorry but I need time Scarlet."


The pain of rejection ✌️

*Yawns* I hate this chapter...... I have to edit it soon.

Thank you for the 14k votes

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