chapter 34

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Lovely POV

"She cut herself and I found her bleeding." She clenched her fist tight before slamming it at the wall. Why does she care so much about Jade? I looked back at her and her eyes were already on me.

Her eyes were slightly red and I could tell she was controlling herself from crying. She walked to me until she was a step away to be too close. "Where were you when she needed you?" I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

She clenched her jaw and raised her index finger pointing it to my shoulder. I blinked away my tears knowing It's not the right time to cry. I studied her facial features and she was furious.

"I am sorry." I looked down at my fingers. She let out a laugh that sent shivers down my spine not in a good way. I avoided her gaze and looked anywhere else but her. I should have been there for her but I was too lost in my desires.

"Did you know she was depressed and working at a local coffee shop to survive." What? What about her and Adelina? I thought Adelina promised to take care of her. Why was she depressed in the first place?

"I thought she was happily staying with Ade...Shut up and listen." She interrupted and growled at me.  I jumped slightly and met her gaze. "Don't say that name again." Tears were brimming at the sides of my eyes.  "She was fainting twice everyday and didn't want to eat because of her" I gasped loudly.

I didn't want this to happen my best friend.  Jàde is my best friend and I have always wanted the best for her. I wish I could help her then but I was so selfish. I heard a laughter from her and I looked back at her. "She was heartbroken and needed someone to show her some love and tell her she was good enough."

I shook my head and wiped the tears I didn't know were rolling down my cheeks.  "I am sorry , I was too selfish to know my best friend needed me,  It's all my fault." She rose one of her eye brows at me and smiled. "You think that's going to help her recover right now?"

Ouch that hurts. "No but I really care about her and I would give my life for her." I would give up my life for Jade because I love her so much. She nodded and sat down at the floor near the wall.  "So where is her so called girlfriend." Adelina's going to come I know it. I could see the love in her eyes when she was looking at Jade.

Adelina can't leave Jade alone right now and that love is going to win. "Aaah she's coming." I sat down at the floor too but left a two metre distance between us. "Hmm" She pulled her knees to her chest and ran her hand through her hair.

"What's your name?" Atleast she should tell me her name even though we didn't start on good terms. "Jasmine." I nodded my head and pulled out my phone to call mom . I hadn't told mom and aunt Sophia that Jade was in the hospital.

I dialed my mom's number two times before she picked up.  "Lovely what's wrong? Are you okay?" Mom sounded worried and I sighed. I am definitely not okay. Jàde's in the hospital because she tried to kill herself and Scarlet is mad at me.

  "Mom I'm fine but Jàde is not okay." I heard shuffling at the end of the line. "What do you mean ? What happened to her?" I could tell they were both worried. Jade will be mad at me if her mom faints because of her.

"I'm just joking." I laughed lightly. I heard a deep sigh from the other end before a chuckle. "Young woman you made me panic for a second." Phew that worked. "It was ...Are you relatives of Jade Johnson?" My head snapped to the doctor who interrupted me.

"Aunty I'm going to call you later bye." I hang up the phone before hearing her reply. I stood up and walked to the doctor and so did Jasmine. "Yes is she fine?" The doctor had reading glasses on his forehead and a checkbook in his hand.

He looked tired with the bugs under his eyes.
"Jade's awake but needs to be transferred from the ICU to her room." I sighed deeply and thanked God.

"Can we meet her?" Jasmine ran a hand through her hair. "Yes but only one." The doctor looked at Jasmine and I  sighed before nodding

"Thank you" I nodded and Jasmine left me and the doctor alone. "Can you come with me to my office?" The doctor turned and looked at me. I nodded and picked up my purse from the floor and followed him to his office.

He unlocked the door with his key to the office and entered. I followed him inside and sat at the chair infront of his desk while he sat behind it. I looked around the room and there was a lot going on in one. Portraits , kids toys , files and so on. He cleared his throat which made me look at him.

" back to her," I nodded and met his gaze.

"did you know she is pregnant?"


Scarlet POV

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated. "What do you mean he got away?" I clenched my jaw tightly before clutching my phone tightly. "The-re wa-s a...I don't give a f*ck if you don't find him you are fired." I hang up and ran a hand through my hair again.

Stupid assholes , how could they let Eros escape from them. Why do I pay them when they can't do their job well.

I don't understand why she met up with him in the first place and why  she crying like she's been hurt. I wanted to hold her and let her cry on my shoulder at the same time punish her until her ass is red.

She still met up with him even though he hurt her.

Does she still love him ?

I got out of my car and slammed the door before throwing the keys to Marcus who swiftly caught them. I entered the house and walked to my bar.

I poured scotch into my glass and gulped it down in one go.

I sighed in satisfaction feeling it burn down my throat.

No it can't be.

"When will she tell I love her so much?"

Two things about me ; Author is too formallllll and I'm called Anna. I wish you call me that.

My favorite song is faded what's yours?

𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑨𝑩𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 [18+]✔︎ ⚢︎Where stories live. Discover now