chapter 35

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Scarlet's POV

   I am so stupid. How can I love someone who will never love me back. Why did I think I could turn a straight girl gay. I am so stupid.

A second ago I thought she likes me but I find her making out with her ex boyfriend. I have lost myself. This not me and this was never me.  I don't care for anyone. I don't love.

I am not weak. I have everything , why do I care about a 5'4 foot girl. If it is love, where is it? I can't see or hear it.  You are Scarlet Parker , tyrant and cold.

You are a monster that killed her dad mercilessly because of money. That's you. She's going to leave you when she finds out that. You thought she will stay with you because she's pregnant.

  "Hahaha." My laugh boomed in the quiet bar . I am so stupid.

I know if she finds out she's pregnant , she will abort it. She still loves him . That stupid thing. What does she see in him that I don't have. I have money, power , men , what else does she want?

I can give her everything she wishes for. She still has the guts to make out with his ex boyfriend when she lives with me. I am so dump. I don't know how I controlled myself and not have snapped her head off. I clutched my fist together making the glass break into pieces

My hand  was dripping with blood and some pieces were still in my skin. The sting at my hand was nothing to what I was feeling in my heart. The first time I met her everything seemed to slow down. Her chirpy self saying how straight she was  and has a boyfriend who loves him so much.

That day I made a promise to make her mine. "Hey look your hand is bleeding." I looked up and it was Adelina. She grabbed my hand and examined it. I took the chance to study her features.

Pump lips that had had now a ring lip tucked between her Button nose , black orbs, blonde hair that fell to her shoulders that now hided her face "Why did you dye your hair." She stopped examining my hand and looked at me.

"Some things change." I could feel the many emotions behind her words and she looked really sad. I have known Adelina since middle school. Our parents were the leaders  in different gangs and rivals. We couldn't fight each other like they did because we were best friends so we decided to work together.

"What's wrong?" I stood up and ran my hand through her hair. I was a little taller than her because I was wearing heels so she had to look up to meet my gaze.

We locked eyes........

Lovely's POV

"She is pregnant for month." Did Adelina leave her after she made her pregnant? Does Adelina know she's pregnant? Where is she even?

"Is the baby okay?" I looked back at the doctor. "Yes but she has 0.1 chance for her to survive this pregnancy." What ?  I can't let my best friend leave me . "Why?" Tears brimmed at the sides of my eyes and I blinked them away.

I don't understand. "Her body is weak and she's been not eating for more than a week," I nodded and swallowed my tears. "Let's say for her to get pregnant , her chances are very low and this time around it was a chance , Jade will be having a lot of complications and if the baby di..."

"Don't say that , her baby is going to be fine and Jade." I interrupted the doctor with tears rolling down my cheeks. "I want you and the father of the baby to be there for her at all times or else the baby's chances to miscarriage are very highly."

I nodded and whipped my tears from my cheeks. He nodded and I thanked him before I left his office.  I can't let my best friend die and her baby. I looked for my phone in my purse until I grabbed it.

I dialed Scarlet's number to ask her whether she knows where Adelina is but it was not reachable. I continued dialing it until I reached Jade's room. Why is she ignoring me? Don't think she's not , she is just confused.

I decided to text her a message instead but a scream inside beat me up to it. I rushed in and Jade was clutching her stomach tight. "Jade, are you okay?" I whispered and hugged her tight as she struggled in my arms.

"It hurts." I nodded as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Stay strong Jade." I choked on a sob and she shook her head 'no'. "Ple... I can't she doesn't love me anymore." She interrupted me and cried.

"My heart is hur-ting so much, she told me she will always be here for me, whe-re is she?"She sobbed in my chest and my heart was cracking more. I shook my head and sat on the bed. I wiped her tears and whispered. "She is going to come, don't worry."

I smiled a little and she shook her head. "She doesn't even know I have her baby, what am I going to do?" Jade burst out in tears again  and I hugged her more.  "We will take care of the baby together, I will be the godmother right?"

Someone pulled me away from Jade before she replied. "What have you done to her?" Jasmine glared at me and hugged Jade instead. "Jasmine she's Lovely my friend, treat her nicely." Jade wiped her tears and I smiled at Jasmine.

She glared at me more and I couldn't help but wonder what I did to her. I tried to recall people I have ever hurt but this was the first time meeting her. Her glare says everything she can't speak.

'Leave before I kill you.' I swallowed the lump in ma throat and wiped my tears. "Jade I will come visit you tomorrow, I promise." I walked to the other side of the bed and hugged her.

"Please don't do it again, you scared me to death." I whispered in her ear and she nodded. I let go of her and walked out of her room. I sighed deeply when I reached outside the room.

She's so possessive of Jade, I wonder if she will still be the same when she finds out Jàde's baby.

"I hope she doesn't leave her like Adelina did." I whispered to myself as I walked out of the hospital to my car.  I felt dizzy all over a sudden so I used the car for support until my head settled.

I shook my head and opened my car door. I roared the car into life and drove to Scarlet's place.

I hope we talk


his is a boring chapter but the next will be exciting .Sorry for the late update and thanks for the 7k votes.

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