chapter 36

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Lovely's POV

I got out of the car and handed the keys to the bodyguard near the door. "Is your boss home?" He gave me a firm nod and my insides jumped in happiness. We can talk things out now. "Thank you." I thanked the guard and he bowed.

I walked to the large open doors and took a step inside but a sharp pain erupted near my womb. "Aahhh" I let out a scream but not that loud. The guards came running to me but I stopped them with my hand.

"I am fine." I choked out and bent as I clutched my stomach tight trying to smoothen the pain . I couldn't let Scarlet find me being touched by them. "Call the boss." Someone said behind me and I shook my head. "Don't , I am surprising her, please!"

"But...I said I'm fucking fine" I hissed but became a groan when another sharp pain erupted just above the other. What's wrong with me? I don't get sick easily , I should probably go have a check up tomorrow.

I shook my head and bit my lip before standing up straight trying to ignore the pain. Fuck my life.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.  I  gulped it down in one go shutting my eyes in the process. The pain in my stomach seemed to decrease but the dizziness came back.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I yelled to no one as I rubbed my temples. "Maybe you're pregnant." What? I turned around and there stood a lady who seemed to be in her  late fifties wearing a white button up tucked in a black round skirt with an apron on top.

"No am not." She laughed and my brows furrowed together. Well I don't understand when someone says I'm pregnant when I know I am not. "Okay dear, whatever makes you sleep." I nodded and yawned.

I really wanted to take a quick nap but I had to talk to Scarlet immediately. I have symptoms of pregnancy but it can be something else besides  I'm not ready to have a baby now.  "You should rest it's not good for your state." Ma'am which state I am in?

"Yeah I will and do you know where Scarlet is?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed another water bottle from the fridge. "You should first rest." I looked at the woman and sighed. "I have to talk to her now." She shook her head and walked to me.

"Please listen and go get some rest." Why in the fuck does she care? I am tired of her worrying about my body. "What in the world is wrong with you? Stop telling me to go sleep, I'm not a ba aahh" I bent down and clutched my stomach feeling the sharp pain again.

I shut my eyes tightly as I grabbed the fridge handle for support. "Ma'am listen to me..." I pushed the woman to the side and she groaned from the impact.

I  ran to the sink with a hand on my mouth feeling nausea. I threw up everything but it was only water I had drunk because nothing was in me ever since last night's dinner.

"Ma'am you have to rest right now." I nodded as I gripped the sides of the sink to stop the dizziness in my head. She pated my back as I finished doing my business.

I turned around after cleaning myself and looked up. What's wrong with me? I shut my eyes tightly for a second before opening them. I grabbed my purse from the countertop and  walked out of the kitchen. I took the stairs to Scarlet's bedroom and the door was slightly open.

I entered and plopped down the bed  face flat on the bed without looking around.  I grabbed Scarlet's pillow and hugged it. Her scent was still fresh and I frowned. I missed her so much. Where is she? I should go find her.

I walked out of the bedroom to the stairs.  I walked down the stairs looking around the house for Scarlet. I  saw a girl with her back faced at me and sighed in happiness.  I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. "Hi, do you know where Scarlet is?" She had captivating blue eyes , brunette hair tied in a bun and  full lips. She was really pretty and seemed to be in her early twenties.

"Yes she's at the bar with Ma'am Adelina." I smiled and thanked her. She nodded in reply and I walked past her. Thank God Adelina is with Scarlet. I know she's immediately going to meet Jade.  I still can't believe it's her in that picture, she can't cheat on Jade.

She loves Jade so much and I see it in her eyes. I couldn't wait to see Jade happy again. I smiled and walked to the bar. Scarlet had given me a trip of her house and it was the best time of my life. She carried me all the way down the stairs not wanting me to hurt myself  and we cuddled in the evening at her balcony seeing the sun set.

The door to the bar was slightly open and I slipped in closing the door behind me. I walked in and stood right in the middle of the room. The light at the counter was lighting up the whole room. There was a couch in the corner of the room. A huge flat screen just the opposite of the couch . It was a fairly a huge and cozy bar.

My instincts told me to look back at the couch and I did. I stood still with eyes wide open.

Everything slowed down , my heart was beating slow because of my slow intake of air . My throat became dry all over a sudden as my heart beat increased. She can't it's not her. I blinked a few times and shook my head.

I shut my eyes tight and opened them again but it was them.  I- i don't un-derstand.

Adelina had her hand wrapped around  Scarlet's dick blobbing up and down.

Scarlet hair messed up with her shirt button open half all the way. Adelina was in her bra , boxers and her lips were on Scarlet's neck. Her budge could be seen and I stopped breathing. Scarlet's  head jerked back with eyes closed and mouth a jar.

Scarlet traveled her hand and tugged Adelina's blonde hair earning a moan. Every second that passed my heart was hurting more. How could she do this to me? I thought she loved me. What did I do wrong?

Why do they always do this to me?

"Fuck" Scarlet moaned loudly when Adelina attached her mouth on her dick. A tear escaped my eye as my lungs burned from the loss of air. I opened my mouth and took in air as my eyes looked up. Tears escaped and I bit my bottom lip hard. I wiped the tears away and swallowed hard destroying the lump.

I stepped on something that made them stop their movements. "Lovely..." Scarlet said in a husky voice and my heart cracked more .I can't believe she did this to me. Why did she tell me she loves me? Why of all people did she cheat on me with my best friend's girlfriend and her best friend?

I knew my eyes were red from how hard I tried to stop the tears. I turned around and Adelina was fiddling to button up her shirt, Scarlet zipping her pants and I shook my head. " Sorry I interrupted you but Jade needs you right now."

I looked at Adelina and her eyes were filled with regret. I smirked how pathetic. I can't shed a tear Infront of them. I am not weak. I looked at Scarlet and her eyes were on me already. Her eyes held no emotion but sadness flashed in for a brief second.

"Is that all you got?"


I am crying so hard😭😭😭😭.

Just kidding and longer chapter ayeee 😂 <33

I'm in lockdown so why not update but having online tests on Monday.

1356 words huh?

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