chapter 16

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Lovely's POV

(Edited finally)

My day went went by in blur. I managed to avoid Scarlet and her gazes all day. I was still mad that she left me on the edge.  I tried calling Eros but he wasn't answering my calls. What's wrong with him. "He is doing something more important than you."

Scarlet's words were ringing in my ears all day and wanted to make shut her up in all ways.  I was so mad at everything. I heard a tap on my desk and I didn't realize I zoned out. I flickered my eyes to the person and it was  Jade. I missed her so much. I stood up and hugged her.

"What brings you here?" I smiled at her . "Can't I  visit my best friend at her work?" She frowned and fake pouted.

"No you can. " I hugged her again. "Oh my God!" She shouted while looking at my neck . "Who gave you that huge ass hickey?" Her eyes were wide while removing my hair to look at it more.

What the fuck.

I looked through my handbag to get my mirror. "Holy shit" It was purplish and huge.  Jade traced it a couple of times before looking back at me. I looked everywhere except her.

I looked through the glass door to see Scarlet with a huge smirk on her face.   I glared at her , wanting to rip her throat out.. "No one important." I removed her hand from my hair and fixed it.

Jade followed my sight and licked her lips . I smacked her arm. "Wow what was that for?" She rubbed where I smacked.  "Stop staring." I looked everywhere except her .

"OH" She smirked connecting the pieces. Am dead welp.

"So you fucked?" Fuck why did she come . I didn't know whether to lie  or not.  She was staring at me looking for any lies. I nodded looking at my feet.

"OMG was it great?"  She squealed loudly. I just nodded not know what to do.

"Where are you going?" I called for her as she walked away from me. Oh god. I walked out of my mini- office hurriedly to stop her.  I grabbed her by the arm and shook my head 'no'. I even mouthed her 'please'.

"You will thank me later." I am gonna get fired.  She stood infront of Scarlet at her full size and I instantly gulped. "Do you like my best friend?" Scarlet looked a little taken back . I caught my breath waiting for her reply.

Seconds turned into minutes but when it was only 2 seconds.

"Yes very much" She stood up too towering Jade. I breathed out happily .  OMG She likes me. My stomach was doing flips. "She likes you too ." Jade blurted out and smiled.  " No I don't ." I whined Do I like her? No am sure and I  don't.

I love how she makes me feel but I don't like her.  I pulled Jade away from her to say something but I was beat up to it. "Scarlet what are you.." Our heads snapped to the direction of the voice .  Her face looked familiar but I couldn't lay my hand on.

I looked at Jade and she was staring at the woman like they were the only people in the world. It was the same with her. I swear her orbs were about to be heart shaped .  My best friend aka seducer had fallen in love.

Scarlet broke the silence " So...." Jade was red as a tomato and I rose an eye brow at her. She just  rolled her eyes playfully.  " You have to tell me everything."I clutched her arm and  whispered in the ear.

𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑨𝑩𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 [18+]✔︎ ⚢︎Where stories live. Discover now