chapter 7

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Lovely POV

Oh shit. What does she want? Like of all time she comes right now . She looks all pissed like someone has stolen her favorite toy.

"Mr. Mellow can you  leave us alone, I want to talk to Mrs Alden alone? " I could feel her anger radiating from here. You know angry sex is the best.

I can't believe am thinking that in this situation. I look at Eros whose looking in a direction of the man who found me in the office. It looks like they are in daze.

"Eros?" I shake him. "Eros? Eros?" I wave my hand in his eye sight which causes him to turn and look at me a little surprised that we are still here.. "What's wrong?" I ask curiously "Nothing what were you saying?" He might be tired I should let him go rest.

"I was calling you many times but you looked like you were in daze." I stare into his orbs but something flashes like longing. "Umm.. just tired I should get going." He stumbles back into the house and gets his things.

He comes back and looks at me one more time but I didn't know what I was doing the next moment but I pulled him in for a french kiss and he first hesitated but kissed me back. I moaned as I gripped onto his hair which also caused him to moan.

I don't know but I was like claiming what was mine....but was it really mine?

We pulled back when we heard her clear her throat. I smirked in her direction which caused her fire in her eyes to multiply by thousands. My eyes landed on the man who found me in her office but  looked at me with sadness.  I shrugged it off.

Before I could say 'bye' to Eros,  I was pushed back into the house and pinned on the door with my hands above my head. She locked the door and I smirked in amusement.

"What were you doing?" She growled. It just made me hot.  "What do you want?" I asked tugging my bottom lip between my teeth. I don't know what happens when am under her gaze but everything just works on itself m

She chuckled evilly " I ask one time what were you doing?" I am now super turned on . She says running her hand through my hair before tugging it roughly. An involuntary moan escaped me and I bit my lip to block another moan that was about to escape smiling.

"He was about to fuck me until I cum on his dick." I whisper in her ear while biting her earlobe. Her hand leaves my hair and wraps itself firmly on my throat squeezing it a bit while her knee found it's way between my thighs pressing pressure on my throbbing clit.

Man her fingers are so long and slender I can't imagine her fingers moving slowly in me coated with my warm juices making my mind to go crazy.

"Don't try me?" She says through gritted teeth while her grip on my neck tightened causing me to moan.

"Why not? Cause you don't have what I want." I love teasing her. "I want and like people who have 10 inmnches I could ride all night." I say looking her dead in the eyes.

She laughs really hard and surprisingly instantly let's go of me like it was the most funniest thing she's ever heard . She takes two steps away from me and turns around still laughing. How could she edge me. It's not that what I said isn't true.

"You wouldn't wish to know." She laughs one more time and looks at me . I lean on one hip and cross my arms. "So tell me what are you doing here?" I ask irritated . I want to go release this the pain coz my nipples are hurting so much.

"I came here to give you an offer?" She leans on the couch and her eyes stays glued at me to see my expression. "What offer?" Can she hurry up am dying here.

"I want you to be my assistant and I will be paying you $32,088  per month." My jaw dropped . That's a lot of money......but I wanted something else. I used on last skill I had in sleeve.

"MAKE ME" I bit my lip. She was eye fucking me and it felt so.. good to be under her stare. I don't know but I had grown a feeling of wanting all her attention to me  I couldn't care about Eros . I just wanted to be touched by her maybe once.

"If you are going to look at me all day , I wish I locked you out and let him fuck m.." She placed her face in the crook of my neck making me stop.... talking.

"Don't you ever curse again...." She played with my nipple that was hard as a rock through my crop vest. I suppressed a moan no moanssss

"Fuck you" That was the last straw until her lower body met my abdomen. I could feel something poking my abdomen. I moaned loudly and my eyes widened. "A-re yo-u tran-sgender? " She chuckled darkly in my ear making goosebumps appear as she pinched both my nipples.

"No bambino, I'm intersex ." She sucked my nipple on the outside of my crop vest . I arched my back and my hands found her hair gripping it causing her to growl on my nipple.

"So you can f-uck me?" I stammered in pleasure feeling her teeth brush against my nipples making my eyes roll at the back of my head . She left my left untouched nipples and kissed my collar bone leaving hickeys. This are going to be hard to cover but I couldn't care less.

"Yes but I want our first time special not with your fuck boy near us." She traveled her cold hands to my waist and pulled me more to her.

"I expect you tomorrow at my office." I snapped out of trace then I haven't accepted and never will.

"I haven't said yes and I won't." I pushed her away . She stumbled a little but  gained her balance easily.

I knew that wouldn't work . She mumbled under her breath while I crossed and rolled my eyes.

"Then I will fire your fuck toy and will cut off his hands too so he can't touch what's mine again or I fire your mom." She growled showing no emotion and I couldn't let Eros be fired it will all be my fault . Mom loves her job . I was now mad all I saw was red.

"You can't do this?" I slapped and punched her chest but she pinned my arms above my head . I wanted to beat the crap out of her but I am so weak .

"It's all in your hands." She roughly kissed me and my tears but I didn't kiss her back. She tugged my tougue between her teeth before letting go. "I expect you tomorrow at my office."

I closed my eyes to try to calm down my anger but I felt so helpless  but I still could feel her warm breath on my jaw before she whispered "Scarlet Parker"
With that She let go of me and walked out making me open my eyes after.

I felt all the emotions . I was horny ,mad , helpless and guilty.

I hate myself. I must go for the sake of my family.

I walked up to my bathroom  and stripped.....

uess you all know what happened next?

𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑨𝑩𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 [18+]✔︎ ⚢︎Where stories live. Discover now