chapter 24

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Lovely POV

"Hey baby," I groaned and tried to cover myself again. I heard a chuckle and  opened one of my eye. Scarlet had bugs under her eyes but it didn't affect her beauty at all.

What did I do to deserve someone like her. It's not like we are dating or something. I frowned and opened my other eye too. I stared into her black orbs and she looked into my blue ones.

I sat up and wrapped my hands around her neck hugging her tightly. I buried my head into the crook of her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent.  "Baby what's wrong?" She sounded worried.

I sighed and looked back at her orbs. " It's nothing am just hungry." I might've lied a little but am still hungry. "Are you sure?" I nodded and stood up walking to the nightstand where my phone was.

I bended and got my phone. My shirt ride up and exposed my ass. I felt a pair of lustful eyes and looked back at Scarlet. She had her lip tucked between her teeth with her hands clutching the bed sheets tightly. I stared into her eyes which were dilated and I was a little turned on.

I broke the stare and turned on my phone. I had thirty messages and fifteen calls from mom and fifteen messages from Jade. I texted mom a quickie that I wouldn't be back home for sometime. She replied back ok but tell me when you have a problem.

I replied an ok and texted Jade am fine before I shut it off. "Let's go eat breakfast." Scarlet was leaning on the door frame with a mutual expression. I got off the bed and walked to her. Her eyes were on me all the time and I swayed my hips more than usual.

I walked out but Scarlet pulled me to her chest. "Your so beautiful and I don't know how long am going to control myself." She whispered in my ear and I blushed red. A whole zoo erupted in my stomach and I wrapped my hands around her torso because I am so short to her.

Someone cleared her throat behind me and I turned with my glare. I glared at the bimbo who said Scarlet was hers. I smirked evilly at her before standing on my toes and grabbing Scarlet's collar .

I pulled Scarlet into a French kiss and I moaned softly. We pulled away after a minute and I turned to look behind me . The bimbo wasn't there and I smiled in satisfaction.

I looked back at Scarlet who was amused. "Were you jealous baby," Scarlet leaned in and bit my earlobe. I moaned softly in reply. "You don't have to,  your mine." She said in a deep yet feminine voice while  squeezing my butt and making me moaned loudly. "Am yours daddy."

Scarlet kissed me roughly and  whispered a good. She scooped me into her arms and sparks erupted where her hands were on my thighs . We walked to the kitchen and she sat me down on the chair. I unwrapped my arms from her neck and kissed her cheek in a thank you.

The food was served and I didn't waste any time before diving into it. I moaned in pure amazement. The food tasted amazing and I made a mental note to thank the cook.

"If you don't stop, I will take you right here hard." I choked on my food and looked at Scarlet. She looked dead serious. I shirked into my seat eating slowly but sometimes the moans would escape from my mouth.

I finished my food and stood up to take my dish to the sink. " What are we doing?" I turned around and Scarlet's face was a few inches from mine. I gulped and tried to pass from the left then right but her white knuckles were securely trapping me between her and the countertop.

She looked like she was trying to keep something at bay. "What do you wanna do?" She leaned in and I shivered. "I don't know?" I tried to push her back but she wouldn't budge. I sighed in puffs  feeling my breath hitch from her close we were.

She leaned in until it was a breath away from our lips from molding together. I closed my eyes and waited but nothing came. I opened my eyes and Scarlet was back at her seat smirking at me.

I looked down embarrassed with how she makes my body react. My face was red and I felt like crying. I went and sat down at my seat. I felt a pair of arms wrapping my small frame into a hug.

"Baby am sorry." Scarlet whispered as if it was her first time to say sorry. I wanted to laugh at the same cry but I kept everything at bay. I shook my head 'no' and pulled away from her hug still not looking at her.

"What do you want baby?" She lifted my chin using her finger. I looked down not meeting her gaze. I knew I would melt in her gaze. "Ice cream and you"
I whispered only for her to hear.

"Let's go get you ice cream." She ignored my second answer and I was mad. She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her torso. We walked to the bedroom and she sat me down on the bed.

She handed me a bag of Louis Vuitton and in my heart I jumped in happiness but I maintained a neutral face. I walked to the bathroom but she hugged me from behind. "Am sorry babe , I can't take it when your mad at me." I nodded my head and unwrapped her hands from my waist.

I locked the door and looked myself in the mirror. I gasped looking at my neck. I had purple  marks all around my neck. I raised my hair and gasped again loudly.  I removed my shirt and my body was decorated with hickeys wait scrub that, I mean huge ass hickeys.

I trailed my finger on one of the hickeys and pressed on it. I moaned softly. I looked at my nipples and they were covered with bite marks too. I checked my inner thighs and it was hell. Between my thighs were  hurting like a bitch at the same time I was wet.

I am really starting to think am her slut.

I don't know how to write romantic stuff because in the first place I don't know how to express it.

And thank you guys for the 14k scrub that 15k. I don't know whether I should do Adelina and Jade's book.

Please don't forget to check out my new book "Between her thighs" It's worthy the read.

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