chapter 26

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(A/n Finally stupid ass network)

Jade POV.

A lot has changed ever since I met Adelina. She's the most beautiful person in the world. I love her but it's a secret . I moved in with her a month ago and everything has been better than expected.

She lives in a mansion with her pet more like wolf. It is a grey sanctuary wolf with red eyes. She told me that it chose her as it's alpha because she saved it from being killed.

 She told me that it chose her as it's alpha because she saved it from being killed

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It's actually really friendly if you get to know it. Lovely doesn't know I moved in with Adelina but I plan on telling her soon. I really want to kill Eros so bad. He used to talk so much bullshit and I didn't know whether to offer a breath mint or toilet paper. He is such a waste of space and oxygen.

"I should stop thinking about that stupid piece of shit." I nuzzled my head more onto her chest. We were cuddling and she didn't want to but finally gave in. She's been acting strange and always coming home late.

"What?" She groaned and kissed my hair. "I want to pee." I unwrapped myself from her not before kissing her cheek. I walked to the bathroom and stripped my booty pants off.

I sat on the toilet and did my business. As I was about to walk out of the bathroom , I saw something red. "What is that?" I mumbled while walking closer to it.

It was between the second and third basket from the left

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It was between the second and third basket from the left. I reached down to get a better view and I trembled.

I removed the red blood stained white shirt with my shakey hands. I recognized it because Adelina wore it yesterday saying she was going to work. I stood up by the help of the sink and covered my mouth.

What does she do? It's now I am wondering how she lives in this mansion. Is she a killer. A sob escaped my mouth when I thought about it. My eyes were glassy and tears threatening to fall.

"Baby what's wrong?" Adelina came in the bathroom yawning. I felt her look at me then down to the shirt. I walked past her but she grabbed my wrist

"Baby it's not what you think." I tried removing her hand from my wrist. "Then what is it huh?." Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "You lied to me and besides that you are a murderer."

I slapped her across the cheek and her head whipped to the side from the impact. " Baby first listen to me am not." She grabbed both of my wrists and looked into my glassy eyes.

Her left side of the face had a mark from the slap and I almost I mean almost felt sorry for her. "We are done and am going to the police right now." I escaped her grip and ran to the door.

I was pinned on the door before I could get a hold of the knob . She grabbed me by the throat. Her eyes showed no emotion and her jaw was clenched. I can't believe am getting aroused by this. "The police is under me, I rule the police."

She gripped my throat tightly making me start breathing from the mouth. My eyes couldn't look at her at all. "And we haven't even started yet." With that she attached her lips with mine in a rough kiss.

She was sucking all my air from my lungs. I couldn't help but kiss her back. My hand wrapped themselves around her back and dug my nail onto her back to tell her stop before I pass out.

She removed her lip from my swollen ones and my knees gave up . I kneeled down panting for air. She reached down my level after a minute and tugged my hair roughly. I couldn't help but moan in pain. She made me look in her black orbs that were filled with lust and desire.

"I decide when we are done and your my slut." I shook my head no but my hair was tugged more. I moaned loudly. She slapped me across the face and I moaned softly. "I need you in the next two minutes naked on the bed. " I nodded my head but she pulled my hair more.

"Words?" I am so turned on by this."Yes daddy." I whimpered and she removed her hands from my scalp. I stood up and my booty pants brushed against my core and I bit my lip to stop the moan.

I stripped down from my clothes and sat on my legs on the bed. My hair ended below my nipples so it covered them. Adelina had never seen me naked or ever had sex with me . I am a virgin though my personality doesn't reflect it.

My eyes were on my lap and I felt her burning eyes on me. I felt her remove my hair from the left shoulder and placed a kiss there. "Your so gorgeous baby." I blushed madly.

"Words?" She whispered while giving me tingly kisses on my shoulder from my back."Thanks daddy." I tilted my head to the side to give her more access to my neck. "Consent baby?"

Do I want to lose my virginity to a murderer? Do I love her? Yes so much. "Yes" I whispered. "Are you sure?" She squeezed my breasts and my head jerked to her shoulder.

This is when I realized she was naked. I felt her member poking my ass .My nails clutched the sheets tightly as she massaged my breasts while squeezing them one time in two minutes. "Yes daddy" I moaned.

My nipples were hard as a rock . She turned me around I faced her. I was still sitting on my legs. She tied a blindfold onto my eyes and I pouted. "Not yet baby." She whispered. "Are you a virgin baby?" She kissed my jaw while squeezing one of my hard nipple.

"Yes dad aaahh." I moaned loudly when she inserted two fingers in me. When the fuck did she spread my thighs. "Your so wet for me bellissimo ." She moved her fingers slowly in me "faster " I moaned softly.

I tried to grab her hand but she stopped me. "Hands at the back or I will stop." I did so and her pace increased. She sucked my sweat spot and I moaned loudly.

"Fuck." I moaned feeling my organsm nearing. "Harder please harder." I moaned loudly feeling my walls tightening around her long ass fingers.

She withdrew her fingers from me and I whined . I tried to glare forgetting I had a blindfold. She flipped me around and now I was on my back. She spread my legs apart and slammed into me.

My back arched from the bed......

I am an angel 😏

Some people wanted more of Jade and Adelina here it is and the next chapter.

Thank you guys for the 44k reads and 1.15k votes. Don't me too much cause I love you all.

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