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You stayed over because you wanted to spend more time with Eren. You woke up before him so you got up to brush your teeth and wash your face. After freshening up you went downstairs to make some cereal.

You walked in the kitchen and Armin was in there. You stopped walking right when you saw him. He was shirtless with basketball shorts on. He looked just as buff as Eren maybe even stronger.

"Hey Armin." You said trying not to look at his body.

"H-Hey y/n." His face started turning pink.

"I'm surprised you're up early, you drank alot last night."

"Me too, my head hurts a lot though."

"Maybe you should've be out of bed right now." You said while pouring your cereal.

"Oh I used all the milk."

"You could've said that before I poured it." You rolled your eyes.

"I can go get milk, you can still have your cereal." He said while leaving the kitchen to go to the hanging keys near the front door.

"You really don't gotta do all of that." You tried stopping him.

"It's fine the store is just right down the street." He said while putting on a hoodie he found in the coat closet.

"Can I come with you at least?"

"Not like that." He looked at you up and down.

You forgot you had on one of Erens oversized shirts with your underwear underneath. You got flustered because you forgot you didn't have any pants on. You pulled the already long shirt down a little more.

"I think I saw some joggers in the closet." He laughed and opened the door to look inside again. Soon he pulled out some black sweatpants.

"None of you can fit these so who's are these?" You said while grabbing them and putting them on.

"Uhh Jocelyn's maybe?"


"Yeah, My bad."

"Whatever let's go." You opened the door and walked out the house.

This was your first time in Armin's car and it smelled way fresher than Erens. You could tell he was a very clean and neat person. He let the radio play on the way to the store.

"You have really nice hair." You blurted out as you looked at his golden blonde hair.

"Thanks." He said while moving his hair away from his face.

"Why do you always get agitated when i talk to you?"

"W-what I don't get agitated." He didn't even look at you while saying it.

"See, you stuttered."

He didn't respond instead he just kept driving and soon parking in the Walmart parking lot. You don't take your eyes off of him the whole time because you wanted him to answer.

"I don't think we should talk about that y/n." He softly said as he turned his head to look at you.


"It'll just make it weird." He opened the door and got out.

'Make it weird?'

You followed behind him. He walked through the store and it was hard for you to keep up.

"Armin I'm sorry for making you upset but could you slow down."

"I'm not upset." He stopped walking to turn around to look at you.

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