chapter 22

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Lovely POV

Eros's dick is a sausage on this. I gulped feeling my panties dampen more. I was about to place my other hand on my dick but Scarlet held my right wrist and I winced.

Scarlet let go of my wrist and I couldn't find the courage to look up to her. "Stand up." She ordered calmly, very calm. I stood up and looked down at my feet. She stood up from her chair and walked away from me.

I heard a lock on the door and curtains swinging shut. It was dark left with a little sunlight peaking between the curtains. "Come here." I looked down while walking to where Scarlet was.

"Strip" I am not going to strip inside here. "No." I whispered but enough for her to hear. I felt a hand tug my hair roughly and another wrapping itself around my neck squeezing tight. She pulled my head back and spoke. She looked mad but controlled.

"You don't have a 'no' here unless you want my dick inside your little tight pussy." She growled at my face. I moaned in pleasure and pain.  My bead was throbbing. I clenched my thighs together making my panties touch it for a second.

I moaned loudly.  "Yes daddy." I choked out feeling the need to be touched.  Her words sent waves of fire inside my pussy. She stepped back and removed her hands from my body.

I removed slowly my hoodie not wanting to hurt my bandaged wrist. I didn't have anything under my hoodie. I threw it down at my feet and removed my skinny leggings leaving me in only my lacey underwear. I clenched my thighs together and hid my parts with my arms.

I  looked at Scarlet and her pants were zipped now. She had lust and worry in her eyes. She stalked to me like am the prey. I took steps until my back hit the cold bay glass. I arched my back and moaned in frustration.

She reached up to me and trapped me between her body and the wall. My breath hitched when her hand went to my thigh and lifted it up to her torso . She leaned her front against mine "aahhh.." I moaned loudly. My core was throbbing and she knew it.

She placed her knee at my entrance and I jerked my head back. My throbbing core was multiplied ten times more and it was so damn sensitive. I buckled my core to her knee but she withdrew it while lifting it my leg higher.

She placed it back and withdrew back. "Aaaah..." She did it a couple of times before she stopped. "Why did you cut?" My brain was so fuzzy and I managed to look into her eyes. I swear I saw stars everytime her knee hit my core.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I think it annoyed her because she placed her knee more at my core and pinched my hardened nipple. I moaned loudly and arched my back more.

She continued to assault my one nipple while the other was hard as a rock. She leaned kissed my neck to collarbone while sucking. Everything went wild, the more she kissed my neck , the more my core was reciving waves of pleasure.

"It was good." I choked out because my breath had hitched. "Good?" She said more of a question. "More than this?" She attached her lips on my nipple. I swear I saw more stars and fireworks.

My hands tried pushing her head back but she pinned them up my head. She intertwined her hand with mine while assaulting my nipple. Tears of pleasure rolled down my cheeks with me moaning loudly.

"No daddy." I choked on my tears. She stopped sucking on my nipples and looked at me. She kissed me passionately and whispered against my lips."Be a good girl and take it." I nodded my head before I felt her two long fingers enter my core.

I gasped and attached my lips back to hers. When did she remove my panties?

She pulled her fingers a part inside my pussy and I moaned into the kiss. "Daddy aaahh.." I tried to squeeze my thighs shut but she had her body pressed against mine.

I had to take it all like a good girl. The air conditioning wasn't helping at all. It's cold air was hitting my core in waves and I just cried out tears of pleasure. She pumped in and out her fingers that were inside my core and I squeezed the hand that were intertwined with mine.

"Aren't you a bad girl?" She whispered against my lips while fastening her pace. I felt my knees weaken and my organsm nearing. " Yes daddy , I am" I cried out .

She mouthed jump and I happily obliged. She sat me on her cold desk and my back arched. I still wrapped my legs around her torso and placed my head between the crook of her neck. I was breathing heavily at the same time crying out in pleasure.

She placed her thumb against my clit and rubbed in circles. I squirted on her fingers  " I promise to be a good girl please daddy.." She pressed her thumb more to my clit and I wrapped my hands around her neck for my dear life.

She hummed in response and pumped her fingers in me a few more times and curling them "Dad aaah.. I'm cumming" I  cried out unwrapping my hands from her neck to the edge of the desk. "Hold that shit in there." Tears off pleasure rolled down my eyes more.

I jerked my head back feeling her curling fingers hitting my g-spot for the seventh time. "Come for me , my slut." I didn't need to be told twice before I shuttered on her desk. She helped me roll out my organsm but she continued to assault my sensitive pussy .

I continued to moan for a few minutes before I PaSsEd out again.


*Sips holy water.*

I suck for the cliffhanger.

¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

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