chapter 17

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Lovely POV


I collapsed on the floor  and cried my heart out. How could they? How could he cheat on me? I sobbed all the way to my office . I knew Scarlet had already left so I cried not caring if anyone was hearing and no one was.  I bought my knees to the chest and placed my head on them.

I could still hear his moans, how he was biting his lip while he thrusted into him. I shut my eyes and tugged my hair. I thought we had a future together but he broke it.

How could he? I loved him but he broke me. I started hyperventilating because of all the crying I had done. I tried my breathing exercise but it all failed. I felt my a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my body.

I  inhaled the scent and it was Scarlet's. She rested my head on her chest and rubbed my back in circles.  She didn't say anything as I cried.  I hated being vulnerable so I pulled away from her grip and stared into her eyes.

We stared at each other for what felt like eternity. My eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips. Her lips were plump full pink. I didn't know I had closed the gap between us.

I caught her off guard  and smashed my lips against hers. It took her a second before she kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync and I loved every second of it.

Everything seemed to disappear and I forgot about Eros and Desmond. It was just me and her. Sparks flew everywhere as we kissed.  The kiss was slow and soft. It was filled with all emotions I had.

Tears  rolled down my cheeks as we kissed . Everything seemed perfect but it didn't stop the pain I had in my heart.
She pulled away and our foreheads rested together.

She wiped the tears that were on my cheeks. She pulled me on her lap making me straddle her hips and hugged me. I sobbed again while she hugged me. A few minutes later I had calmed down and looked at her again "It gonna be alright."

She whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair. Why is she doing this?  She kissed my forehead and I instantly closed my eyes. Her kiss lingered there for almost a minute.

"Can we leave from here?" I whispered feeling all light headed from the crying. "Okay" I got off her lap and stood up . I helped her up and gathered my things. She walked out of my mini office and came back with her hoodie.

She helped me put it on and wiped my tear stained cheeks. I inhaled her scent from the hoodie and it calmed me down . She side hugged me as we walked out of the company to parking lot. We stopped at a  Blue Lexus 2018. She unlocked it and opened the door for me.

I smiled at her and buckled myself up as she walked to her side. She roared the car into life and took off. "Where are we going?" I didn't want to go home looking like shit.

"Somewhere relaxing , you will like it." She used one hand to hold the steering wheel while intertwining her other hand with mine.

She drove out of the city and with in no time all I could see were trees. "Are you kidnapping me?" I looked at her with raised brows because I couldn't raise one.

I heard the most beautiful sound I ever heard. Scarlet chuckled. "Maybe "  "You should smile more."  She looked beautiful when smiling.  "I guess" She looked at me briefly before looking back to the road.  A few minutes later , the car slowed down.

She turned off the engine and got out. She walked to my side and opened the door for me.  I got out and looked around.    I saw  a majestice deep blue ocean. The waves were crashing freely against the shore. The cool gentle sea air swirled around us sending our hair in all directions.

We walked away from the car barefoot to the golden sea sand.  I sighed in content. We walked in comfortable silence and I couldn't help but remember what happened today.

Scarlet being there for me even though I hurt her before I found out about Eros. Does she really like me? I know am gay for her but I don't know whether I like her. Everything is confusing.

"Are you okay?" Scarlet broke the silence and I sighed. She told me he was cheating on me but I didn't believe her and now am hurt. I am so pathetic. I wish I believed in her.

I ran my hand through my hair and stopped in my tracks. Scarlet rose one of her perfect shaped eye brow.I tiptoed before she could say a word and smashed my lips against hers.

I pulled away not opening my eyes and whispered against her lips. "Thank you for everything." She looked taken back a little but wrapped her hands around my waist and hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around her neck to pull her closer. I breathed in her amazing scent and smiled a little.  I loved every minute and second of this. It was only us.

We pulled away and sat down looking at the stars. I just couldn't comprehend how all of this started. How a stranger turned into my boss and now here with me when heartbroken.

"What are you doing to me?" I whispered needing to know what she does to me . I spent three with Eros but he never gave me sparks or shivers.

"What do you mean?" She looked at me . I had a lot in my head. She was the only who made me want  more. Maybe if I didn't want more, I would have saved my relationship with Eros."You make me feel things no one has? I sobbed out with my voice cracking at the end.

"Today you made my feel loved and cared for." I am  hurt  but when she holds me everything changes. Why

"Tell me what you want me to do?" She ran her hand through her hair. I didn't know what I wanted her to do .

" Every time we kiss , I always want more" I sobbed more and continued "and when you touch me, you awake the fire inside me."  I stared at her with my glassy eyes. I want to kiss her again, they are addicting.

I realized her breath was stroking my face. I closed the gap and kissed her with passion.  She kissed me  back with the same passion.



Should I do Eros's POV

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