In his feels

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"Y/n what the fuck was that!" Dylan yelled once you got outside.

"What was what?" You tried playing dumb.

"Hey you said he was just a friend." Sasha threw her arms up.

"He is."

"Then why'd you kiss him?" Connie said.

You were being pressed by all three of them. Dylan was Supposed to be on your side but because her nigga was friends with Eren she's stuck with him. That was really some fucked up shit but you couldn't deal with that right now. You had to find a way to defuse the situation.

"Did you not see your homeboy dancing with some bitch?"

"He only did that because he saw you walk away with that nigga!"

You looked at Dylan to see if she was gonna let Connie speak to you that way. She looked like she wanted to intervene but she didn't.

"Fuck you." You said in Dylan's Direction but you meant it for everyone.

Walking away and back into the party you found Jean and he was standing alone by the drinks. You peeped Eren and he saw you. He started moving through the crowd towards you. You wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Come on." He grabbed your hand tight.

"Nigga let go!" You smacked his arm with your free hand.

He just loosened his grip but continued to drag you outside. He took you all the way back to the car and now you both were standing in front of it.


"Really? I leave for one second and you're dancing with a new bitch."


"Jean was just apologizing for what he did-"

"Bro shut up and let me speak."

The alcohol from his breath hit your nose as he moved closer. He didn't seem fucked up but you knew he had a couple drinks.

"Look, I saw you walk away with him and something in me thought you didn't want me anymore, so I found a girl who did."

"I left for two fucking seconds!"

"I know, I was just...when you started dancing with him, you seemed to have more fun."

"I was just trying to piss you off!"

He face palmed and turned around with his back towards you. It seemed like he was regrouping himself before he could say anything else.

"Listen y/n, I like you and I don't wanna lose you over me being a jealous prick."

Hearing those words 'I like you' made your heart drop. You weren't sure if he really liked you or was he only after one thing. Those words that came out of his mouth sounded so pure and genuine.

"Turn around and say it to my face."

He slowly turned back around and you leaped forward and gave him a hug. He was stunned at first but soon started to hug back.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He pulled back a little.

"I guess." You rolled your eyes.

He looked into your eyes then gave you a quick kiss on the lips. You wanted another one so you kissed him again. That turned into y'all wanting more kisses. You were now leaned up on the hood of his car making out.

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