chapter 41

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Lovely's POV

I-I know that voice.  It's her...

How did she find me?

Did she want to kill me?

No it's not her, this is a man.

Does she hate me that much to kill the babies in me?

Did she kill that man too?

"I said look at me."  My suspensions were confirmed correct when she spoke again.

I shut my eyes as I let the tears fall. How did I get into this mess? I bit my lip to stop the tears. I can't cry infront of her, I deserve better than her. I'm strong for my babies and will always be .I wiped my tears and removed her finger from my chin before glaring at her.

"Get the fuck aw..." She cut me off with something I couldn't expect her to do to me. She had no emotions on her face when her hand with a handkerchief made contact with my nose. I breathed in the metallic perfume as my senses became fuzzier each moment that past.

Everything went silent and all I could see were us. Her eyes bored into mine as she pressed the handkerchief more onto my nose when I struggled to get out of her grip.  I felt her hand slip to my waist as she laid me down to the concrete.

I couldn't help but notice how hotter she became. Her eyes were sharper as an eagle and more intense. Her jaw was sharper than before and her collar bones were more visible than before.  Her fingers caressed my cheek when she felt I have stopped struggling.

Her hair was in a man bun and she had like five piercings on her ear. She was wearing black earrings that brought out her sharp features more. Her lips were pinker, pumper and looked softer.

She had a tattoos on her neck and her chest because the first buttons of her shirt were open showing me some cleavage. Everything about her screamed intensity, dominance, money , intimacy and coldness.

"We need to talk baby girl." She leaned down and whispered making me feel all emotions at once. I was sad she was kidnapping me , I was in fear and in terror too because she had killed someone.

I was excited that I finally saw her again. I was mad that she is making me breath in chemicals that could also harm our babies. I was mad she almost killed me and our...I mean my babies.

Tears escaped  the sides of my eyes as I my eyes closed. I felt my body give up to her before I passed out.

Why did I fall for her?

Scarlet POV

I sighed deeply as I held my baby into my arms. Her little  bump I last saw a few months ago was now fully grown and noticable. I have been watching after her using my men as eyes. I wasn't there for her for the last months because I had to take care of things in my mafia and she wasn't safe with me.

I could have explained to her what really happened if it wasn't for my cousin, Melanie telling me how some people are threatening her and my baby girl.     I want her to come back to me when everything is settled and that's today.

I want to marry her soon so we can live together with my babies. I tucked the hair that was covering her beautiful face behind her ears before kissing her forehead. I felt a presence behind me so I grabbed my gun from my pocket before raising it to the direction of it.

I clicked off the safety still not removing my eyes from my baby and I was using my sixth sense. "Wow put that down and the car is ready." Marcus raised his hands in defeat and I nodded before placing back the gun and clicked on the safety again before carrying my girl off the ground to the car .

"Clean up that mess." I said to Marcus and he nodded even though I knew he didn't need to get reminded because it's his damn job. That asshole had to die because he had no respect for women and his mouth needed to shut up.

He is glad I gave him death as a gift because he would have begged me to take his life in less than twenty four hours. I sat in  my Lamborghini but not before placing my girl in the backseat. I roared it to life before driving out of the parking lot.

I ran a hand through my man bun making me relax. It always made me relax and I'm thankful. Running the biggest mafia in the world isn't an easy job when you have a stupid rat in it.

I thought I had killed Desmond but it happens he is still alive. I haven't confirmed it yet but my suspensions are always correct. I wish I blew his brains out instead of planning with a stupid vein but I am not regretting the music I got from him.

I found the old lady killed at the side of the road just near my gates and the guards happened to hear nothing so I killed those who were on duty that night.

Those stupid jerks , they can't do anything right. I had a feeling in my gut then but I ignored it then. I let my guard down and I never do that.

I gripped the steering tight as I drove past the lights. My eyes were focused on the road and the pathetic men you call the police didn't bother to chase my car.  They know who I am. They can't do anything because I pay them. This is my city , I'm the God here.

I make the rules , I break them

It didn't take long before I arrived at my mansion. I had moved to a new place and had my old house burned down. I don't want to leave evidence or data bases. This house was a lot bigger so my little triplets have everything in here. I got out and walked to the backseat to get my baby.

I carried her out and didn't bother closing the door. I have people who I pay to do that. She was thin as a paper and I couldn't help but wonder if she was starved by her mom.

I sighed loudly as everyone bowed at me as I walked through the living room to our bedroom. "Open door." The door automatically opened and I walked in. I placed her on my king sized bed before pulling the covers on her. I rubbed her belly and kissed it before walking out of the bedroom.

I hope she understands why I did this.


Please tell me what you think of this chapter, I wrote it freaking 5 times.

I'm so busy and stressed. I want to finish this story before I go back to school on the 10th and that means I will come back here on Wattpad on 16th April.

It sucks to be in boarding school.

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