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Y'all ended up getting McDonalds (or any other place you like) and now y'all was sitting in the parking lot talking. He was definitely the talkative type because he just couldn't stop talking.


"So when I got up he punched me right in my shit, I can't lie that hurt but don't worry love I beat his ass!"


"Sorry." He grinned like a little boy, squinting his eyes while doing it.

"Damn do you ever shut up!"

"I'm not used to girls listening ya'know? They always complaining and telling me about drama but you actually care about what I have to say. I like that about you."

That made you smile. You made him feel appreciated and he did the same.  You guys went back and forth talking about your firsts. First fight, kiss, and everything. He left no details out but you definitely did because you didn't want him to think of you differently.

"So uh who's that Bryson guy?"

You knew this question was bound to come up. You had to tell him one of these days.

"He's my ex best friend."

"Not ex boyfriend?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?"

"He just gave off that vibe, Possessive ex."


Eren felt your energy start to shift. He really wanted to know the back story but pushing you probably wasn't the best thing to do.

"Let's go." He got ready to put the keys in the ignition.


"You'll see." He smirked.

He drove for a bit playing his music while you vibed out in the passenger seat. He had his right hand on your thigh occasionally squeezing it when you would sing along with the songs. You took a picture of him holding onto you and posted it. Hella people reacted to your story and it was jealous dudes and nosy bitches trying to figure out who that was.

You laughed at the messages and he noticed you giggling.

"What's funny shorty? Make me laugh."

"Mind yours."

"So mean."

"I'm not! Ugh Look these people wanna know who you are!" You turned your phone towards him.

"Okay show them."


"Take a pic with my face in it."

"Why would I do that?"

"To get them to shut up."

"I'm not gonna do that."

"Why? You don't wanna show me off?"

"There's nothing to show off Eren."

He sucked his teeth and shut his mouth. A couple minutes later y'all pulled into this neighborhood and it was filled with huge houses.

"This one."

"Is this your house?"

"No, this is the house with the indoor pool and we're gonna break in."

"Nigga what?"

"Don't worry I know the owner so."

"Eren i'm not finna break into someone's house! Have you seen me? I'm black! And when the cops get here they taking me first!" You yelled at him.

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