chapter 27

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Jàde's POV

My back arched off the bed from how big she was. "Fuck!" She groaned. Adelina removed the tip of her member from me and got off the bed too. I removed the blindfold and looked around to adjust my eyes to the light.

I inserted one of my finger to check whether my hymen was torn but it was still tucked into place. I heard water running in the bathroom and I stood  up with my jelly legs . I walked to it  and opened the half closed door  closing it slowly after I entered.

Adelina was under the shower with her back on the glass while her eyes were closed. I took my time to check her out. Water was glistening on her hard rock abs that you would think are sucked in. She had broad shoulders and really good biceps.

She definitely worked out every single week. Her breasts were firm and her nipples were hard red. My eyes finally landed on her lower region and I frowned. She had a boner a really eleven inch boner. How bad does it sound?

I walked slowly to her under the shower and whispered "Hey are you okay?" I looked up to her because she was I guess five inches taller than me. She looked down at me and her eyes were red from crying I think.

"Jade am sorry." She whispered before she hugging me tightly and crying softly in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her neck and ran one hand through her wet hair and whispered soft words to her.

"I let my anger take the best of me, am really sorry baby." She sobbed hard. I felt my eyes stinging with tears too. "It's okay babe you didn't do it." I swallowed my sob and let the tears mix with water from the shower head.

"I am a monster." Her voice cracked more. I couldn't help but cry because the woman I love was shedding tears when she did nothing wrong. (A/n idk why but I rolled my eyes at this?😃)

"No your not , your the most beautiful and kind hearted person in the world." I continued to stroke her hair.

My voice came out cracked. "I was about to do something I would forever regret." I wish I could tell I loved her so much. "It's okay calm down." God why don't I know how to do this now.

After a few minutes she calmed down and unwrapped herself from me. She stared into my blue orbs and I stared into her black. What did I do to get someone as beautiful as a rainbow.

We stared into each others eyes without blinking except when the water is  trying to enter our eyes . I didn't realize I had leaned in and she had too. Her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. I just crashed our lips into a passionate kiss without thinking but no regrets.

This kiss was filled with every emotion I had then. I stroked her cheek with my other hand still kissing her. I wanted her hands all over my body. I grabbed her hands and placed them on my waist and whispered "touch me." against her lips.

I leaned in again but she pulled away and I looked in her eyes but they showed no emotion now. She removed her hands from my waist and grabbed the nearest towel.

She got out of the shower and I eyed every single movement of hers. She wrapped the towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom without sparing me a glance. I sighed and also got out of the shower.

I wrapped the towel quickly around my body and walked out too. I found her already in a red button up shirt and black pant suit. I sat on the bed waiting for to say something. "I'm leaving for a few months and we should spend some time apart for the best of us."

"Don't look for me because you will never find me and it will be just a waste of your time " With that she grabbed her essentials and slammed the door shut. I waited for her thinking she will come back to me and say it's a joke like those Wattpad cliche scene but nothing came

It's all a lie. She left me alone with my thoughts and hurt. I walked to the door and turned the knob . I looked outside thinking she might be just outside the door but I faced an empty hallway.

My heart was hurting like someone was squeezing it hard. I slid down the door and cried my heart out. Is this how all it ends? Why did she leave me? I apologized why did she?

I cried for a good damn hours because when I finally looked up to the nightstand clock ,  it had been one hour and half. I gathered my strength and stood up. I got to what used to be our closet and got all my clothes I had brought here and placed them on the bed.

I packed my clothes in my suit case and all my things. I threw on some baggy clothes with some sneakers before walking back in the closet. I got two shirts of Adelina , two hoodies and packed them too. Don't ask me why? I don't know too.

Maybe for cuddling.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks remembering all our memories. I grabbed my purse and looked for her credit card. I placed it down on her dressing mirror and whiped my tears before walking out the bedroom without looking back.

I carried my suit case down the staircase and everyone looked at me. Some were happy and others in sorrow but I wanted to see a pair of eyes before I leave. I looked around until the butler came to me and said Adelina had gone an hour ago.

I sighed and nodded. I walked out of the mansion without looking back acting strong but a tear fell down. Every tear that had fallen , my heart was having a crack more. I ordered a cab to a nearest and cheapest hotel . I had some little money that I could feed on for three days at least .

I had been using her credit card given to me ever since I moved in with her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the taxi driver tapped my thigh. He told me we had reached. I payed him his fee and got out.

The hotel wasn't modern or rich but it was in the middle. I made a mental note to get a job cause hell sure I ain't going back to my mom.

I entered the hotel and everyone looked at mostly my bloodshot eyes but I didn't care. I payed for a room and I was given number 57. I climbed the stairs because they happened to have their elevator under maintenance.

I finally reached my room and I unlocked it with the key. It was a fair sized bedroom and I loved it already. It had a bay window near the closet. I fair sized bed and nightstand too. It also had a door , I think leading to the bathroom.

I closed the door and lied down on the bed facing the ceiling. Every time I remember Adelina my heart hurts more. It seems like we have broken up. She made me fall in love with her and left me afterwards.

I got the nearby pillow and sobbed into it. It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep but my mind had one question.

Is it our happy ending?

Tables turned (┛❍ᴥ❍)┛彡┻━┻

I am really an angel. I couldn't leave you hanging even though am super sleepy and it's 3am. 😌

Tysm guys for the 50k reads double update.
You are wondering why I introduced Melanie and the Bella the bimbo Lovely hates, your answers are in the next chapters.

Stay tuned

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