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The way too familiar Trap music boomed through the house as you woke up. Knowing it was Dylan cooking in the kitchen you grabbed your pillow and put it over your ears. Groaning, you couldn't go back to sleep. 'Love Sosa' was keeping you from doing so.

"This bitch." You whispered as you lifted your head from the soft pillows.

The bright sun shining through the blinds made your head hurt more than the blasting music. Making your way to the bathroom, you brushed your teeth and washed your face.

"Hi babes." Dylan smiled once she saw you walk into the kitchen.

Completely ignoring her you walked straight to her speaker and turned the music down. The blank but angry expression on your face said enough. You weren't a morning person and living with Dylan only made it worse.

"Sorry, but look I made food!"

"I wasn't planning on waking up until 1."

"Girl we need to go shopping!"

"I'm not going shopping with you." You sat at the kitchen island.

"Why? You need an outfit!"

"I have clothes, stop trynna make me spend money."

"Y/n, please just come to the mall with me. You don't gotta buy shit." She rolled her eyes.

"I'll think about it."

She sighed and handed you a plate with pancakes and fruit on it. Dylan was a good cook and you loved her food. Something about her pancakes were always the best, like she put something special in it.

You listened to Dylan talk about what she wanted to wear. She had so many ideas you couldn't even keep up.

"Don't get me started on all the fine ass men that's gonna be there."

"You know who's going?"

"Kinda, just a few people. This nigga I've been eyeing for a while is gonna be there!"

"You mean stalking?"

"No, eyeing!"

"What's his name?"

"Connie, he's this lil mixed boy that I saw at a party once."

"You didn't talk to him?"

"Girl no, he was talking to other girls and you weren't there to hype me up!"

"Don't blame that on me. You'll get your chance to talk to this Connie soon."


Dylan convinced you to go to the mall with her. Bribing you with food was the best way to get what she wanted.

"Do you think this is cute?" Dylan held up a black cropped long sleeve.

"I guess."

"You supposed to be helping me."

"We going skating not to a party! Just find something cute but comfortable."

"You right."

You followed Dylan from store to store as she slowly put her outfit together. You ended up buying some jewelry from forever 21.

"Ow!" On your way out the store some guy completely stepped on you.

"My fault." The guy chuckled and backed off.

He was a white boy with a sandy brown mullet. His light brown eyes squinted as he eyed you up and down.

"I'm Jean, what's your name beautiful?" He held his hand out for you to shake.

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