chapter 42

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Lovely POV

"Ugh" I squeezed my eyes shut feeling my headache worsening. My hands automatically went to my temples massaging them. My head hurt like crazy and it didn't help my body. Everything else hurt also and it was like my body was drained out of energy.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust the light in the room. I shut them again before I groaned. I snuggled into the covers but froze when I smelled her scent.

Her scent was a mixture of coffee and mint with men cologne. Her scent... didn't change at all. It was still the same that makes me desperate. She might have changed her look but I can tell she's still the same.

The same monster that hurt me six months ago and didn't bother explaining. That monster that vowed to never hurt me but broke me to no ends. That monster I happen to carry kids for. 

She's heartless.

I love her too much to hate.

"What's wrong with me?" She doesn't care if our kids are in danger because of the stupid drug she made me breath in. I can mention out all the things I hate her for but I still can't stop loving her.

She wrapped me around her finger and I hate myself for giving up to her. Why can't I live a life where there's love not betrayal. Maybe I'm never going to leave a happy life. I had questions running in my head like a zoo.

Why can't I hate her?

Why do I love too much?

I looked out through her bay window to the moon. Tears rolled out my eyes freely as if everything just happened yesterday. I heard the door opening and I could tell it was her. I closed my eyes instantly as I hurriedly wiped my tears.

I heard her open the bathroom  door and I could tell she was about to shower. I have to escape now or never. It didn't take long before the shower started running and I opened my eyes. I tried sitting up but my body just stayed still.

Every part of my body was in pain. What did she give me? I tried a couple of times and everything was in vain before I gave up. I shut my eyes letting more tears roll down my cheeks. I couldn't understand why she did this.

I just want her to love me.

How did this all happen?

I pulled the covers again on my body as I sobbed into them. It didn't take long before the shower stopped making her walk back into the bedroom.  I closed my eyes again as I bit my lip to stop the sobs. It wouldn't be like this if she listened to me when she found me with Eros.

I felt her slip into the bed making my head touch her chest. My breath nibbled her skin and I couldn't help but take in slow breaths of her. Her scent was stronger than before and I was addicted already.

Our warmth from both our bodies mixed and I couldn't help but cry more. I didn't know if they were tears of joy or sadness.... definitely sadness.

She breathed in my scent before sighing deeply in satisfaction. Her hand slipped to my waist and I shivered visibly making her sigh again "I can't hurt you baby." Her voice was deep yet feminine. It was cold and hard.

She kissed my hair before rubbing my belly slightly making a kick erupt from there.

I smiled through tears before whispering. "You can't hurt something that is already broken." She tensed up and I rolled my eyes. I wiped my tears before turning around making my back face her chest  also leaving some distance between us.  I heard her flicker the lights off and I knew it was the end of the conversation that wasn't in the beginning.

I closed my eyes as I rubbed my huge belly. My breath was still in puffs as I controlled my heart that was still aching. "I'm sorry."

I froze in my movements as I thought I might have heard wrong. "What?" I softly asked in disbelief. I was taking in short breaths as my eyes became glassy. My hormones were all over the place and I hated it.  "I'm sorry I kidnapped you." Tears escaped my eyes as I tried to squeeze them shut.

Yeah , I should have expected that......

Did I expect her to say sorry because she cheat on me when we aren't even in a relationship: no

I wiped my tears before swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. I ignored her before pulling the covers over my body. I heard her sigh deeply before pulling the covers on her body too.

I deserve it

I closed my eyes to let sleep take over me.

(Three hours later)

I was still wide awake

Her breathing was slow and I knew she was in slumber. I didn't get any sleep....who would get it  when you're in the same bed with a monster who kidnapped you and killed someone before your eyes.

I slipped out of the bed slowly so that I don't make sound. The pain was unbearable but I have to go before she wakes up and finds me.  I stood up and turned around to face the demon.

Her face could be seen because the moon rays were lightning throughout the room. She becomes hot everyday. Her skin was pale yet smooth. Her hair was now shoulder length and it was safely secured behind her ear. Her sharp jaw was hard and sharper. It looked clenched but nope it just my imagination.

Her eyelashes were longer and I almost got jealous. Her neck had tattoos in red and black. Her chest had tattoos in shape of a scorpion and it was all in black except the claws that were in red. Her boobs that were hidden under her white shirt looked softer and firmer. I bit my lip as my eyes continued looking down  before I shook my head to get out of the trance .

Her body was one of the sexy yet feminine greek goddess.

What I'm I doing?

I glanced at her one more time before looking at the door.  "I have to leave even if it's going to hurt both of us."

I walked to the door opening it slowly not to make any sound. I got out of the bedroom and closed it slowly like before. I walked down the stairs that had marble white floors, the walls were all black and the railing was painted golden. It was good for a person with her personality.

(Note the sarcasm)

I continued my way down the stairs slowly.  I reached the bottom of the stairs and there was a kitchen and a huge living room. I could tell by the moon lighting throughout the room.   I walked into the living room and I smiled happily seeing the double doors.

"Where do you think you're going?"


Christmas in three days😊

Who wants Christmas smut?

What do you want   for Christmas this year?

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